Chapter 34 - One vs Six

A few hours before the Treasure Appreciation Auction.

In the Sea God Island Pavilion several important figures, who make decisions at the academy, were seated around a large table as they discussed about Huo Yuhao.

The discussion had already reached its climax when Mu En's voice came from the main seat. "The purpose of our academy is to train monsters, not normal people. Since that's the case, why not let this child study in both departments?" He continued speaking a few more words until everyone unanimously agreed with his suggestion.

Just then, Yan Shaoze asked, "Elder Mu, what do you think we should do with the boy Mo Xie? The level of his talent has never been seen on the mainland before, surpassing even the ancestors like Tang San. Wouldn't it be a waste not to have anyone to teach him?"

His words caught the attention of all the elders present. Mo Xie's talent was certainly terrifying and could be of great benefit to the academy if well nurtured. But the question itself was who could teach him. With his progression rate and his combat skills, most of them weren't confident they could teach him correctly.

So the decision was left to Mu En.

In fact, Mu En thought for a while before answering, "This child…" He paused for a moment, as if gathering his thoughts, and continued. "He is special. I'm not talking about his cultivation or his superior abilities, but his bloodline." He sighed remembering the day Mo Xie completed his body metamorphosis.

"As much as he tried to hide it, his martial soul comes from a bloodline that never appeared on the mainland. Even the bloodline of my martial soul shuddered in fear as it touched the aura of his martial soul." The elders who heard him revealed expressions of surprise and disbelief.

It was known that Mu En had the Light Holy Dragon Martial Soul, a martial soul that was descended from the Dragon God. If even his martial soul trembled in fear, then how terrible was Mo Xie's martial soul?

That thought scared them as well as excited them. However, they were undecided on how to proceed with this information.

"You shouldn't worry so much. I watched him for a while at the academy and I can confirm that he doesn't have a bad personality." Mu En's voice brought them out of their thoughts.

"It is also not necessary for anyone to actively teach him, his skills alone speak for him. Even at such a young age, he has already achieved more than most high-level spirit masters have failed to do. Even his skills as a Soul Engineer are splendid." Mu En said in a warm voice. He really appreciated Mo Xie's abilities. Even he wasn't as talented as Mo Xie in his youth.

The issue of Mo Xie being a Fourth Class Soul Engineer was also familiar to everyone there, so they weren't surprised.

"Just give him advice and teach him a little now and then and he'll flourish all by himself as the leader of the new generation of Shrek." Mu En said. Mo Xie was also an orphan and would not be influenced by the empires, so there would be no problem from what Mu En had observed.

"As for what we're going to do about his future, I'll leave him in Xuan Zi's care for now. A good opportunity for his growth is about to happen." Everyone present understood his words and raised no objections.

"We will do as the Pavilion Master ordered." The elders said before being dismissed. Only Xuan Zi was left there with Mu En.

"Xuan Zi, take Mo Xie to the main team of shrek seven monsters and make him compete for a place. With his skills it shouldn't be any problem for him to participate as a main member in the upcoming tournament." Mu En spoke in a calm voice.

Xuan Zi nodded and Mu En asked in a serious voice, "As for what I asked for earlier, is there anything new?"

Xuan Zi wore a solemn expression and replied, "It's just as you thought. Not just Mo Xie, but a few other people with superior bloodlines appeared on the continent. As much as their bloodlines are not as good as Mo Xie's, they are still superior bloodlines never seen in this world."

Mu En revealed a slightly worried expression. "The situation on the continent is changing faster than we thought. Even the Sun Moon Empire is getting more aggressive." He sighed heavily.

Xuan Zi, hearing his words, muttered: "A war is coming…"

'I hope the new generation gets strong as soon as possible' Mu En looked into the void as if considering the problems ahead.


Back to the present.

Mo Xie had just entered the Treasure Collection Pavilion. It was a luxurious four-floors building over 20 meters high, occupying a large area in Shrek City.

At the second-floor reception, after registering his information, the receptionist handed him a red card, allowing him to pick up an item for free regardless of the price. By the unanimous decision of the academy, Mo Xie was given great resources to ensure his growth. It was also a way to make him stay at the academy.

Mo Xie didn't mind too much and started looking around, searching for some item that he liked. In addition to the red card, he was also given the authority to ascend to the third floor.

Aside from some rare metals he could get from the spirit tools department, Mo Xie didn't find anything that interested him on the second floor. There were some spirit bones that might have been suitable for him, however their age was very low.

So Mo Xie went straight up to the third floor. If the second floor had fewer people than the first floor, then the third floor was almost empty. Only a few people could be found before they left.

On this floor, the items were even more valuable than those displayed on the second floor. It also meant they were more expensive.

Mo Xie wandered around for a while before stopping in front of a small green wooden box. Inside that box was a bright red gold scarf and on top of that scarf was a purple crystal with red stripes wandering inside it.

A powerful thunder energy could be felt in this crystal, causing all who looked at it to feel their souls shudder in fear. However, Mo Xie was not only not afraid, he was excited.

