Chapter 20 - First Day of Class (3)

When the afternoon class arrived, Zhou Yi ordered everyone to gather at Shrek Plaza again.

"Currently, Mo Xie is the strongest student among you. So I declare him as the class monitor. However, all those who feel strong enough can challenge him for this position. Did all of you understand?" Zhou Yi spoke out loud.

"We understand!" The students responded, but given Mo Xie's strength, it was very unlikely that they would be able to defeat him. Most of the girls also looked at Mo Xie in awe. Wang Dong also couldn't say anything even if he considered himself better.

After that, Zhou Yi pointed to several armor made of chain mail on the ground that weighed around 15 kilos. "All of you will put on a set and start running to the end of the class. Your ranking will be given based on the number of laps completed and the person in last place will be expelled."

"You better remember. In my class, any of you can be expelled at any time." Zhou Yi announced and the students turned pale.

"Don't think I'm being unfair. Whether men or women, I treat them equally. On the battlefield you won't have time to question your enemy about these issues. Now hurry up and start running." The students started putting on their armor and started their run.

Mo Xie, however, did not pick up the armor from the ground. He took several weights from his storage and placed them on his body. There were a total of 5 weights, one for each member, and each weighed 25 kilos.

Zhou Yi noticed this and was stunned, but didn't comment much. The armor laid out on the ground would really have no effect on Mo Xie considering his physique.

The students also noticed Mo Xie's weights and when they found out from Zhou Yi how much each one weighed, they couldn't help but be stunned. Most male students wondered why the comparisons were so cruel and some doubted he could run at those weights. The girls were even more amazed and looked at Mo Xie with warm eyes.

Mo Xie ignored both parties and started running at a pace neither fast nor slow. Just at perfect speed so that his body could be pushed to the limits of its endurance. Even so, he was still running ahead of any student in the class.

Two hours passed quickly and half the students following Mo Xie had already given up. Yuhao was behind as usual, but when he was at his limit, a warm current seemed to run through his body, easing the pain in his muscles and allowing him to continue his run. Mo Xie realized this and activated his Energy Flow ability. He saw how that warm current coursed through his body and revitalized him every second.

'So this is the Mysterious Heaven Technique?' Mo Xie thought. 'Although it is very good, it is still miles away from my Natural Qi Refinement technique.'

However, Mo Xie discovered by Yuhao, a way to use his own technique similar to Yuhao's state now.

Mo Xie stopped looking at Yuhao, and visualized the path his cultivation technique used and started activating it. Their cells seemed to be constantly absorbing natural energy as if they had been starving for days. Every cell in his body seemed to rejuvenate and he could feel a slight improvement in his physique. Even though his physique was different from Yuhao's, his cultivation technique was much better and it had an even greater focus on body cultivation. Because of this, even with a more powerful physique, he could feel improvements in his body that was constantly being tempered by natural energy.

'Not bad… Looks like I have to thank Yuhao later.' Mo Xie then started to increase his pace and he seemed to be about to understand something, but whenever he was close, that feeling disappeared as if it never existed. This feeling frustrated him constantly.

The number of students who passed out at Shrek Plaza was gradually increasing. Even the students who ran well ahead were gradually becoming unable to persevere. The sounds of mail hitting the ground occasionally echoed from time to time.

Another hour passed and only a few students continued to run. However, each of them gave up until only Mo Xie and Yuhao were the only ones who still persevered.

Some students looked at Yuhao and started mocking him out loud only to be greeted by a shout from Mo Xie.

"Trash! At least he's still running from the start, unlike you guys who are sitting with your ass on the ground. If you think you're so much better than him, then why aren't you running more?" Each of the students who mocked Yuhao fell silent one by one. They couldn't refute Mo Xie's words. Zhou Yi nodded his appreciation and continued to watch.

With each passing moment, the students saw how Yuhao, who despite being the weakest in the class, was still running with shaky but determined steps. All the disdainful looks were gradually disappearing. They started to get up, one by one, before staring at Huo Yuhao's figure as he persevered.

After being stunned for a brief moment, Wang Dong was the first to keep running after Huo Yuhao. However, he didn't pass him this time.

With Wang Dong leading, a second and then a third person gradually began to follow. Gradually, all of the students in Class 1 gritted their teeth and lifted their legs - which were already stiff to the point of being dead - to keep running.

Zhou Yi was thrilled with the result of this class. All the students who had previously given up on the race now had determined looks on their faces despite enduring the pain in their bodies.

*Ding ring*

With the sound that marked the end of class, each student fell to the ground, leaving only Mo Xie standing covered in sweat.

At some point, a man who looked to be 30 years old came to Zhou Yi's side and released 7 spiritual rings, 2 yellow, 2 purple and 3 black. A Soul Sage!

His seventh ring glowed and a huge tree appeared, dropping a leaf on each student, recovering each student's body. When everyone recovered, he left the same way he came.

Zhou Yi turned his attention to the students and spoke indifferently. "You guys surprised me a little in training this afternoon. So I decided not to expel anyone this time."

