° Chapter. 7

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Life had presumably returned to its normal, leisurely pace. You woke up each morning, went to work, came home, slept – and repeated the same thing each day after the other. However, one thing that certainly had changed was the atmosphere between you and your boss, Mr. Jeon Jungkook.

Before, the relationship you both shared was nothing but pure business. You never spoke to him unless to inform him of something work related – or when you were spoken to directly by him. But now, things seemed quite different, indeed. Of course, you still maintained and upheld your professional image – it was your job, after all. But it seemed as if things had become slightly more casual between the both of you. Unlike before, you noticed Jungkook taking more of a personal interest in you. Saying things like "Good morning, (Y/N)" in the most pleasant tone you had ever heard him speak in – and asking you questions such as "Did you sleep well?" or "Shall we eat lunch together in my office?" At first, you were completely taken aback by the sudden shift in his personality. But, the longer you thought about it each night when you returned home and tossed and turned in bed, the more you realised that you were genuinely falling for your boss, hard and fast. "Could…could he feel the same way?" you often smiled and giggled as you tucked yourself into the foetal position under your blankets. "No, don't be stupid…why would Jungkook ever fall for a normal commoner like me?" was a frequent thought that plagued you – yet, you did toy with the idea that maybe, possibly…he felt the same way. He seemed warmer and friendlier in so many aspects. Each time you found yourself near him, you began smiling for no reason, and your heart began beating just that little bit faster when his stare lingered in your direction a little too long.

Little did you know; Jungkook most certainly did feel the same way about you. Since work had been so busy as of late, he hated the fact that he couldn't offer his time outside of work hours to pick up where you both left off before he was so rudely interrupted. But the interruption was not without good cause. Yoongi Montgomery's escape had every single Vampire in the country on high alert…and his whereabouts? Despite everyone being on the lookout, despite countless search parties to find him, Yoongi's whereabouts remained unknown; even to Jungkook.

"Okay – you're not supposed to be in here…" you mumbled to yourself as you reached deep into one of the many metal filing cabinets that filled the report room on your department floor. Normally, you weren't the person in charge of filing away company reports. But since everyone had been run ragged coming up into December – you had offered to help your co-workers with their workload, since you were slightly ahead of schedule, as always. Thus, you found yourself buried under files in the empty report room at the far end of the hall from Jungkook's office, sorting through management reports that needed to be alphabetically re-ordered.

As you stoop on the balls of your feet to reach up and pull down some more papers, you heard the door creaking open from just behind you. Thinking it was one of your co-workers who asked for your assistance, you didn't even bother to turn around to address them.

"I'm almost done with this lot, is there any more that you need me to do?" you asked, your voice cheery despite feeling a little fed up with so much sorting.

"Oh – (Y/N), what a surprise to find you in here!"

You froze on the spot, fully realising that it was not your co-worker who had just entered the room. Rather, it was the last person you ever wanted to be alone with; for more reasons than one. You turned around, seeing Mr. Brown standing in the doorway as he slowly began smiling at you and closing the door shut behind him.

"H-hello Mr. Brown" you kept your cool, not wanting him to know that you were nervous about being in this position with him. "What brings you to this department today?" you asked as normally as you possibly could. You knew that Mr. Brown worked in the accounting department – which essentially meant that there was no good reason as to why he would be snooping around management. Mr. Brown gave you his usual, more than creep-like chuckle as he began walking towards you – his hands in his pockets as he opened his mouth to speak.

"Well, I was just on my way back from lunch when I remembered that I needed to have a look at a file to summarise this quarters fiscal report~" he smiled at you, baring his coffee stained teeth as he continued to approach you. "But since you're here…maybe you wouldn't mind helping me? You're such a good girl for Mr. Jeon, I'm sure he'd appreciate you helping me out" his tone was as greasy as his hair that he always wore slicked back with too much gel. You swallowed quickly, blinking a few times as you took a step back.

