Chapter 17 - Entering Shrek

Another four months passed. As expected, Mo Xie failed to achieve small success in the comprehension of his domain, but he thought it wouldn't be long before he did. However, he managed to increase the radius of his domain to 35 meters and his domain was now much more condensed.

His spiritual power reached Rank 36 in the third month and his battle and movement techniques finally reached perfection. Because of his Ultimate Elements and natural energy accumulation for his body's metamorphoses, his cultivation speed has noticeably slowed down.

Mo Xie also comprehended two new techniques from the Yin-Yang Sword and was itching to test them out in battle. If things continued like this, Mo Xie would be the person with the most self-created abilities on the continent.

Mo Xie checked himself out in his courtyard and took Xiao Hei inside his clothes as he walked through the streets of Shrek City, heading towards Shrek Academy.

The recruitment place was packed when Mo Xie arrived, and there were huge, orderly lines with kids his own age checking in at the entrance. Mo Xie didn't get in any queue and walked straight to the students who were sizing up and enrolling new students.

Of course, his actions attracted dissatisfaction from the children in the queues and they started yelling at Mo Xie.

"You there, get in line like everyone else!"

"Don't think you can break academy rules. Go back to the end of the line!"

"What bastard dares cut the line?"

Mo Xie just ignored all these people and got in front of a senior student who was working as an evaluator.

"Senior, I have this letter of recommendation and they said I just needed to give it to the freshman evaluator." Mo Xie spoke and passed the token and letter of recommendation.

When the student saw the token he widened his eyes and quickly opened the letter, reading its contents.

"Come with me!" The senior student didn't say much and just took him to an academy administration room and the other children that were yelling stopped screaming. He asked Mo Xie to wait a bit before going in and came out a little later with a middle-aged man who looked to be in his fifties. Mo Xie couldn't see his rank, so he was at least above Rank 65.

He looked at Mo Xie for a second before commenting, "You're an interesting kid." And he looked towards Xiao Hei hiding in his clothes.

Mo Xie noticed this and just shrugged.

The man dismissed the older student before speaking to Mo Xie again. "First to introductions: My name is Du Weilun and I am the director of the Martial Soul department in the outer courtyard. What's your name, little brat?"

"Mo Xie." Mo Xie spoke simply and he remembered who Du Weilun was from his memories.

"En, as you have this token and this letter of recommendation I will just record your information and confirm your bone age before handing over your student card and uniform. Is that all right?" Du Weilun asked. He was very curious about this child and wanted to know why the academy's high management personally delivered him a letter of recommendation.

"En, I am an orphan and I was abandoned as a child by my parents in an orphanage in Star Luo City…" Mo Xie started to share his information and Du Weilun registered everything.

Afterwards, Du Weilun took Mo Xie's arm to test his bone age and was shocked by what he saw. He couldn't believe the existence in front of him.

'God! 11 years with spiritual power of Rank 36. And this purity of his spiritual power…" His mouth formed an 'O' shape in disbelief. Nor was his spiritual power as pure as that child in front of him. He even suspected that he was a spiritual beast in human form, but his observation confirmed that he was just a human child.

"What is your Martial Soul?" Du Weilun asked hastily.

"Mystic Eyes. It's a body-type martial soul." Mo Xie commented and pointed to his eyes.

"What is your relation with the Body Sect?" Du Weilun asked.

"Never heard of it!" Mo Xie replied calmly.

Du Weilun looked at him as if he were looking at his wife and that look sent shivers down Mo Xie's spine and he took a few steps back.

*Cough Cough* Realizing his mistake, Du Weilun coughed and returned to normal.

"It's all done. This is your student card, uniform and dorm key. You will be assigned to first-year class 1, so don't be late on your first day of class." Du Weilun handed some items to Mo Xie who tucked them away in his storage and bowed before leaving.

Looking at the door where Mo Xie had left, Du Weilun could no longer calm down and left his office.

Mo Xie walked calmly as he observed the academy's facilities and asked some senior students for directions. He quickly came to a building that was divided into several areas. They were: White, Yellow, Purple and Black and each color represented the year of the students in the academy. Freshmen were assigned to the white building.

Walking into the building, he spotted an elderly man lying in a chair near the dorm. The old man was in a set of gray clothes and his eyes were yellow and confused, while his eyelids were drooping. His appearance was like he had one foot in the grave. He looked extremely ordinary lying there, but when Mo Xie used his eyes on him, he seemed to see a sleeping dragon standing in front of him. The elements of Light seemed to gather close to his body and danced happily around him.

