° Chapter. 6

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Jungkook drove well over the speed limit, changing traffic lights from red to green on his way to the Montgomery Mansion to see what kind of mess awaited his arrival. As he shifted gears down the last stretch of road, he found his mind flooded with everything that had happened in the past between the Jeon family, and the Montgomery's. Like Jungkook's family, the Montgomery's were Vampires, however, they were not from royal, rich blood like the Jeon's were. In fact, the Montgomery line dated back to the late 14th century when the first of their family found themselves as a human – lying on the ground and bleeding out due to being bitten by a rogue Vampire, just after the plague had ended. Fortunately for them, Jungkook's grandmother was the one to save them, giving them new life - in a way. Thus, the Jeon's and the Montgomery's had been close family friends ever since; referring to each other as 'cousins' more often than not. All Vampires knew that there were two types of Vampires. The first type was Vampires like Jungkook, who were born into the world as Vampires from royal blood. The second were the types of Vampires like the Montgomery's who had human descent – meaning their blood was not pure, and not royal. Way back when, there used to be a lot of discrimination for those not born of royal blood, but Jungkook's family helped to eliminate that prejudice – hence why even rogue Vampires bowed to their existence.

"You better not have done anything stupid, Yoongi…" Jungkook thought of his older cousin as he made a left turn to pull up into the mansion. Having little to no patience, Jungkook's Vampiric abilities allowed him to forcefully swing open the cast iron gates at the entrance to the long driveway. He had always particularly disliked the Montgomery's choice of home. It was too modern, too minimalistic – too clean and futuristic in comparison to Jungkook's love for everything dark and mysterious. He knew that his arrival was expected, so upon scattering the gravel in the driveway as he pulled up the handbrake and skidded to a halt, he flung himself out of his BMW and slammed the door behind him. As Jungkook angrily, yet swiftly walked towards the large, white door that looked seemingly haunting in the shadow of the moon behind the clouds – he was greeted by none other than Yoongi's father, Gabriel.

"My Prince, you're here…thank goodness" Gabriel bowed down to him, but Jungkook was not in the mood to return his cousins niceties. Jungkook looked down at him on the doorstep, letting his breath fill his lungs and trying his best to keep a cool head. As Gabriel rose to his feet, Jungkook couldn't help but notice the beginnings of red rings under his blacked eyes – his silver hair that framed his old face was string-like and worn like a raw rope that needed a good conditioning.

"Where is Ciella?" Jungkook asked him in a flat tone as he stormed past him, looking around the entrance hall and the lack of furniture, being hit by a foul smell that filled his nostrils and almost made him gag on the spot.

"She – my wife is in the cellar…where we kept him" Gabriel stuttered as he attempted to keep up with Jungkook's long strides towards the cellar door. As Jungkook made his descent down the large staircase, he gauged that there were approximately 5-6 other souls in the mansion at that time, including himself.

"Who else is here?"

"Myself, Ciella, you and the three maids. No one was here when he escaped 2 hours ago." Gabriel spoke quickly and informatively as he knew Jungkook was not the type to take kindly to mindless chitchat.

"Who discovered he was missing?" Jungkook asked as he walked through the main door of the cellar, seeing the countless locks, bars and chains that were put in place to keep Yoongi on lockdown – completely broken.

"I did, my Prince" Jungkook turned his head around to see Ciella – still looking as glamorous as ever in her blue velvet, floor length gown, even when in mourning for her precious son who had now gone rogue. "The locks, the chains – everything was broken. We have NO idea how our son could have done this…it's impossible I –"

"Be quiet" Jungkook silenced her, walking in to the middle of the large cellar area to get a better feel for what went on. Jungkook closed his eyes and relaxed his body, letting his mind wander as he attempted to piece together what happened through veil and scent. Right in front of him was a single sized bed – beside it, sat a decent sized television that was obviously placed there for Yoongi's sake. Jungkook had been in this cellar many times before, so he knew of all its strengths – for there were no weaknesses. Again, Jungkook found himself being repulsed by a humming stench that slated the air around him.

"Can neither of you…smell that atrocious stink?" Jungkook raised his hand to his nose – which he was then hit by the smell of you on his fingertips from when he touched you back at your apartment that seemed to completely cancel out what was in the room around him.

"…no? What do you mean?" Ciella asked, almost offended at his words. Jungkook could feel the vein in his forehead beginning to protrude as he concentrated, moving around the room in the hopes of detecting something that was off – when finally, he stopped just outside the small bathroom attached on to the cellar.

"When was the last time Yoongi was fed?" his voice was low and stern as he entered the bathroom, looking at the plant pot just above the toilet that was just adjacent to a small bathtub.