"Oh – okay, well…what file are you looking for? I just sorted these ones out so, perhaps –"

"The Montgomery file, please~ Have you seen it, (Y/N)?"

If you weren't already on edge from Mr. Brown's domineering behaviour, you were certainly beginning to feel it now. You knew from his request alone that his intentions were not true, for the Montgomery file was classified; in other words, no one but Jungkook had access to it. Sure, there were times you were told to look over some parts of it and change minor details here and there. But not even you, as Jungkook's P.A had full access to it. "What is he up to?"

"Uh…" you stalled, not able to think clearly with the way his eyes were latching on to your every subtle move. "I'm afraid I don't have access to that file…and even if I did, it's under strict confidentially. If you'd like, I could arrange for you to have a meeting with Mr. Jeon to discuss it? Other than that…I can't really help you." Every word you spoke was the truth. Even if you did want to give Mr. Brown access to such files – you couldn't. Those types of special files were not stored away for anyone to be able to come in and snoop at – no. Jungkook kept the Montgomery file with him at all times; for what reasons, even you didn't know.

Mr. Brown chuckled out loud, sweeping his tongue across his bottom lip as you suddenly found yourself backed up against the wall. "Now now, come on (Y/N) – don't be like that. Just tell me where the file is, okay? It will be our little secret. I won't tell Jungkook if you won't~" he came even closer to you, sending alarm bells ringing throughout your mind while simultaneously, you became agitated at how he thought he could just come in and manipulate you as if he were god's gift to the world.

"What is it exactly that you want, Mr. Brown? I told you – I do not have access to that file. And to be honest, I think you're being quite out of line. This isn't your department – you have no reason to be in this room." You became brave, feeling a fire ignite in your stomach, "I'll inform Mr. Jeon of your request and I'm sure he'll get back to you and –"

"You're a feisty one, aren't you?" Mr. Brown grinned at you – though his tone and demeanour did not match his smile. "Stop making trouble for yourself – just get me the damn file. Or is there another reason you're protecting your boss so valiantly? Hmm?" he placed his hand on the wall beside your face, completely cornering you and leaving you with no escape route.

"I – I have no idea what you're insinuating –"

"What exactly is your relationship with Mr. Jeon? Hmm? Are you his bit on the side? Have you slept together yet? I bet he does that to all his pretty little assistants he hires and fires" he cut you off once again, leaning in towards you as his voice got deeper and louder. You were shaking – your heartbeat dancing in behind your ribcage. Yet, even though you were terrified of him, you still refused to let him get the best of you.

"That's a highly inappropriate question – I think it's best you leave right now before someone comes in." You tried your best to stop your voice from shaking, but all it got you in return was somewhat of a menacing laugh from Mr. Brown – his face now agitated and irate as he screwed his eyebrows together. He was so close to you in that moment, you could clearly smell his old, cheap cologne that reminded you of the sweaty business men in line at the convenience store – and it was just as putrid as the smell of his breath as he threatened you;

"I think its best that you go back to being a good little girl and do as you're told, before something highly inappropriate happens to you"

Back in his office, Jungkook leaned back from his desk –slightly fatigued from staring at his computer screen for the best part of 4 hours. As he lay in his chair, he found himself opening his eyes and letting them wander over to the door that led into your little office. "I wonder what she's up to?" he questioned himself as his lips curled at either side to form his charming smile. Jungkook then began wondering if you were busy – thinking of ways he could possibly get you to come in and 'help' him. In other words, he was so love-struck and addicted to being in your presence that when you were gone, he missed you terribly. Never had he experienced the need or longing for someone – especially a human.

"I could ask her for more coffee…maybe say that she messed up yesterday's report and that we both have to stay late to fix it?" he let out a small giggle – slightly ashamed at how lovesick he was acting towards you. Jungkook no longer questioned the way you made him feel – for he knew exactly what it was. Yet, he hadn't fully admitted it to himself either as all his life, he was lead to believe that Vampires were unable to fall in love. At first he didn't believe it, but it was apparent now that he had feelings for you. His thoughts, both innocent and explicit – all pointed in the same direction; the desire to have you by his side, as his lover.

