Chapter 33 - Advancement Test (Fixed)

Author's Note: Let me explain a few things so it's clear.

From the beginning of the fanfic I said that I would not make the MC be OP to the point of beating a Soul Douluo with a low cultivation. And no, he's not nerfed. Let me give you a clear example.

Imagine two people, one with a Soul Ancestor cultivation. This person has a physical and mental power with a standard of a Soul Sage. This is our MC. (Remember that his spiritual power pool is in Soul Ancestor rank).

Now we have Ma Xiaotao. She is just one step away from reaching Rank 70. Her spiritual power pool is huge compared to a Soul Ancestor's pool. Her physical and mental power are also on the same level as her spiritual power, or even greater in a matter of physical standard. She even can fight with opponents with a higher rank than her.

Even though our MC has a much purer and denser spiritual power, he is still not her opponent as his spiritual power pool is not at the same level and he would tire faster as he couldn't use many moves with a big consumption of spiritual power like her.

Of course, if he gives it his all, he could still come to a draw with her, with both of them suffering big losses. He might even win, but he would pay a big price for it, like losing some members or something like that.

So I hope that's pretty clear.

And one more thing. There will be many scenes with drama and romance in this fanfic. And I chose FML based on my tastes and I won't change it. There will also be no harem here, so if you don't like it, please respect whoever does. There were some malicious comments that I removed for these reasons.

Now that aside, let's get to the chapter!


Class 1 students listened to Zhou Yi and Wang Yan explain how the advancement test would be done for first-year students to move to second-year. For students of the assaut, control, defense and agility system, a battle against a spirit beast would be held in the Beast Duelling Arena and students who achieved a grade greater than 60 points would receive a pass.

Every student in the room listened carefully to Zhou Yi's explanation. Everyone except Mo Xie, who was staring dazedly at the window at the back of the room. He has been in that state since last night because of what happened between him and Ma Xiaotao.

*BAM!* Suddenly a loud sound from his desk startled him.

Mo Xie turned his head and saw Zhou Yi looking at him with a cold, piercing look and his classmates looking at him with pity in their eyes.

"Student Mo Xie, you seem to think it's not necessary to pay attention in my class." Zhou Yi said with a sarcastic tone.

"Teacher Zhou, it's a misunderstanding! I was just lost in my thoughts." Mo Xie said hastily.

"Then why don't you share your thoughts with the rest of the class, so we know what's so interesting that you skip my class." Mo Xie didn't dare open his mouth.

He knew that Zhou Yi wasn't really angry, and was just worried that he would become arrogant because of his increase in strength and get hurt during the test for not heeding her advice.

"This is a warning to all of you. Don't be arrogant and heed my advice, as this arrogance could hurt you during your test." Zhou Yi said loudly to the class and went back to her desk in front of the class.

'I'm saved…' Mo Xie sighed in relief.

The class went smoothly after that until Class 2 teacher Mu Jin arrived with two other teachers from the Education Department. The reason was Yuhao's delay in reporting his arrival, breaking school rules.

Because of this, Yuhao's identity as a central disciple of the Spirit Tools Department was revealed. Fan Yu also appeared with Director Du, once again confirming his new identity as a disciple of Fan Yu and his Second Class Soul Engineer badge was shown, leaving everyone in the room awestruck except for Mo Xie, Zhou Yi, and Wang Dong .

Mo Xie didn't know if Yuhao was swept away by some gamble during the freshman evaluation or some benefits the Spirit Tools Department Dean Qian Duoduo offered to Yan Shaoze.

Soon, it was time for the advancement test and the first year students arrived at the Beast Duelling Arena. The arena was in an oval building with a diameter of 190 meters and 60 meters high, capable of accommodating up to ten thousand spectators.

Zhou Yi was beside Mo Xie, Yuhao and Wang Dong who were leading Class 1 and Mu Jin was beside Dai Huabin who led Class 2 students.

Although Dai Huabin did not come into conflict with Yuhao during the freshman evaluation, he used to question Zhou Yi's way of teaching after the class reorganization, causing Zhou Yi to kick him out of her class.

As a result, he developed hatred for the students Zhou Yi treated well, such as Mo Xie, Yuhao, and Wang Dong. He focused his hatred especially on Yuhao and Wang Dong, as he knew he was no match for Mo Xie.

He even made a bet with Yuhao as in the original story, with the score of each being the way to compare the winner and whoever lost would have to bow to the winner.

With just one look, Mo Xie felt the Ultimate Ice in Yuhao, even though it was weaker than his. This confirmed that he had fused with the Ice Empress.

