Chapter 21 - Mo Xie vs Xu Sanshi

The Spirit Dueling Arena is a very important venue in Shrek, and it hosted several competitions between students with teachers acting as referees. The referees were responsible for ​​determining the winner of each competition, as well as protecting students, assisting students in need, healing injured students, among others. Of course, all this had to be paid for.

Each group wishing to perform a duel needed to pay at least 10 gold coins as Arena expenses. However, many students never got tired of these competitions due to the fact that there were no restrictions to compete here. Also, you didn't need to be afraid of any dangerous situation if it was too heavy, as the teachers who acted as referees would keep everything under control. At the same time, students who won a match in the Souls Duel Arena would earn a certain amount of credits, which, in turn, would increase a person's grades by a certain amount during their annual advancement test.

Tang Ya explained all this to Yuhao at her side. Because of Mo Xie's battle against Xu Sanshi, she became very curious about him since she learned that Mo Xie was a freshman and Yuhao's classmate and brought him in to watch the combat and gain experience.

At some point, Bei Bei had disappeared inside the Arena and Tang Ya guessed he was with Xu Sanshi.

Mo Xie was now in a room in the arena meditating and waiting for the battle to begin. A few minutes later, an employee came to warn him and asked him to enter the platform.

When Mo Xie left, he saw a large crowd in the arena seats. The only thing he didn't notice were two figures that were hiding in a corner of the stands watching him.

"Shaoze, it hasn't been three days since I told you this brat was going to cause a commotion, right?" An old man with a gourd of wine commented happily.

"This will be a good opportunity to see his skills. Xu Sanshi is known as 'The Eternal Defense' in the academy, so he will be able to let us see his potential firsthand." Yan Shaoze nodded seriously. Ever since he learned about Mo Xie from Du Weilun, he was very curious about the abilities of this new freshman.

"Actually I think Xu Sanshi is just there to be this kid's punching bag." Ever since he saw Mo Xie producing a domain, Elder Xuan knew that Xu Sanshi was not his opponent.

"Don't make assumptions and just watch. You will understand my judgment in no time." Elder Xuan didn't give Yan Shaoze time to say anything and signaled to the platform.

Mo Xie and Xu Sanshi were on top of the battle platform and a 40-year-old teacher stood between them and spoke in a low voice into the microphone. "First year 'Mo Xie' is challenging fifth year 'Xu Sanshi'. Their bets have already been placed in private. Are you ready?"

Mo Xie and Xu Sanshi concurred simultaneously.

"Match start!" The referee quickly backed away and the entire Arena was silent.

Xu Sanshi released his Martial Soul at the same moment and three rings rose from his feet, 2 yellow and 1 purple. Mo Xie, however, only pulled out his Ice and Fire Spirit Sword. This was the name Mo Xie gave to his sword forged from various metals of ice and fire and with arrays inscribed on it.

Mo Xie stood calmly with his sword, watching Xu Sanshi under everyone's confused gaze.

"Mo Xie, why aren't you calling your Martial Soul?" Xu Sanshi asked, confused.

"I don't need it." Xu Sanshi was angry at Mo Xie's expressionless response, but he could feel an extremely dangerous feeling from Mo Xie the moment he drew his sword.

Suddenly, Mo Xie ran towards Xu Sanshi and a sharp energy appeared in his body. That energy quickly condensed into a powerful sword intent that merged seamlessly into his sword.

Xu Sanshi showed no weakness. His body expanded once more, causing his uniform to stretch outward. Then the huge tortoise shield appeared in his right hand again. A black color could be seen glowing on his body.

"Senior Xu, don't disappoint me." Xu Sanshi didn't have time to respond. Mo Xie came before him and made a simple cut with his sword. However, that simple cut sent shivers down his spine. His shield glowed even more brightly to resist that blow.

With the sound of metal colliding, Mo Xie stood in the same spot while Xu Sanshi retreated a full 10 meters. Xu Sanshi's arm shook from the collision and he could feel the terrible power of just Mo Xie's casual attack. His expression was now solemn and he knew he was much weaker than his opponent.

Bei Bei was awestruck in the stands alongside Tang Ya, Yuhao and Wang Dong who appeared at some point. He knew how powerful Xu Sanshi's defense was. And knowing that, he couldn't believe what he just saw. Elder Xuan had an 'I knew it' expression and Yan Shaoze had blazing eyes, as if he had found the most precious gem.