"Jeon Jungkook…what have you turned into?" he jokingly asked himself, before sitting upright in his chair and picking up his office phone, pressing your extension number and waiting for the call to connect. As he sat waiting for you to answer, he could hear the line ringing – along with your phone in the other room.

Ring ring~ Ring ring~

"Why isn't she answering?" he tilted his head to the side after a few moments, before the call cut off. Jungkook stood up and leaned over his desk – trying to look through the narrow window that usually gave him a clear view of you, hard at work; only to find that you were not in your usual place. Jungkook briskly walked around his desk and opened your door to see all of your things – including your handbag, in their usual place.

"Strange, maybe she's gone to the ladies?" he thought – always being aware of that side of humans that Vampires never needed to worry about. Jungkook had often found it quite comical how he needed to uselessly excuse himself every now and again to use the washroom, to make it seem like he was a normal, functioning man. However, he knew that whenever you did go to relieve yourself – you always took your handbag. Yet, it was still sitting there and waiting for your return. Jungkook turned on his heel, walking towards the main door and letting himself out into the reception area – seeing everyone hard and work and going about their daily afternoon business.

"Excuse me – Erina, do you perhaps know where (Y/N) is? I…I require her assistance" Jungkook addressed one of the receptionist staff as she looked up at him quickly.

"Oh – yes Sir! (Y/N) went to the report room to sort through a few files that had gotten all mixed up and messy. Would you like me to go and get her?" she raised her eyebrows at him politely, only to see him shake his head in response.

"That's quite alright, I'll fetch her myself" Jungkook replied quickly as he began walking off towards the report room. "Why is she doing that? I didn't ask her to…" he found himself brooding over the amount of work and pressure you always loaded on to yourself. Jungkook was quite well adjusted to living a stressful work-life, but he had since begun to worry about just how much you did for him, even when it was unasked of you. He admired your strong work ethic – ultimately, it was something about you that was so attractive for him. But your health concerned him, nonetheless.

As Jungkook found himself halfway down the hall, he stopped motionless in his tracks upon sensing something he had never felt in his own office. "What?" he thought, feeling an extremely insidious and fearful vibe thick in the air. Squinting his eyes, he listened carefully with his superhuman abilities, before the next thing he knew – he could sense you. Not only that, but he could practically inhale the fear that was radiating from your psyche, and he knew immediately that you were in trouble with the way your heartbeat was ringing in his ears, loud and clear. Jungkook shot off down the rest of the hallway – being thankful he didn't bring his blazer which would only have limited his movements. He knew you were in danger, he knew you were terrified – and he knew that someone else was in the room with you.

Jungkook didn't think twice about swinging the door wide open – his eyes immediately scanning the room in search of you, when he was met by Mr. Brown pinning you up against the wall with his face in yours. He bellowed, "What the hell is going on in here?!" Jungkook felt himself boil from within – his anger rising tenfold as Mr. Brown snapped his head around to get a good look at whoever just interrupted his little interrogation. For a moment, Jungkook felt completely powerless as he observed your terror-stricken face, the way your eyes widened and how Mr. Browns hand was firmly clasped around your chin. It was then that Jungkook was completely shocked by your actions – as you took this prime opportunity of distraction to move your head down and sink your teeth into Mr. Brown's hand. You had absolutely no idea what in the hell came over you, but you did it nonetheless, drawing blood in the process. Jungkook never even flinched at the sight or smell of Mr. Brown's blood – for he was more preoccupied with the scene of you standing right in front of him, blood trickling from your bottom lip as you turned to face him with a doe like expression. Even in a moment such as this one, Jungkook couldn't help himself but feel his unnatural attraction to you grow further, seeing you in such a way.

"(Y/N)…" Jungkook stuttered in amazement while Mr. Brown rolled to the floor quite dramatically, clutching his hand and silently screaming – cursing you with every vile name for a woman under the sun.

