Chapter 31 - Inventory and Analysis of the Spirit Rings

Authors Note: I changed his skill 'Elemental Control' to 'Elemental Sovereign'.

Please check the auxiliary chapter, and if you guys have a better idea to his ring and torso bone skills, please write in the comments.

Now lets go to the chapter!


Mo Xie left the secret realm through a space array in a secret passage on the island. Since no one but him could get into it, Mo Xie didn't have too many worries.

Mo Xie ran through the forest towards the exit while making an inventory of his new abilities.

The spiritual abilities that Xu Ling's spirit ring gave him were: Elemental Sovereign, Elemental Storm, Heavenly Wolf Claws, and one more ability that seemed to be sealed. Even Xu Ling didn't know why and said it might have something to do with Old Du's lineage.

His spiritual torso bone also gave him four other abilities, namely: Elemental True Body, Elemental Absorption, Heavenly Wolf Wrath and Heavenly Wolf Armor.

[Author's Note: Please see the auxiliary chapter of MC Status. I put the description of all these abilities there and I'm too lazy to write them again as I don't want to do a simple copy and paste.]

His new abilities range from support, defense, attack, control, etc. Mo Xie was extremely pleased with them and couldn't wait to use them, however he suppressed that emotion in his heart. His Mystic Heavenly Wolf Martial Soul is very powerful, and needs training to suppress its aura. Otherwise, there will be a commotion every time he uses it.

It took Mo Xie less than two days to leave Star Dou Forest. After resting for a while, he wanted to test something that had been on his mind all along. His Basilisk Wings grew on his scapula and he flew into the sky.

Its speed was about the same as that of his flying-type spirit tool when used normally. However, if more spirit power were injected into the wings, his speed could increase by 50%. They could also be used to attack and defend with a 30% boost in both instances if spiritual power is injected.

'When I come back I must create a custom spirit tool that is in conjunction with my basilisk wings. My spirit power consumption can be further reduced and my speed can compare to that of a standard sixth class flying type spirit tool.' Mo Xie thought inwardly.

He landed and retracted his wings before equipping his spirit tool in wing shapes and flew again towards Shrek Academy. By his calculations, there were still a few days for students to report their arrivals to their teachers. Everyone was given a month's vacation to return to their homes and get their spiritual rings before the class advancement exam began.

Within four hours, Mo Xie reached the outskirts of Shrek City, before landing and entering through the east gate. A while later, Mo Xie could be seen in Zhou Yi's office reporting his arrival.

"It's a good thing you arrived before the deadline." Zhou Yi said in satisfaction and continued, "Did you manage to get your fourth spiritual ring?"

Mo Xie smiled and nodded. As proof, he let his aura of spiritual power go out of his body, but he didn't call out his rings.

Sensing Mo Xie's aura, Zhou Yi exclaimed in disbelief and looked Mo Xie up and down before calming down.

"I've never seen anyone with such monstrous cultivation speed as yours." Zhou Yi sighed in awe. She obviously realized that Mo Xie was at Rank 44.

"I was a little lucky." Mo Xie said modestly.

After talking for a while, Zhou Yi asked, "Do you know where Yuhao went?"

"Isn't he at the academy?" Mo Xie asked back. He had an idea where he might be, but he kept that information to himself.

"Not. He left without telling anyone where he was going." Zhou Yi said angrily and continued, "He told Fan Yu that the Martial Souls Department would help him get his second spirit ring, but he told me the Spirit Tools Department would help him with that. He clearly lied to both sides!" Zhou Yi almost screamed at the end.

"Professor Zhou, he must have had his difficulties and he didn't want to worry you and the teacher. He will come back before the deadline and if he doesn't arrive on time, he can still be transferred directly to the spirit tools department." Mo Xie said, trying to calm Zhou Yi.

Mo Xie remembers that a few months ago, Yuhao ate something that improved his spiritual power, although he doesn't know what it was.

'The butterfly effect is really amazing.' It was his thinking at the time. Even though Yuhao didn't ingest the soul advancement pill, he still got his hands on something that boosted his rank and allowed him to reach Rank 20 before the vacation at the end-of-year.

Zhou Yi sighed once more and nodded. After complaining for a while longer, she allowed Mo Xie to leave.

Mo Xie walked towards his dorm and saw Mu En still lying in his chair under a tree.

He greeted him respectfully before entering the dorm.

