Chapter 03 - Owner of the Voice and Twin Spirits (Revised)

After teaching the cultivation method to Mo Xie and Bai Chen for a while, Su Yuntao left the orphanage and the Director Ling accompanied him to the exit.

Bai Chen went to meet the other children while Mo Xie went back to the tree where he normally lay down and sat down while the voice came back to his mind.

"Boy, relax and focus your mind. We need to talk a little face to face."

'I never thought that those events that only appeared in wuxia novels would happen to me. I have a soul inside my consciousness, but I don't know if that's good or not… If we follow the examples he should give me a supreme cultivation technique or try to take over my body, right?' Mo Xie began to think to himself, feeling ridiculous for being in this situation.

"Hurry up boy, we don't have much time!" the man's voice appeared again with some anger.

Before long, Mo Xie relaxed and concentrated in his mind and suddenly found himself in a hazy white space. In it, an old man with gray hair was standing looking at him with a calm expression.

Mo Xie noticed that the man was looking at him with a mixture of happiness, bitterness and sadness.

"Senior, could you explain what is going on and how you are on my mind?"

"You're calmer than I thought, kid. But I can't blame you after all you've been through."

Mo Xie didn't think too much when he heard the first part, but the last one made his heart skip a beat.

"You don't have to worry about anything you're thinking. First of all, let's first go to the presentations. My name is Du Lang, and I was known in the universe by the title of Celestial Wolf Star God. But that's not important now as you wouldn't know it, as your old world was an world that has barely begun to develop. Just call me Old Du for now."

"Now that that has been done, I will answer your questions. First, do you see these marks on your arm?" Old Du asked, pointing to Mo Xie's birthmarks.

Looking down at his arm and remembering what he had read in those wuxia novels he couldn't help but ask, "Is this some kind of seal or something?"

"Almost. It is proof that you belong to the Heavenly Wolves Clan as well as proof of your talent. Hmm, let me explain it in a simpler way for you…" Old Du stopped a little as if he was thinking about how to speak and after a few minutes continued.

"The race of Heavenly Wolves started with me. When the universe was created it gave birth to some primordial creatures like the Primordial Dragon and Phoenix of Chaos. One of these beings was me, the Mystic Heavenly Wolf. As one of the first beings to be born with the universe, I was incredibly powerful, even though my physical body wasn't as tyrannical as the Primordial Dragon of Chaos, I wasn't too far away from it, even my control over the absolute elements was among the first. But I had something that was more powerful than all the other primordial beings put together, which is what you know as mind power."

"After other beings were created, even though they were weaker than us, it allowed us to increase our lineage throughout the universe. However, being as powerful as we were, to the point of destroying the balance of the universe, the Akashic System was born and established a set of rules to preserve the balance. Some things happened and all the primordial beings ended up dying, leaving only their bloodlines behind."

"In my case, because my elemental and mental talent is very powerful, my descendants were not able to awaken all of them and only awakened a part of them, but they never managed to awaken the complete elemental talent together with the mental talent. And as time passed, my lineage became more and more diluted as it spread across the universe."

"Only a descendant who has two marks in the form of sun and moon can awaken all my talents and this is where you come. In your previous world, even if you had the potential to awaken my talents, it was impossible to do so in a world without the spiritual power of heaven and earth. So when my soul fragment that I implanted in my bloodline to look for an heir woke up I made a plan to transmigrate your soul to a world where I could awaken my bloodline more easily."

"I just had to wait until you were about to die before transferring your soul."

"Stop!" Mo Xie suddenly interrupted. "You talked about transmigrating my soul to another world, but this is a fictional world. How did you do it?" He really felt confused about that.

"The Akashic System is a set of records from the universe. Even though this world was a fictional world, when the Akashic System registered it and judged that it would not to break the balance in the universe, it naturally gave it permission to be born and develop according to the records." Old Du explained calmly.

"So, as long as it doesn't affect the balance, if I create a book about a world is it possible that it will also be created?" Mo Xie asked, confused.

"No, first it must have a stable growth potential and not affect the laws of casuality imposed by the Akashic System. It must also be recognized as a world by the will of many people. In your world there were many who wanted this world to become real, and after going through several processes of the Akashic System it ended up being created, but there are still several rules for this that I still don't know. That is, not every world that is wanted to become reality by people ends up being born. It depends on various coincidences and circumstances." Old Du also had this same question, but by trial and error he ended up getting this answer.

