Chapter 30 - Fusing with Xu Ling, Fourth Spiritual Ring

Mo Xie was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the island while Xu Ling's body began to glow in a colorful light.

Xu Ling released his spiritual origin and a twelve-colored halo appeared above his body and transformed into a human figure. The glow in his original body began to fade, leaving him with no trace of life.

"Mo Xie, you will have to persevere through the fusion process. I will try to help you as much as I can, but everything will still depend on you!" Xu Ling's voice rang in Mo Xie's mind. With a wave of his hands, his lifeless body began to shrink and change shape.

At some point, what was once the body of a spirit beast 20 meters tall turned into a torso spirit bone that glowed with halos of twelve different colors.

Mo Xie felt the spiritual bone approaching and started the fusion process with the help of Xu Ling.

Mo Xie's only feeling when starting the fusion was extreme pain. Even with all his willpower, Mo Xie couldn't help but scream during the process.

Normally, a person who has a high compatibility with a spirit bone will not feel any pain in the fusion process and will be able to finish it calmly. However, even though Mo Xie was extremely compatible with Xu Ling's spirit bone, the power contained in the spirit bone was too much for his current body to handle.

Xu Ling used the Ultimate Ice to numb Mo Xie's body and ease his pain, but Mo Xie's screams haven't stopped yet.

"Mo Xie, you must hold on or you and I are doomed!" Xu Ling yelled.

Mo Xie's spiritual sea was chaotic and cracks could be seen forming before rays of golden and silver light repaired them. These rays of light were the essence of the sun and moon that Mo Xie had absorbed all these years of training his Heavenly Eyes.

Mo Xie could feel his mind clearing a little and his screams subsided. He gritted his teeth tightly and focused his mind to complete the fusion process with the spirit bone.

Xu Ling sighed with relief when he realized the situation had gotten better and continued to help Mo Xie.

Mo Xie could feel his bloodline strengthening with each passing second. Xu Ling's spirit bone was the manifestation of his bodily essence that merged with him and coursed through his body at every moment. Once the fusion was complete and Xu Ling's spiritual origin was absorbed, his bloodline would soar to the skies and become the closest bloodline to Old Du among all his existing descendants.

The entire fusion process took ten days to complete. When the last strand of power from spirit bone merged with Mo Xie completely, he passed out right there.

"Finally we made it past the most critical stage…" Xu Ling muttered with a sigh. Even for him, this fusion was very exhausting and if he were in his real body right now, Xu Ling would be sweating profusely.

"Now it's my turn to finish the job!" Xu Ling looked at Mo Xie passed out and smiled appreciatively. Mo Xie's willpower surprised him greatly. He managed to stop himself from breaking his spiritual sea even though he felt pain throughout his body.

Without waiting any longer, he approached his spiritual origin and began to fuse with Mo Xie.

Another ten days passed.

Mo Xie opened his eyes slowly and a twelve-color glow shone in his eyes. His body began to float 5 meters in the air when all the elements in the area began to gather around him and a domain of 100 meters appeared with Mo Xie at the center. This was his Mystic Heavenly Wolf's Heavenly Domain.

The Sun and Moon Marks on his right arm glowed brightly as a primordial aura began to exude from his body. This aura was even more intense than before when it was released during his body's metamorphosis.

Slowly, a twelve-colored ring with various patterns emerged from his feet, his hands grew wolf's claws, and silver hair began to appear on his arms. His aura could be felt by all the spirit beasts in the forest and they hid in fear.

Mo Xie's body dropped to the ground and his domain and aura retracted. His eyes, which had twelve colors, returned to normal, but with visible differences. The flecks of gold and silver that had been in his purple eyes deepened and grew brighter.

His eyes became heterochromatic, with the right eye with purple and gold colors and the left eye with purple and silver colors. If it weren't for his Mystic Eyes Martial Soul, his eyes would be completely gold and silver.

Mo Xie clenched his fists, feeling the strength running through his body he couldn't help but smile in satisfaction. His physique reached the standard of a Soul Sage after fusing with the spirit bone and there was one thing that left him even more enchanted.

His Heavenly Eyes had finally reached the third level. He could see everything in his field of vision down to the smallest detail. He could feel that his memory had become perfect and could see even farther.

Mo Xie condensed his spiritual and mental power and a hologram of his body appeared in front of him.

"My mental power can finally affect reality. Is this the material-inconcrete stage?" Mo Xie muttered.

A voice came from her mind. "This really is the metaphysical realm!"

"Elder brother Ling, how are you after the fusion?" Mo Xie asked.

"There's nothing wrong with me. I just need to rest for a few days in your spiritual sea and everything will be fine." Xu Ling replied and continued, "Mo Xie, you must know how important the metaphysical realm is to you."

"The metaphysical realm is a realm that 99% of spiritual masters with mental attributes will never reach in their lifetime. At the moment you can create the form of your mind power, but the substance is still lacking. You must continue to train your mental power so that both form and substance can be created."