"Why – we feed him on the first Tuesday of every month, like you ordered us to, my Prince" Gabriel came up behind Jungkook with Ciella, both of them curious as to what he may have found. Jungkook raised his eyebrows slightly as he reached up to take the plant pot in his hand.

"And you've been feeding him the blood I manufactured for him, correct?"

"Absolutely, your highness. Yoongi has been consuming that blood for over 10 years now…ever since we were forced to keep him locked up all alone down in this awful cellar" Ciella would have cried if she had emotions, but she sounded bitter nonetheless. Jungkook knew that Ciella always loathed him from the day and hour the Jeon family put Yoongi in chains. But the other option was out of the question for the Montgomery's, and the cellar seemed like the better idea at the time.

Jungkook turned around slowly with the plant pot, looking Ciella and Gabriel in their eyes as he tipped it upside down. Both of them stared in awe as blood slowly trickled and seeped out of the artificial plant – staining the white tiles on the floor.

"Oh.." Ciella gasped as she clutched on to Gabriel's arm.

"…do you…have any idea what you have done?" Jungkook tried his best to keep his composure, but he found himself being filled with uncontrollable rage that he had never felt before as he threw the plant pot at the bathroom mirror; shattering it into a thousand pieces.

"My Prince! Please, it wasn't our fault, we didn't know that Yoongi wasn't drinking and we don't know how he could have –"

"Fools!" Jungkook roared back at Gabriel – the sound of his voice reverberating throughout the entire room that made the walls rumble and shake in response. Gabriel and Ciella cowered in the aftermath as Jungkook's echo continued throughout the entire mansion.

"Can't you see what's going on here? Do neither of you share half a brain between the both of you?!" Jungkook spat his words at them as he began striding over to the cellar door, holding the locks and chains in his hand.

"Any human with an IQ north of 100 would be able to see that these locks and chains were broken from the outside. And…and you call yourselves Vampires?" he chuckled sarcastically – his laugh being used as a form of self-control as all he wanted to do was to bring the whole house down on top of all of them.

"Your Highness…please forgive us…please just find our boy and bring him back to us. He's…he's a delicate soul. He knows not of the world now since being so isolated from it" Ciella clung on to Jungkooks arm out of pure desperation, only to have Jungkook push her off him like she was dust on his suit.

"A delicate soul?" Jungkook sneered at her, his eyes wild and furious as the lights in the cellar flickered, "Do you forget the reason why I ordered him to be locked up down here?" Jungkook took a step towards her as she backed further up into Gabriel's arms, "You know what would have happened had I not shown mercy, right?"

"He made a mistake, my Prince! It wasn't his fault, he –"

"Shut up" Jungkook flicked his eyes at Gabriel. "Idiots" he thought to himself.

"Does Yoongi have a mobile? A laptop?" Jungkook asked in annoyance as he stood back, observing the Montgomery's faces as they shook their heads. "We took them off him, just like you and your parents had advised us" Gabriel croaked – still with Ciella in his arms with her raven hair spread out across his chest. Jungkook was about to look away, before he caught Ciella looking down at the ground, with a more than blameworthy expression painted across her porcelain features.

"…Ciella?" Jungkook's voice was soft, yet menacing as he inched his way over towards them once again. Ciella knew that she couldn't lie to the likes of Jeon Jungkook, and she had no other choice but to come clean.

"I took his laptop off him, but I let him keep his phone…he was so lonely down here and I didn't want him to waste away with no stimulus at all – I made him delete all his contacts and –"

"You stupid, stupid crone!" Jungkook bellowed at her, his voice dripping with exasperation as he physically had to stop himself from grabbing her and throwing her against the wall. "It doesn't matter if he deleted the contacts – he can still access the internet and contact them that way!"

"You two…are totally clueless. I should have never left him in your hands. I should have just destroyed him all those years ago" he growled as Ciella put her hand to her chest, clutching on to it for dear life, while Gabriel kept his eyes safely on the ground. "He's the worst kind of monster there is. Putting a phone in his hand…" Jungkook chuckled, "you may as well have given him the key to that door instead."

Jungkook turned around; looking down at his watch to see it was almost 10:30pm. He knew that he had so much on his plate; he knew that he had Yoongi – a loose cannon to worry about. Yet his mind wandered back to you. "Is she in bed? Has she eaten? Is she…thinking about me?"

"My Prince…what are you thinking?" Gabriel finally spoke up.