"S – Sir I…" you walked slowly over to Jungkook – the adrenaline that had previously egged you on now slowly withering away inside of you like a dead flower. As you looked into Jungkook's dark eyes, you could barely read his dishevelled expression. You couldn't tell whether he was angry, disappointed or indifferent as he continued to just stare at you, as if he were questioning your entire existence.

"I think it would be best if you went to the bathroom and…cleaned yourself up. You have…" Jungkook reached out to touch your bottom lip, but upon hearing his words - you placed your own fingers over your mouth before seeing Mr. Browns scarlet blood painted on your fingers.

"Oh..oh god I –" you began, only to have Jungkook step aside, giving you clear passage to the hallway as he motioned you forward.

"Please wash that off and return to my office when you're done. I'd like a word with you." His voice was cold and stern – a definite contrast to how he had been behaving with you for the past week. You felt deflated, "Is…is he really angry at me? Surely he can see I wasn't the one at fault" you thought, but you realized from his tone that now was not that time to argue. You nodded out of embarrassment, before seeing yourself out and quickly running towards the ladies bathrooms in the hopes that no one would catch a glimpse of you on the way. As tears began to blur your vision, you held back silent cries while thinking, "How could I be so stupid to think he ever saw me as more than just his assistant?"

"That bitch!" Mr. Brown gathered himself to his feet as he observed your bite mark on his hand. Jungkook looked at it too, thinking "Hardly something to scream and cry over…it's superficial at best"

"You saw what she did to me! That crazy bitch of yours! You should put a damn muzzle on her Jeon – and fire her while you're at it!" Mr. Brown pointed in the direction where you left the room, looking into Jungkook's face that showed anything but agreement.

"If I were to put a muzzle on her, then how do you suggest I go about restraining you?" Jungkook stepped closer to him, "How dare you lay your filthy hands on a woman" Jungkook's voice was low, gravelly and a force to be reckoned with. Jungkook never knew that he possessed protective qualities, but seeing as he just witnessed Mr. Browns hands all over you; he felt like the walls of his insides were caving in. It took all of Jungkook's moral willpower to restrain himself from ripping Mr. Brown to shreds – the last thing he needed was to have to cover up a death and deal with a lawsuit.

"Need I remind you, Mr. Brown…you work for me. And you just assaulted one of the most important people to me…in my company." Jungkook added to his sentence as Mr. Brown gave him a wry smile, still clutching his hand as if he had just been mauled by a lion.

"Assault? That mongrel bit me Jeon! Don't you have eyes?!" Mr. Brown retorted, his mouth hanging wide open at how Jungkook jumped to your defence so easily.

"Yes, I do have eyes – very good ones, in fact. And from where I was standing, you had a young woman pinned up against a wall and she barely escaped with her dignity, let alone her life. And I am witness to this attack." Both men stood in a staring battle for what seemed like an eternity. As Mr. Brown opened his mouth to begin shouting more verbal abuse, Jungkook cut him off as he turned his back on him.

"You will return to your department, pack up your desk and hand in your notice." He said each word slowly, desperately trying to hold his composure towards the lesser intelligent being.

"You what?! Are you seriously going to fire me? A long standing employee for your company? Over some tart like her?" Mr. Brown's voice shook in confusion as he continued to stare at the back of Jungkook's head. Jungkook stopped in his tracks, feeling himself seething from the inside out as he turned his head back slightly.

"She isn't some tart. Her name is (Y/N), and she is the one of the greatest commodities this entire company possesses. You have exactly 20 minutes to pack your belongings up and get the hell out of my sight" Jungkook almost spat his words out while hearing several scoffs splutter from Mr. Brown's mouth.

"You haven't heard the last of me Jeon! You'll get what's coming to you – you can be sure of that!" Mr. Brown shouted after him as Jungkook stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Jungkook strode to his office, his mind racing and full of thoughts such as "What would have happened if I never went looking for her? He's 4 times the size of her…he could have easily…" Imagining these things was enough to strike fear into his entire being. Like love, Jungkook had never known fear until you were faced with it directly. He could feel the peak of its manifestation as it coursed through your entire body – yet he still couldn't help thinking back to the sight of you with blood on your chin…and how it excited him so, despite the situation.

