Chapter 18 - First Day of Class

Author's Note: The next few chapters will be a little slower, as some small events happen very quickly in the story. I especially find it necessary to write about the first day of class with Zhou Yi, as she is a character in the story who is a link to other events.

Once these initial events have passed, the story will progress faster, so forgive me if you don't like the progression of the next few chapters, but I found it necessary to make them.

Also, because the events are same in the original, it might look much similar to the original history, but i tried to change a bit. Some conversations I made some small changes, but these similarities will only happen in these few chapters and will change much later.

Now, lets go to the chapter!


Two days have passed since Mo Xie entered the Shrek Academy and freshman recruitment finally ended. Mo Xie and Lei Zhi now wore a white school uniform with a green monster symbol on their chests and Mo Xie carried his sword at his waist. They walked together towards their classrooms, but it was a shame they were both in different classes. Mo Xie was in Class 1 and Lei Zhi in Class 4.

They said their goodbyes at a certain point and entered their respective classes.

When Mo Xie entered, he saw several children his own age talking in groups and they turned to look at him. Mo Xie ignored them and walked to the back of the room and sat in the chair by the window, supporting his face with one hand and looking out. If possible, he would like to avoid being in large groups of people like those in his class.

But even though he didn't talk to anyone, the students started talking about him, especially the girls.

"Hey, isn't he cute?"

"Look at that white hair and purple eyes…"

"Why don't you try talking to him?"

"Can't you see that his aura is screaming 'Don't come any closer'?'"

Mo Xie overheard these conversations and remembered that his current look is much better than his previous life. After years of training, strengthening and purifying his body, his skin was even smoother and clearer than before. His short white hair was smooth and silky, his purple eyes mixed with light gold and silver hues sparkled with a mysterious aura, and his body was well built with compact muscles without a trace of fat. His appearance would make any woman in the world look at him with admiration and envy.

A few minutes later, another extremely beautiful person entered the room. He was a delicate-looking, fair-skinned young man. His eyes were pinkish-blue like his short, flowing hair. Even compared to Mo Xie, this young man wouldn't be far behind.

Mo Xie looked at him calmly for a moment and instantly discovered the young man's identity. 'So this is Wang Dong'er at the beginning of the story when she was pretending to be a man. It feels like I'm actually on the same timeline as the story…' Mo Xie thought and ignored her the next moment.

If he doesn't need to, it's better not to get involved with her. After all, he doesn't want to be part of Tang San's silly little games. In fact, Mo Xie would love to destroy Tang San's interference in history and see its expression. When he first read the original story, Mo Xie never liked him, as most of the problems in this timeline were caused by Tang San. His decision to destroy the city of massacre caused most of the evil spiritual masters who were trapped in the City of Slaughter to run rampant across the continent. Even in the previous timeline he was still very idealistic and hypocritical.

Of course, those were just Mo Xie's thoughts and he would try not to interact with Tang San as much as possible.

Some time later, when the class was almost full, another young man entered the room. He had short black hair and looked a little thin. His gaze was determined and he looked more mature than young people his age. Mo Xie also sensed a mental attribute coming from him, and guessed that his identity was that of the original story's protagonist, Huo Yuhao.

Mo Xie was very fond of Yuhao when he read the story, so he had a good impression of him. But having a good impression doesn't mean he would interact with him all of a sudden. After all, he was living reality now and not reading the book. If they became friends over time, Mo Xie would be fine with that, but otherwise, he wouldn't mind either. In the end, Mo Xie would just have to live his life.

When it seemed that all the students had arrived, an elderly woman with wrinkles and gray hair walked through the door wearing a set of white robes. The students who were talking calmed down and returned to their seats. She walked to the platform in front of the class and began to speak in a husky broken voice.

"I am Zhou Yi and I will be the teacher in charge of this class. I don't know how many of you will be able to stay in the academy, but in my class the garbage doesn't have a place. I cultivate monsters, not trash."

Many students who considered themselves elite were angry at Zhou Yi's words, but she ignored them and continued.

"The two students who fighted during the enrollment period, stand up." With his voice, Wang Dong and Yuhao quickly stood up.

"Just the two of them? Okay, besides them, all of you should start running 100 laps around Shrek Plaza." Zhou Yi raised an eyebrow and spoke.

Students immediately began to protest, but Zhou Yi released her spiritual rings and exerted some pressure on them.

"If you're not up to it, then pack your things and get out of the academy. I have the authority to expel any student I want as a teacher. In a minute, those who don't start running will be expelled. You have two hours to complete the laps." As she spoke 2 yellow, 2 purple and 2 black rings rose from her feet.

With Zhou Yi being a Soul Emperor, the students closed their mouths and obediently began to run even though they had grievances in their hearts. When Mo Xie was getting up and was about to start running, he heard Zhou Yi calling his name.

"Mo Xie, you stay too." Mo Xie was surprised for a moment, but he nodded and calmly approached her. Wang Dong and Yuhao also approached and only the three were left with Zhou Yi in the room.

"You three aren't bad. But if you guys want to reach the top of your year, you must work harder than others. How did the two of you begin to fight?" Zhou Yi started asking Yuhao and Wang Dong some questions before turning his attention back to Mo Xie.