"It's best to leave that aside for now and get back to the main topic." Continued Old Du: "After bringing you into this world I fell asleep again while trying to retrieve some of the rest of my essence from the fragment of my soul. And today, after you awakened your Martial Soul, I finally woke up from my sleep."

"I chose this world for you because it is more convenient for you to inherit my abilities. Because of my lineage you have awakened both my Mystic Eyes and the Mystic Heavenly Wolf." Mo Xie widened his eyes at this information.

"Do I have another martial soul? Why didn't I feel it?" he asked doubtfully.

"That was because I suppressed it so that others wouldn't see it. My bloodline is very strong and may attract unwanted attention to you who are still just an ant." Mo Xie rolled his eyes when he heard Old Du call him an ant.

"I did that too because I have some techniques to give you that you should practice before you try to add what you call spirit ring into this world. If you don't create a foundation for inheriting my lineage, all the work I've done would be lost."

Mo Xie just nodded in comprehension.

"Here, these two energy balls contain the knowledge of my lineage and the techniques you must learn before adding any spirit rings." Old Du created two balls of green and purple energy respectively and let them float in his spiritual sea. "They also contain my experience with the techniques, so study them correctly so they don't get lost." He warned carefully.

Mo Xie nodded and absorbed the purple energy bubble that had information about his martial soul's.

Going through the information, even though old Du had told him about his powers, he was shocked when he understood the details.

The Mystic Heavenly Wolf had affinity with all existing elements, namely: Fire, Water, Earth, Wood, Wind, Metal, Ice, Lightning, Light, Dark, Space, Time, Life and Destruction, and beyond them, there was his mental attribute . And all elements are on the absolute level. The control he could exert over them was to such an absurd degree that he began to wonder how this BUG existence ended up dying. Your Mystic Heavenly Wolf also had an innately strong domain-type ability, but as it was very strong it would only be unlocked when its strength reached a certain level as it put a lot of pressure on the body. There were several other pieces of information that he committed to memory and decided to study when his strength improved.

And his Mystic Eyes were even more broken. He wanted to curse the creator of the universe once more. As if the control of the absolute elements were not enough, it left him even more broken with that martial soul. His eyes not only allowed him to see whether a person was lying or not, but also allowed him to see through illusions, techniques and flaws, as well as other things, this BUG also allowed him to see the universal laws and facilitated learning them. Of course, because this innate ability is stupidly strong, it only manifests itself slowly. He deduced that he could only begin to see the laws when he was at least a Soul Emperor, perhaps even being a Soul Sage was necessary. Other information was also kept and he planned to study it later along with his first martial soul.

"Old Du, I never thought you were so broken when you were talking about you. Only now do I understand how unfair the world can be in a pay-to-win game." Mo Xie sighed emotionally.

"What did you expect from one of the first beings to exist?" He mumbled annoyed but a little amused. "Brat, my time is up so I'll give you one last piece of advice: Don't absorb any rings for your Mystic Heavenly Wolf martial soul."

"Why?" Mo Xie asked.

"I left some information in your mind that will pop up when you reach a certain strength level. They will tell you how to get the best ring for your spirit. One more thing, focus mainly on the ice and fire elements. Although you have an affinity for all the elements, it takes a long time for you to master them all. As long as you master ice and fire, which are both extreme opposites, your control level will increase to an absurd level and when your eyes' abilities are all unlocked it will be easier for you to master the other elements." Old Du explained smiling.

"Understood." Mo Xie thanked him.

"Looks like it's time for me to disappear... Brat when you go out into the universe try to gather the rest of the clan members and help them out a bit."

"Old Du, will your soul die?" Mo Xie asked sadly. This was the first time he'd felt a blood bond since reincarnating, so he was a little regretful that everything had happened so quickly.

"I was already dead in first place, this is just a fragment left, so there's no need to feel sad for me." Old Du gently commented and continued: "Live well brat, the end of your old life may not have been the best, but you can try to live without regrets in this new life."

"Thanks for everything Old Du!" Mo Xie bowed respectfully watching the figure of Old Du disappear.

He was silent for a while before looking at the green energy bubble. Then he slowly began to absorb Old Du's last will.