Jungkook swallowed quickly, shaking his head before looking back into the faces of his cousins and taking a huge breath, ready to explain his findings that were apparent from what was in front of him, "Yoongi didn't escape on his own. I can smell more than one accomplice by the door. And whoever they were, they covered their tracks well" he paused, trying to read the Montgomery's shocked expression. "In all the time he has been locked away, has anyone ever come to visit him?" he asked in a deep voice, seeing both Yoongi's parents shake their head with complete bewilderment flooding them.

Jungkook paused once again, knowing that there was one contact on the outside world that Yoongi knew of – and knew where to find. "Have you contacted your younger son yet?"

Ciella stared straight back into Jungkook's eyes, Gabriel doing much the same as a look of disgust rolled onto both their faces, with Ciella almost turning her nose up at the thought of her other son.

"Why would we contact that? Besides, Yoongi would never associate himself with the likes of him. They may be brothers – but the only thing they have in common is they both come from my womb" Ciella almost snarled at him. Jungkook knew he had hit a sore point within Ciella and Gabriel. He had always found it quite comical how they were so ashamed of their youngest for his certain 'eccentric' lifestyle, but they were always so kind and forgiving of their oldest who had committed crimes much worse.

"Well, it would be best to contact Taehyung immediately and inform him of this situation – just in case Yoongi would go to him. Need I say more?" Jungkook warned. Just as Gabriel was about to retaliate, Jungkook spoke up again in a domineering, vicious voice, "That was not a request; that was an order, from your Prince" he paused briefly, turning to look at both of them from the corner of his eye, "And you better hope that your people track him down before mine do…otherwise, I'll do what I should have done all those years ago."

Jungkook never even bothered to bid his cousins farewell. Instead, he stormed up the stairs three at a time, leading to the entrance of the Montgomery Mansion and saw himself out – leaving Gabriel and Ciella with the task of sending out a search party in the hopes they could recover Yoongi before it was too late. Jungkook sprinted across the hallway and outside to see the full moon in the sky – no clouds hiding her face as he looked up to gaze upon her beauty; before he finally gathered his thoughts, dreading the repercussions of Yoongi's foolishness. As he stood before his car, he looked down to the ground – inhaling the night air deep into his lungs as he thought;

"I hope it's not me who finds him. Because if I find him…

…I'll have no other choice, but to destroy him"

You bobbed you head up and down, sleep wanting to enter your body and take over as you sat on your sofa, watching the tail end of a random drama on television. Looking in front of you, you could see the coffee you made Jungkook still sitting on the table – now cold and undrinkable, before glancing at the clock that had just gone 12:23am. "I suppose I should go to bed…" you yawned, stretching your limbs out lazily before taking to your feet. You looked around you, suddenly feeling very lonely – lonelier than you had ever felt in the past year of living in your humble abode. You didn't want to, but you began thinking about how lovely it was to have another human beside you in your living room. But what was even lovelier, was the fact that human was Jungkook.

"Mugsy…I think I'm falling for my boss…" you spoke out loud to your cat who looked up at you from his bed beside the sofa – just looking at you as if he could really understand what you're saying. "It's wrong for me to feel that way, right?" you asked again as you walked over to your window to close your curtains. Mugsy – as per usual, didn't acknowledge your heartfelt words. Rather, he just moved his head in the opposite direction and lay it down on his paws once again to doze off.

You let out a tired sigh, resting your elbows upon the windowsill as you noticed a full moon, shining bright in the sky. "Wow…" you breathed out, gazing up at its sheer size and magnificence – suddenly feeling rather small and unimportant in comparison.

"I wonder…does Jungkook like the moon? Does…he ever think about me like this, when he's lonely?" you questioned yourself – wanting nothing more than to rewind time to when he was sat right next to you on your sofa. The only regret that filled you was the fact you took too long to lean in to kiss him, to feel his lips and more of him on you once again. "More of him?" you dared to think, leaving you filling your mind with 'what if's' and girlish diffidence that you hadn't felt in a very long time. Sighing to yourself, you drew the curtains together and decided to call it a night. But you couldn't get Jungkook out of your mind, even when you were climbing into bed. All you could think about was him. "Is he asleep yet? Did he eat dinner? Is he…dreaming?" such thoughts tortured you, before you finally felt the heavy weight of tiredness close your eyelids once and for all – and you were out like a light.

Had you known of a presence across the street from your apartment block, staring right at you as you were gazing at the moon - perhaps, getting to sleep would have been more of a difficult task. For there was indeed a presence. It had curious eyes as black as coal, with hair to match. Its skin resembled the paleness of milk; and it had watched you the entire time from the shadows, before you closed your curtains and turned in for the night.

"Found you" it whispered.