'He is definitely the leader of Shrek Academy, Mu En the Dragon God Douluo and the holder of the Light Holy Dragon Martial Soul.' When Mo Xie thought this, he saw that Mu En looked at him and realized he was discovered.

Mo Xie did his best to calm down and approached him.

"Senior, this is my dorm number. Does the senior know which floor it's on?" Mo Xie bowed respectfully and asked. His dorm number was 106.

Mu En watched him for a moment before answering in a husky voice. "Your room is the first room to my left on the first floor. The girls' dorms are on the fourth floor and above, so if we find you there you will be kicked out of the academy."

"Thanks for the senior instructions." Mo Xie bowed to him again and entered the building.

Mu En watched him for a while before closing his eyes again and muttering under his breath, "A little monster has appeared this year…" He smiled and started enjoying the breeze again.

Mo Xie quickly found his room and opened it. His room was covered in dust and even though he wasn't crazy about cleanliness, he felt unbearable. Mo Xie pulled out some tools from his storage and started cleaning the room. It only took 30 minutes for all the dirt to clear, so he pulled out a quilt and blanket and placed it on his bed.

The room had two beds, two wardrobes, a table and a ceiling lamp. He put some of his clothes in one of the wardrobes and placed Xiao Hei on his bed before putting up a concealment array to hide him from his roommate who was yet to arrive and headed towards the bathroom to clean up.

Ten minutes later he returned to the room and found a boy with black hair and a high nose. His age was 11 years old and his spiritual power was at Rank 18.

Mo Xie greeted him. "Nice to meet you, my name is Mo Xie and I will be your roommate for the rest of the year."

"My name is Lei Zhi, nice to meet you. I hope we can get along." Lei Zhi seemed to be a nice person rather than an arrogant person, which pleased Mo Xie.

"Lei Zhi, do you mind having a pet in the bedroom?" Mo Xie asked.

"As long as he doesn't make too much of a mess I don't care. At home I took care of a cat, so I have nothing against it." Lei Zhi replied and was curious.

"I guarantee he won't make a mess. I had nowhere to leave him, so I brought him to the academy." Mo Xie nodded and went to pull out his concealment array where Xiao Hei was.

When Lei Zhi saw him, he was extremely shocked and confused about how he didn't see that panda earlier.

"Is your pet a spiritual beast?" Lei Zhi couldn't help but raise his voice.

"En, his mother died of poison and he was still a newborn. I've been taking care of him ever since." Mo Xie stated.

"Does the Academy know about this?" Lei Zhi asked and approached Xiao Hei.

"Yes, Director Du found it in my clothes when I was checking in. Since he didn't say anything, it shouldn't be a problem." Mo Xie nodded his head.

Lei Zhi started playing with Xiao Hei who was rolling over in bed and waved too.

"Okay then. But it's better not to tell others about this little boy." Lei Zhi was serious.

Mo Xie also thought it was better that way, and he and Lei Zhi talked for a while about other things and the array that Mo Xie put to hide Xiao Hei.

In a place inside the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy.

"Elder Xuan, where did you find this little freak?" A man with short hair and a fringe that covered one of his eyes asked in disbelief. This man looked to be around 40 years old.

"Hehe, I was heading back to the academy after finishing some guardians-related matters and felt some extremely pure spiritual power fluctuations and found this brat training in a courtyard in the city. I was just as agitated and incredulous as you were now." Elder Xuan brought his wine gourd to his mouth and took a sip. It was this same Elder Xuan who left the token and letter of recommendation to Mo Xie.

"Shaoze, just wait for this brat to start making trouble. I believe the scene will be amazing!" Elder Xuan seemed to be having more and more fun as he thought about Mo Xie.

Yan Shaoze, who was listening to Elder Xuan Zi, took a deep breath and calmed down. "So you intend to accept him as a disciple?" Yan Shaoze asked.

"I can't handle him... The most I can do is increase his combat experience, but for the rest I'm unable to guide him." Elder Xuan commented.

Yan Shaoze had an amazing expression on his face now. A Rank 98 Super Douluo was incapable in front of a 11 years old child and could not teach him anything. If it got out, people would think they were joking, but he knew Elder Xuan wasn't joking by his helpless expression.

"Let's watch it for a while and see how things go." Elder Xuan spoke and Yan Shaoze nodded his understanding.

Mo Xie, who was the subject of conversation, did not know that he attracted the attention of the high management of the academy.