Mo Xie did not wait for Xu Sanshi to recover and moved forward again. Using his Shadow Steps, his speed increased, heading towards Xu Sanshi.

Xu Sanshi did his best to steady himself on the ground and his first yellow spirit ring glowed causing the black light emitted by his tortoise shield to be instantly doubled. A strong black halo spread from its shield, covering about ten meters square. It was like a huge hood that jutted out. This skill was called 'Mysterious Underworld Quake'.

Mo Xie saw this and made a piercing motion with the sword that was manifesting his sword intent. His attack pierced that barrier easily and Mo Xie swung the sword once more, tearing through that halo and once again approaching Xu Sanshi.

.Xu Sanshi made his second and third rings shine and Mo Xie could feel his physical attributes increasing. His shield also broke apart in many parts that protected him from attacks in all directions.

Not caring, Mo Xie used his movement ability to dodge all the mini-shields once again getting close to Xu Sanshi who gathered several small shields around him to block the attack.

Mo Xie cut these shields with quick moves while Xu Sanshi tried to retreat. Seeing that his defense was being broken, Xu Sanshi once again gathered his shield again and crouched down with the shield trying to deflect Mo Xie's attack.

Mo Xie smiled at his attempt and made a move Xu Sanshi didn't expect. Mo Xie used his free left hand to grab his shield and raised it before kicking Xu Sanshi into the air.

Now airborne and unable to dodge, Xu Sanshi could only bite the bullet and face Mo Xie's attack head-on. He once again activated his first ability and the 10 meter square black light halo once again appeared.

Mo Xie smiled and condensed his sword intent further.

"I'm going to show you one of my new sword moves for letting me have fun for a while…" Mo Xie muttered as he crouched slightly. His sword was aligned with its scabbard and a gray aura blended perfectly with the Ultimate Fire and Ice elements. His aura suddenly increased and caused Xu Sanshi's heart to panic.

'Fuck! Why was I stupid enough to agreed to fight this freak?' Xu Sanshi wanted to cry but had no tears. Yan Shaoze and Elder Xuan were also amazed by this move by Mo Xie. Especially Elder Xuan.

Originally he was already impressed by Mo Xie's sword skills, but he never imagined he would also have an affinity for two elements. And from the fluctuations they were extremely strong.

"Looks like his Martial Soul isn't as simple as it sounds... That or he has Twins Martial Soul." Yan Shaoze agreed with this comment.

Mo Xie suddenly made his move.

"Ice and Fire Explosion Sword!" He sliced ​​through the air twice and two rays, one crimson red and one ice blue, condensed with the sword's intent were launched towards Xu Sanshi.

The ice blue sword ray was the first to hit him. His first spiritual ability offered no resistance at all and he felt his body freeze from the first attack. When the second attack came, the searing fire seemed to find powder in his body and an explosion occurred.

Xu Sanshi's body was thrown flying off the platform and he vomited a few mouthfuls of blood after the fall. Mo Xie greatly reduced the power of his attack so as not to seriously injure Xu Sanshi. If he had given his all in the attack, Xu Sanshi would have exploded in a haze of blood at the scene with no part of his body left.

Mo Xie approached with a smile and said, "Senior Xu, don't forget our bet." Xu Sanshi was now all disheveled and his clothes looked like a beggar's now. He sighed in relief that they were of good quality and that they hadn't disappeared in the previous explosion.

Xu Sanshi smiled bitterly and handed him a vial before speaking: "I wouldn't have agreed to fight you if I knew you were a freak! Damn, you are just like Bei Bei. Only your looks are good, but your heart is black." Xu Sanshi was really outraged.

"This is called strategy! Senior Xu, you have to learn from this lesson and not fall for tricks anymore. The outside world is too dangerous for simple-brained people like you." Mo Xie said in a joking tone.

"Get out, brat! Don't let me have a chance, otherwise I'll hit that pretty face of yours." Xu Sanshi yelled angrily.

Just then, the referee and the people in the arena came to their senses.

The referee immediately announced the result: "Winner: Mo Xie!"

With the announcement, the audience began to scream in awe. Xu Sanshi returned to the lobby and Mo Xie left the Arena happy. He finally released some of the stress he'd accumulated over the past year.

With this fight, Mo Xie made his name known as the Sword Prince because of his appearance and sword skills. This name was mainly given by the girls who watched his battle.