"You must also work hard. Although you were admitted with a special letter of recommendation, I will not treat you any differently from other students. If you don't live up to my expectations I will also expel you, was I clear?" Zhou Yi spoke.

"Don't worry Professor Zhou, I won't let you down." Mo Xie spoke and Zhou Yi nodded in appreciation.

Yuhao and Wang Dong were also surprised to learn that Mo Xie was specially admitted to the academy.

"Okay, you three can start running now!"

"Professor Zhou, didn't you say we had the courage?" Wang Dong asked in dread.

"I never said you didn't need to run. Because your future potentials are better, the difficulty of your assessments will also be greater. Time is passing and you are wasting your time here." Zhou Yi spoke with a smile.

Yuhao started running, pulling Wang Dong and Mo Xie calmly left the room. He could complete the 100 laps quickly, so he was in no hurry. 15 minutes had passed since the start of the students' race, but Mo Xie didn't care.

He started running and at some point Zhou Yi had arrived at the scene and was assessing the aptitude of all the students. In just half an hour, Mo Xie completed all the laps and barely broke a sweat. He stopped beside Zhou Yi and began to watch the other students.

"I heard from Director Du about you, but I didn't expect you to be this excellent." Zhou Yi nodded his appreciation.

Mo Xie bowed in thanks and asked, "Professor Zhou, is it impossible for first-year students to participate in the fights in the academy's Spirit Duelling Arena?"

Zhou Yi was a little surprised, but recalling the information about Mo Xie, she replied, "It's usually impossible as only second year students and above are able to participate in arena fights, but I can see if I can make an exception for you."

"Thank you, Professor Zhou." Mo Xie thanked happily. It had been over a year since he had fought in an arena and he was itching for a battle.

'Hmm, should I use the incident with Xu Sanshi at the entrance to the academy and take the opportunity to fight him?' Mo Xie thought to himself.

Meanwhile, Zhou Yi continued to watch the other students running. As in the story, Wang Dong managed to overtake the rest of the students even though he started running later and Yuhao came last. After more than half the time had passed, the students completed the laps with Zhou Yi acting as the finishing point and Wang Dong being the second person to complete the 100 laps after Mo Xie.

With 15 minutes to go, Mo Xie saw Yuhao running after him and saw Wang Dong frowning. He needed another 20 laps to complete the course.

At the 5 minute mark, Yuhao still needed to complete 12 laps, but in the next moment a person appeared behind him and two dazzling butterfly wings appeared. The tips of each wing changed color every moment between light blue, deep blue and sky blue. There was a glowing 'V' shaped halo that lit up the surroundings. These wings dazzled all the students in the square and even teacher Zhou and Mo Xie were surprised.

" Radiant Butterfly Goddess?" Zhou Yi spoke to himself and nodded in satisfaction. Mo Xie also knew about this Martial Soul and he could feel the light elements gathering near Wang Dong.

With the help of Wang Dong, Yuhao finally completed the 100 laps at the last moment. Zhou Yi called the names of some students who did not complete the course and expelled them immediately.

The expressions of the remaining students completely changed; they didn't even dare to breathe heavily as they looked at Zhou Yi. It had only been two hours, but Zhou Yi had already established his absolute authority over Class 1.

"Go back to the dorms and change your clothes. After that, go back to the classroom for class. I'll give you fifteen minutes. " As soon as she finished speaking, Zhou Yi turned and walked back to the classroom.

Nobody dared to waste time this time. They dispersed noisily, while practically everyone ran back to their dorms.

Mo Xie was the fastest and was back in class within 8 minutes and in less than 15 minutes all the students were in their chairs not daring to make a noise.

"Let's start class now. Overall I'm pleased with you guys who managed to pass this simple test, but don't think you're geniuses just because you can get into Shrek. Let me show you what a real genius is. Mo Xie get up!"

Mo Xie stood up as requested and Zhou Yi continued, "Formally introduce yourself to the class."

Mo Xie nodded and spoke calmly: "Mo Xie, 11 years old. I am a Rank 36 Soul Elder of the control system."

The moment his voice stopped, the students looked at him in disbelief. Even Yuhao and Wang Dong's eyes widened. Wang Dong especially thought she was the best in her class, but just today she took two hits from Mo Xie, both in physical test and in spiritual power.

Zhou Yi nodded and said: "Mo Xie was specially admitted to the academy, but even a genius like him will only have this exception of skipping the freshman recruitment assessment. If he doesn't complete the tasks I'm going to give him, he will also be expelled. The same goes for you guys. Mo Xie, you can sit down now."

Mo Xie bowed and sat down calmly.

"Huo Yuhao, you also get up and tell the class what your rank is." Zhou Yi continued.

"Yes, I'm in Rank 11." Some students were suspicious when they heard Yuhao speak.

Zhou Yi confirmed his rank and also made some comments that protected Yuhao so that other students wouldn't ask any more questions about it in the future.

And with all that done, she started her class talking about the different systems of spiritual masters, namely: Attack, Defense, Agility, Support, Food and Control and how Spirit Tools impacted the world of spiritual masters.

The class lasted for a long time before it ended. When it was over, Zhou Yi called Yuhao and Mo Xie into her office.