Chapter 02 - Awakening (Revised)

Continent Douluo, Star Luo City.

In the shade of a tree in an orphanage, a six-year-old child was lying down with his eyes closed enjoying the breeze.

After a few minutes he opened his eyes and sighed.

'It's been six years since I reincarnated in this world, but it's still hard to believe that this is Douluo's world...' He thought.

That child was Mo Xie, who died in the bomb explosion in his past life. In his past life, when he had free time and wasn't with Qing Xue, he used to read some novels to get rid of some of the stress of work, and one of them was about Douluo Dalu.

Thinking about his past life he couldn't help but smile bitterly. Even he doesn't know why he's still alive, and although this world is quite interesting, he has no real attachment to it.

The current Mo Xie was a child with short white hair, an extremely handsome face and jade blue eyes. Although he was a little malnourished because of the lack of food at the orphanage, his white skin was smooth and soft to the touch, which could be the envy of every woman in the world. And something that made him incredibly confused was that he also had two birthmarks in the shape of a sun and moon on his right arm just like in his past life. Even having researched some books at the orphanage, he still didn't find anything about the mark and had to reluctantly give up and could only leave the subject for the future.

In that life, his parents abandoned him as a baby and since then he has lived in the orphanage under the care of Director Ling, who caught him one rainy night.

'I've tried to gather some information during this time and it looks like I'm on Yuhao's timeline, although I'm not sure we're the same age. Forget it, I can find out more after I awaken my Martial Soul.'

Although it may not seem like it, but Mo Xie was a bit looking forward to the awakening of his Martial Soul that would happen tomorrow. After all, this is a world where force decides everything, and without it, no matter how smart you might be, your fate will still be in the hands of others. And the rules of the world in your past life don't work here. Even nervous, he could only try to calm down while he waited for time to pass.

In the blink of an eye, the next day arrived.

"Little Xie, get up and get ready for breakfast! The awakening of your and other children's Martial Soul's will begin after everyone has eaten." A middle-aged woman with long black hair wearing a gray outfit called out to Mo Xie who was still lying down.

"En, I'll be ready in 5 minutes." Mo Xie replied a little sleepily.

"Okay, wash your face and go downstairs. The others are waiting for you!"

Nodding, Mo Xie got out of bed and went to the bathroom. Five minutes later he went down to the cafeteria and found several children sitting in their seats and starting to eat. He found a place, sat down and began to eat his food which consisted of a bun, a glass of milk and two hard-boiled eggs.

A boy beside him started talking to him, "Brother Xie, what do you think our martial soul will be?"

"Who knows… Brother Chen, it's best not to get your hopes too high for you don't be disappointed later. Most common people just awaken some tool martial soul without any soul power. It is not easy to become a Spiritual Master." Mo Xie replied to the boy.

Bai Chen just sighed at his side as he nodded grudgingly.

When they were all finished eating, Director Ling came and called them over.

"Mo Xie, Bai Chen, Su Lu, Wei Qiu, you four come with me. The Spiritual Master has arrived and will awaken your martial soul."

"Yes!" x4

They got up and followed her into a room near her office.

In the room, a middle-aged man was waiting while arranging a formation that was used to awaken the martial soul. This man had short brown hair and copper skin with a few scar marks on his arm.

Looking at the children who arrived in the room he nodded and started to speak, "My name is Su Yuntao and my Martial Soul is a Wind Eagle. I am a Soul Elder with rank 31. When I call one of you name, enter the middle of the formation that I put here. Let's start!" He finished and called his spirit.

"Possession of the Wind Eagle!" The moment he finished speaking those words, three white, yellow, yellow rings rose from his feet and spun around him and his hands started to transform into claws and one pair of wing appeared behind him.

'So this is what a martial soul looks like.' Mo Xie thought.

"Wei Qiu, step forward." Hearing his name, Wei Qiu entered the formation. Su Yuntao placed a hand on his head as he urged the spiritual power into his body. A few seconds later a scythe appeared in his hand.

Su Yuntao was a little disappointed when he commented, "Scythe, Tool Martial Soul. Here, put your hand on this crystal ball to let us know if you have spiritual power." He withdrew a ball and passed it to Wei Qiu, but even after a few seconds nothing happened.

"Without spiritual power." Wei Qiu felt very sad about this but there was nothing he could do, so he could only return the ball and leave the room with red eyes.

"Next, Su Lu." Su Yuntao didn't think much about it and continued with the ceremony.

Su Lu awakened a hoe, a Tool Martial Soul with no spiritual power and could only leave like Wei Qiu.

"Next, Bai Chen."

Bai Chen walked nervously to the formation. Repeating the same process, a light shone on Bai Chen's body when a black tiger appeared on his back. Su Yuntao's eyes sparkled as he passed the crystal ball to Bai Chen.

"Bai Chen, Black Tiger Martial Soul, Beast-Type, Rank 3 Spiritual Power. Congratulations young man, you have the opportunity to become a Soul Master!" Su Yuntao smiled at Bai Chen.

Bai Chen was currently excited to the extreme. Since childhood he dreamed of becoming strong and now he could finally make his dream come true.

"Congratulations little Chen." Director Ling smiled at him and Mo Xie also congratulated him.

"Thank you, Brother Xie, Director Ling." Bai Chen smiled from ear to ear.

"Okay, wait aside, after I finish Mo Xie's awakening I'll give you the basic cultivation technique that everyone gains by qualifying to become soul masters." Su Yuntao warned him.

"Yes!" He walked to the side of the room and waited anxiously as Mo Xie entered formation.

Mo Xie only felt a warm current in his body when Su Yuntao urged his spiritual power on him.

This current began to circulate through his body before concentrating on his eyes which started to change from jade blue to bright purple and some purple patterns appeared below his eyes..

"A mutation?" Su Yuntao asked, seeing the change in his eyes. After stopping he handed him the crystal to measure his spiritual power.

"Mo Xie, Body Spirit of the Eyes, Spirit Power Rank 6. Congratulations on becoming a Soul Scholar." Su Yuntao congratulated him followed by Bai Chen and Director Ling.

But he couldn't care less about that. The reason was because of a voice in his head that spoke to him the moment his Martial Soul awakened.

"You finally awakened!"