Mu En followed him with his eyes for a moment before sighing in admiration. 'This little monster is getting stronger and stronger. Sigh… The situation on the mainland is changing very fast.'

He closed his eyes again and enjoyed the breeze of the wind.

In his room, Mo Xie saw that Lei Zhi had already arrived and there was no dust in the room. He went to take a shower and when he returned he found Lei Zhi changing his clothes.

"Brother Mo Xie, a long time without seeing you!" Lei Zhi said excitedly.

"Lei Zhi, it's been a while. I just got back from the forest." Mo Xie smiled.

Realizing the implication in his words, Lei Zhi exclaimed in disbelief. "Did you breakthrough?"

"Yes, I became a Soul Ancestor a few days ago!" Mo Xie responded and commented teasingly, "Why don't we train a little and I'll show you some of my prowess?"

"Get out! I would be a masochist if I accepted this offer." Lei Zhi huffed a little angrily, however, he really admired Mo Xie.

Mo Xie helped him improve his control of spirit power and his combat skills, allowing his advance to be much faster now reaching Rank 25. He envied him a little, but that didn't obstruct their friendship. After all, Mo Xie's strength was all due to his hard work.

Mo Xie chatted with him some more before heading to the inner courtyard. He wanted to try something now that his power had increased and he needed an empty place.

Before long, he arrived at the training room he and Ma Xiaotao use and found it empty. According to the schedule, Ma Xiaotao wasn't supposed to come at the moment, which made it perfect for Mo Xie.

Four black rings rose from his feet. The first ring stopped in front of him and Mo Xie used his innate ability. Now that his mental power had taken a qualitative leap and increased to the level of a Soul Sage, Mo Xie could finally do things he couldn't do before.

Arrays that were once obscure to Mo Xie began to reveal themselves little by little. Mo Xie used his perfect memory to remember each of them as he carefully analyzed them. The arrays written to his first spirit ring were very similar to the illusion arrays in his memory. However, because its use of illusion was more comprehensive, it was a little more complex than normal illusion arrays, but Mo Xie still managed to figure it out.

The difficulty was in the soul arrays in the spirit ring. He sorted them out in his mind and analyzed them one by one until he found what they represented.

Gradually, comparing them to the arrays in his memory, Mo Xie discovered what each of them did. There were a total of three soul arrays, one of them being the Soul Binding Array which allowed to make a connection between the spirit ring and Mo Xie providing a path for spirit power to activate the illusion array in the ring.

The second soul array was called Soul Crystallization Array. This array would give form and substance to the soul's energy by crystallizing it into a metaphysical core that acted as a Soul Core in the spiritual ring, causing its energy not to dissipate after establishing a connection with a spiritual master through the Soul Binding Array. However, the energy in the core created by this array could not increase by normal means, requiring a catalyst like the power of a bloodline.

The third array was called Soul Fusion Array. This array allowed the metaphysical core with crystallized soul energy to merge with the spiritual master. It was this fusion that created the spiritual master's spiritual power increase when the spirit ring was absorbed by his martial soul.

Mo Xie deduced that depending on the martial soul that absorbed the ring, the use of the array containing the skill would be different, but he couldn't verify that now. Perhaps if he could see the process of absorbing someone else's spirit ring, that hypothesis could be verified.

There was also one more array connected to the illusion arrays and the soul arrays. It was a storage array, but unlike the spatial and spiritual storage array, this array allowed to store arrays within it at a larger scale.

The spirit ring is too small to fit all arrays, so the storage array used the ideas of spatial storage arrays and soul arrays to extend the relative space of the spirit ring so that all arrays could be created.

These are the most important arrays in the spirit ring, but there are also other arrays that link them to Mo Xie body and some others minors arrays.

"I don't know who determined the laws of this world, but that person was a genius for thinking about it." Mo Xie sighed in awe.

Mo Xie also analyzed his other spirit rings, and the results were more or less the same. Only the difference in the arrays related to their abilities and the power contained in the metaphysical core were different.

"With this I'm closer to merging with the Life Gold Knife…" Mo Xie muttered. When the time comes, he would ask Xu Ling to help him with the fusion to acquire his third eye.

'I must still study spiritual rings of other attributes and discover the difference with arrays of mental attributes.' Mo Xie thought inwardly and smiled when he remembered that there was a perfect guinea pig in his dorm.