Mo Xie wouldn't even have to think to know who would win this bet.

"Mo Xie, you are the strongest in the class, so you will go first. Show your strength to the people watching." Zhou Yi whispered.

Mo Xie was about to speak when Yuhao's voice sounded. "Wait, Professor Zhou. Let me go first!"

When Zhou Yi was thinking, Mo Xie said, "Just let him go, Professor Zhou. An interesting show will take place." Yuhao saw Mo Xie looking at him with some meaning. He seemed to be referring to the bet with Dai Huabin.

Zhou Yi gritted her teeth and nodded. "Very well, you can go first."

Yuhao walked with long strides and soon arrived at the center of the arena. He chose to fight a 100-year-old spiritual beast, making many people who were watching the test despise him.

The spirit beast he faced was a Wind Spirit Wolf, an agility type beast. Soon his eyes changed to a red color and two red rings with four golden lines rose from his feet. A terrible aura spread with Yuhao at the center, causing the Wind Spirit Wolf to faint and all the beasts trapped in the arena to startle.

Students' screams of fear could be heard throughout the arena and the teachers looked at Yuhao in disbelief, their spiritual rings had already been released to resist the aura.

Only two people were unaffected by Yuhao. One was Wang Dong, who was able to fuse his martial soul with Yuhao, and the other was Mo Xie, who had a bloodline far superior to Yuhao's Ice Jade Empress Scorpion. Mo Xie had also experienced Xu Ling's aura, which was much more powerful than the Ice Empress's aura.

When everything calmed down, the test ended up being postponed for two days because of Yuhao and he ended up being taken by Du Weilun.

Dai Huabin also ended up bowing in front of a crowd to Yuhao. Mo Xie watched all this from the outside and didn't interfere with anything. It was Yuhao's right to get revenge on Dai Huabin, so it wasn't his turn to meddle in his affairs.

Classes continued normally for the next two days until everyone was called back to the Beast Duelling Arena and Yan Shaoze personally came to watch the test.

This time, Mo Xie was the first to step onto the arena.

"What system do you belong to and what is the age of the spirit beast do you want to face?" The referee asked.

"Control system. I choose a 10,000 year old spirit beast." Mo Xie replied blankly.

"That's…" The referee didn't know how to respond. He knew some of Mo Xie's strength from the rumors. He shouldn't have any problem against 1,000-year-old beasts, but he ended up choosing a 10,000-year-old beast. Even the students who watched were surprised.

"Let him choose." Suddenly, Yan Shaoze's voice rang out, snapping the referee out of his stupor. He waved and signaled to some people.

Before long, Mo Xie saw his opponent. It was a 10,000-year-old Dark Blood Leopard, which had its attributes focused on agility. The aura of a 10,000-year-old spirit beast startled some weaker students, while the others stared intently at Mo Xie's actions, wondering what he would do.

Mo Xie quickly gave them an answer. He unsheathed his sword and imprisoned his opponent with the aura of his sword intent that was fused with his mental power. Mo Xie disappeared from where he was and appeared in front of the Dark Blood Leopard.

He slashed quickly with his sword, using only the minimum force necessary for the power contained in his sword's intent to invade the Dark Blood Leopard's mind, causing him to pass out in the next moment.

Mo Xie didn't kill him. The referee then noticed Mo Xie looking at him and understood what he meant, but didn't know how to score his test.

Just then Du Weilun's voice brought everyone out of their thoughts. "With Dean Yan's approval, Mo Xie receives a full score for his test."

These words caused quite a stir among the students, and once again made them realize how terrible Mo Xie's strength was. He can easily defeat a 10.000 years-old spirit beast.

Mo Xie calmly returned to Zhou Yi's side who was pleased with his performance.

The test continued normally, with Dai Huabin, Wang Dong, and Yuhao choosing 1,000-year-old spirit beasts. Yuhao's Ice Jade Empress Scorpion martial soul drew a lot of attention during the test. Mo Xie could already see the fight it would cause between Yan Shaoze and Qian Duoduo.

Yuhao was the second person to get a perfect test score.

With that, the advancement test for the second year was gradually ending, until Mo Xie left after receiving his new uniform. According to the original story, there was supposed to be a discussion about Yuhao in the Sea God Island Pavilion, but that's none of his business.

Little did Mo Xie know that he would also be one of the subjects discussed.

There was also an advancement test for the Spirit Tools Department. However, Mo Xie did not participate for obvious reasons. A 12-year-old Fourth Class Soul Engineer was a very big freak and word of it could get out, so Fan Yu didn't allow him to participate.

The night soon arrived and The Treasure Appreciation Auction was about to begin.