"When your mental power reaches the material-concrete stage, no one in this world will be your match. Even in our bloodline, there are many descendants with the mental talent who haven't reached that realm after so long, but you still did at such a young age." Xu Ling excitedly explained. He really wanted to share this with some of his friends and see their incredulous expressions.

"En, I will work hard to improve faster." Mo Xie nodded and asked, "Elder brother Ling, is there any spirit beast with mental attributes suitable for me in this forest?" Mo Xie still needed to acquire his fourth spirit ring.

"This secret realm is something the ancestor created for you to get your rings, but you must be strong enough for it. All spirit beasts in the forest are over 100,000 years old and there are some close to 1,000,000 years old as well." Xu Ling said in his mind.

"What?! Are there spirit beasts close to 1,000,000 years old here?" Mo Xie yelled in surprise.

"Yes, but you are still not strong enough to defeat them. Before you came, I found a 50,000 year old spirit beast for you and placed it in an array formation inside the lake. With your current physique it shouldn't be a problem absorbing his spirit ring, but you'll have some problems killing it even if it's trapped inside the formation." Xu Ling said.

"What abilities does this spirit beast have?" Mo Xie asked as he approached the lake.

"It's a secret!" Xu Ling said with a playful voice in his mind. "But I think you will love it." He continued.

Mo Xie sighed helplessly and jumped into the water, swimming towards the formation with Xu Ling's instructions.

When he reached the bottom of the lake, he saw a spirit beast resembling a basilisk wrapped around a large rock. This basilisk was 30 meters long with black scales and golden eyes. He had pointed horns on his head and a pair of dragon wings on his body and was looking at Mo Xie with a deadly glare.

When Mo Xie looked into his golden eyes, he could feel a mental power trying to take control of his mind. Mo Xie used his mental power to fight the invasion of his mind and erected several defenses.

The basilisk roared in fury, feeling its attack fail and the water at the bottom of the lake stirred with its roar.

Mo Xie looked at the basilisk with bright eyes. "Mind control! It's a mind control skill!" Mo exclaimed excitedly.

Wasting no time, Mo Xie used his Mental Shock and called out his spirit rings. Three black rings rose from his feet and the third ring glowed at the same time as his attack. After the fusion, all his rings were strengthened.

The basilisk felt as if a hammer had hit his mind and his body began to thrash in formation and did not notice a spiritual imprint forming in his mind.

Mo Xie looked at the basilisk's bodily strength and understood that it would still be extremely difficult to kill him if he wasn't trapped in formation.

His three black rings disappeared and a twelve-colored ring rose up on his body and began to glow.

Xu Ling's 1,000,000-year-old spirit ring, as well as the spirit bone, gave him four new abilities each. One of the abilities the spirit ring gave him was 'Elemental Control'. This skill allowed him to have better control of the elements and the element's attack power was increased by 100%. However, the consumption of spiritual power was still too high for the current Mo Xie.

[Author's Note: Give me ideas for his spirit ring and torso bone skills besides the 'Elemental Control'.]

Several ice spears and swords formed around Mo Xie and flew towards the Basilisk that had his body trapped by vines. The space around his body was momentarily frozen and a blue flame tried to penetrate his body through the gaps between the scales.

Mo Xie did not hold his strength at all. He also picked up his sword and slashed several times, hurling blades of sword intent towards the Basilisk.

The Basilisk's scales were really tough and resistant, but in the face of Mo Xie's barrage of attacks, his scales began to crack as time passed and more attacks came.

The Basilisk roared even more furiously and its eyes glittered dangerously. Mo Xie could feel his spiritual and mental power freezing slightly, but he soon broke free and made even more powerful attacks on the Basilisk.

Mo Xie used all his sword skills until Basilisk was just one step away from dying.

Seeing his opportunity, Mo Xie swung his sword once more, condensing several swords made of ice sword intent and fusing his mental power into them. A mental and spiritual coercion appeared in his attack that went towards the Basilisk. Mo Xie also used one more Mental Shock and exploded the mark left in his soul making Basilisk's mind quiver once more with the two mental attacks.

The attack from his sword arrived and penetrated Basilisk's heart, wiping out the rest of his life.

A black spirit ring emerged from his body as Mo Xie breathed heavily.

"Damn it! Fighting underwater is still difficult for my current self." Mo Xie cursed. He used the last of his spiritual power to grab the basilisk's body and take it to the island in the center of the lake.

Mo Xie sat cross-legged and began to recover to absorb the spiritual ring of the Basilisk.

Thirty minutes later, Mo Xie was back at his peak and began the absorption process.

It took only two hours to finish, and now four black spirit rings rose from his feet and swirled around his body. His spiritual power rose to Rank 44.

The basilisk's body began to fade and a pair of black scaled wings came out of Mo Xie scapula releasing a black glow.

Mo Xie looked at this pair of wings and exclaimed excitedly.

"Your luck is really good…" Xu Ling's envious voice came from his mind.

Mo Xie just smiled smugly. On this trip, in addition to getting a 1,000,000-year-old spiritual ring and bone and strengthening his lineage, he also got his fourth spiritual ring and one more external spirit bone. He was in a very good mood.

"It's time to go back…" Mo Xie muttered and looked at the forest.