Students began to scream with excitement, especially those who did a few laps.

"Thank Yuhao for that. Originally, I was prepared to punish you all. The task I gave you all was for you to run until the bell rings, and then we would count the number of laps each of you did. However, apart from Mo Xie and Huo Yuhao, none of you managed to run from start to finish. However, since you were able to really develop a sense of competition because of it, you don't need to have a punishment."

"Disperse. I suggest that you meditate well as you digest the improvements and meaning of today's physical lessons. My next class will be in the afternoon, after a day. At that time, I hope I don't see any garbage." Zhou Yi spoke the ending in a threatening tone.

"Yes!" All students responded and approached Yuhao and threw him into the sky.

Mo Xie was a little surprised that Zhou Yi didn't remove the class monitor post from him. He was already prepared to give up the job as he thought it was a headache, but he just sighed at the end. He separated from the rest of the class and went to his dorm to clean up and meditate. He needed to reorganize his training from now on as he was running out of time more and more.

When Mo Xie finished cleaning himself and eating something from his storage ring he seemed to remember something. "Xu Sanshi should cause problems for Yuhao in no time right?" Mo Xie muttered and left the dorm the next moment, heading for the gym entrance at the east gate.

As he thought, by the time he arrived at the scene, Xu Sanshi had already made his move.

"Brat, do you dare not sell this fish?" A deep, angry voice suddenly rang out, followed immediately by a golden light that hit Huo Yuhao's booth.

Mo Xie clearly saw Yuhao managing to dodge because of his spiritual detection and the attacker.

Xu Sanshi was wearing a black school uniform; he was actually a sixth grader. He had a tall figure comparable to He Caitou with bushy eyebrows as well as eyes that resembled those of a tiger. He also had a straight nose, a square mouth, along with a grand appearance. His fair skin was already covered in some shades of red due to his anger, while his face, which still seemed to contain some baby fat, was quite imposing.

'Ahh, I'm going to love this.' Mo Xie thought and ran towards Xu Sanshi who was now close to grabbing Yuhao.


"What are you doing?"

"Stay with your hand!"

Mo Xie yelled along with two more people. They were Bei Bei and Tang Ya and were the ones who brought Yuhao to the academy.

Xu Sanshi was attacked from two different directions and was unable to protect himself in time. Mo Xie's attack came faster than Bei Bei's and his palm collided with Xu Sanshi's. To avoid scaring his prey, Mo Xie calibrated his strength to match his opponent's and they both took a step back.

Bei Bei, who missed the chance to attack, was surprised when he saw Mo Xie's strength. He knew that Xu Sanshi wasn't weak and was on an equal footing with him, so when he saw Mo Xie, a person younger than him being at the same strength level couldn't help but admire him.

"Senior, it's not nice to bully us freshmen." Mo Xie spoke with a bit of sarcasm.

"Since when are freshmen as strong as you?" Xu Sanshi asked in disbelief.

Bei Bei also arrived and said indifferently, "Xu Sanshi, you intimidated my younger brother. You will have to give me an explanation for today's matter. Otherwise, we'll go to the Spirit Dueling Arena and settle it with an official fight."

Xu Sanshi pointed to Yuhao and asked, "Is he your little brother?"

Bei Bey nodded expressionlessly.

"And? He dared not sell the fish to Nannan. I've even paid for them."

"These fish are for me. Bei Bei hit him and I'll give you a kiss." Tang Ya spoke as if she wanted to see the world burn.

"Senior Bei Bei, I will fight this guy. He dared to mess with my classmate, so I have a duty to teach him a lesson." Mo Xie didn't want to miss the opportunity either.

"All right brat, I'll teach you not to challenge your seniors." Xu Sanshi was already furious and agreed with Mo Xie and turned directly towards Spirit Dueling Arena.

He turned to Jiang Nannan before leaving and said in a gentle voice, "Nannan you eat first, I'll come back later."

Jian Nannan replied in a cold voice: "Xu Sanshi, I have already said that there is no possibility of anything happening between us. Stop bothering me in the future."

Xu Sanshi was embarrassed and shouted angrily at the crowd: "What are you looking at? Go away! Come on, brat." He turned and walked back into the academy.

Mo Xie caught up with him the next instant after winking at Yuhao, Bei Bei and Tang Ya.

"Senior Xu, how about a bet for our fight?" Mo Xie asked.

Xu Sanshi found it interesting and asked back. "What would you like to bet?"

"A Mysterious Water Pill. If I win you will give me one, if I lose I will give you the same amount of money for the pill as I don't have one with me at the moment." Mo Xie replied blankly.

"Alright brat, what's your name?" Xu Sanshi thought he would win, but he still didn't dare underestimate Mo Xie. Although it was a small confrontation, Mo Xie's strength was real.

"Mo Xie. Senior Xu, I hope you don't go back on your words." Mo Xie smiled inwardly.

'Finally found my punching bag!' Xu Sanshi felt a shiver down his spine, but he couldn't figure out where that feeling came from.