Still in the report room, Mr. Brown angrily pulled out his phone, pressing his stubby fingers on his list of contacts before picking one out and pressing the call button – still filled with rage at what had just happened.

"Yes?" a voice came from the other end of the line.

"Yoongi – I mean, my lord" Mr. Brown corrected himself upon hearing Yoongi's deep, threatening voice on the call. Even though he only spoke one word – Yoongi's voice was one that demanded respect and sent shivers down any man or woman's spine.

"I take it from this phone call, you have completed my task?" Yoongi purred.

"Well – you see…there was a problem" Mr. Brown began, but Yoongi had already become bored of his explanation.

"…what problem?"

"I wasn't able to get the file. I think Jungkook keeps it with him at all times."

Mr. Brown heard Yoongi let out a soft sigh. "Alright, and what about the girl?"

"Well…that's when I ran into a few problems. I was…interrogating her about the file – and your wonderful cousin decided to show up and ruin everything. The bitch ended up biting me and –"

"She bit you?" Mr. Brown could hear Yoongi chuckling slightly through the phone.

"Yes! Listen, my lord, you have to help me. Jungkook just fired me and told me to get out – you have to do something I –"

"Our contract is over, Mr. Brown. You failed my requests, I no longer have a use for you. Sort out your own problems."

Just as Mr. Brown was about to beg and plead a little bit more, Yoongi ended the call – leaving Mr. Brown standing in the report room all alone, with a throbbing bite mark only a few minutes left to spare before he would be left jobless.

After finishing up in the bathroom – including washing your mouth out with company provided soap in an attempt to dispel the horrid taste of Mr. Browns blood, you began making your way to Jungkook's office. As you walked, you couldn't help but become angrier and angrier the closer you approached. "Jungkook can't seriously be that stupid – I know I bit someone but…it was self defence! Any idiot would have been able to see that…" you thought as you recalled the emotionless way in which Jungkook looked at you. You had at least thought he would have been somewhat slightly concerned about you. "So, he really doesn't see me as another human being. Just as his P.A." you felt yourself almost welling up with the damning thoughts that this time, you might really lose your job. You had often heard about the mistreatment of women in the workplace – how men always had their words taken more seriously…and you were sure this would be the case with you too as you stepped into Jungkook's office to see him facing away from you and peering out of his large office window.

You closed the door forcefully behind you, seeing Jungkook still standing with his back to you – not even acknowledging your entry to his office. Once again, you felt tears sting your eyes – but they weren't just tears of fear and sadness, they were mixed with anger and frustration. "If he's really going to come down on me like a tonne of bricks, I'll be damned if I'll be buried without putting up a fight."

"Sir – before you speak, I'd just like to say a few things. I realise that…"

You continued to talk on, defending yourself against the situation that happened in the report room. Jungkook closed his eyes as he let his head fall back, listening to your arguing and pleading– when he knew that none of this was your fault to begin with. Not being able to listen to your pitiful tone any longer, Jungkook turned around on the spot and began taking quick strides over to where you were standing. Since your tears had begun to blind you, you hardly even noticed him coming so close to you until it was too late, and he was right up against you. Jungkook pulled you by your shoulders, crashing his body against yours as he enveloped his arms around your frame tightly – coddling you as if he were afraid you would slip out of his grasp. Your breath caught itself in your throat as you completely stopped talking. You could feel his firm chest pressed against you as you heard the deafening sound of your own heart beat, along with what Jungkook began whispering softly – almost lovingly into your ear. As he did, you felt his hand press against the back of your head, securing you in a somewhat protective embrace as he began softly stroking your hair; making your eyes widen in both confusion, and pleasant surprise.

"(Y/N)…I was so scared…

I thought…I thought I lost you."