The reason for this was that he knew what this crystal was. When he looked at the description of this crystal, he confirmed that no one knew of its uses.

The crystal description read as follows: Unknown Crystal Name. It contains a great deal of thunder energy, but no one has been able to assimilate it. Unknown uses. Price of 10,000,000 gold coins.

'I never thought to find a crystal containing the power of the red celestial tribulation here.' Mo Xie smiled from ear to ear.

He took hurried steps and quickly used his red card. He really had to thank the Academy for allowing him to find a Red Lightning Tribulation Crystal.

This crystal could be used for many things, such as tempering the body, increasing affinity for thunder and most importantly, allowing a person with an attribute of the ultimate thunder to gain the thunder characteristics of the red tribulation, considered one of the deadliest tribulations in the universe. The price of this crystal could not be considered in gold, but as no one knew about it, Mo Xie bought it at a bargain.

Even the Nine Lightning Tribulation was not as terrifying as the Red Lightning Tribulation. It was known as the Tribulation of Death, as no one survived it.

'However, I must make some preparations to temper my body with this. Even if it's just a holdover from the red tribulation, my body still won't be able to withstand the discharge without any countermeasures.' Mo Xie thought.

Having made his purchase, Mo Xie wandered around for a while longer before returning to the academy. Although there are very valuable items, none caught his eye.

Leaving the Treasure Gathering Pavilion, Mo Xie had walked only a few minutes before seeing a sign for help in the sky.

If he didn't guess wrong, it must have been Yuhao who asked for help through the signal.

Mo Xie wasted no time and directly launched his Basilisk Wings. His flight speed was extremely fast and he soon discovered Yuhao and Wang Dong trying to escape from a Soul Emperor and five Soul Kings.

Yuhao had just used his domain ability from the Ice Empress to delay the three Soul Kings with flying abilities when he arrived. The Soul Emperor was approaching where they would land while Bei Bei, Xu Sanshi and JIang Nannan were running some distance away.

Mo Xie flew towards the Soul Emperor at extremely fast speed and unsheathed his sword. A powerful sword intent arose and attacked the Soul Emperor who quickly defended himself with a sword steeped in black flame.

The collision of metal on metal sounded and they both backed away from the confrontation. However, Mo Xie's goal was achieved and Yuhao and Wang Dong landed safely.

"Senior Xu, take care of them for me. I'm going to play with these guys here a little!" Mo Xie said seeing the Bei Bei group arrive.

He didn't wait for an answer and flew towards the Soul Emperor who regrouped with his companions.

'One Soul Emperor and five Soul Kings… Although they don't have the best combination of rings, I still shouldn't underestimate their strengths.' Finishing his thought, with him at the center, a gray, ice blue, and scarlet red-gold tri-color domain stretched out for a radius of 70 meters.

Within that domain, mysterious lines connected forming a dazzling Yin-Yang Array almost instantly. Spiritual power and the elements of ice and fire in the air were being absorbed by this array, strengthening the domain and offsetting Mo Xie's consumption of spiritual power.

After eight months of training, Mo Xie had elevated his domain to great success and with his recent qualitative leap in his mental power, he could build arrays within his domain much faster than before.

Mo Xie could feel his strength increase by at least 70% while his opponents had a 50% debuff to their strength.

With a thought, several condensed swords of Fire Sword Intent and Ice Sword Intent appeared in his domain. There were at least 40 condensed swords and they were arranged in 6 different formations, attacking each of his opponents.

Understanding that time was running out, Mo Xie flew towards the Soul Kings in midair, intending to eliminate them first.

Mo Xie got close to the first Soul King who was distracted dealing with the attack of his condensed swords and directly used one of his sword skills, Burning Body Freezing Mind.

The Soul King noticed Mo Xie's attack too late and his chest was cut by Mo Xie. He felt his body on fire and his mind freeze, causing him to lose focus and be cut by Mo Xie's condensed swords. His vitals organs were all destroyed and his head beheaded.

'One less!' Mo Xie turned his attention to the two other Soul Kings in the air next to him and noticed that they had banded together to deal with the onslaught of his swords. However, he ignored it and ran towards them.

The two Soul Kings noticed his movements and their spirit rings lit up, improving their speed and attack power. They dodged most of the swords and ran towards Mo Xie with some cuts to their bodies.

They risked injury to try to kill Mo Xie and flee from that place.

Mo Xie smirked at them and used his mental shock on them both. They felt as if a hammer had hit them in the head and bled from their eyes, nose and mouth.

Because of their oversights, Mo Xie attacked them with another of his sword skills, Ice and Fire Explosion Sword. The condensed swords of ice sword intent froze their bodies before the fire intent swords arrived and caused an explosion in their bodies, creating two mists of blood. Their bodies could not be found anymore.

Mo Xie held none of his strength and could feel his reserves of spiritual power slipping away. In the end, using his domain to hold five Soul Kings and one Soul Emperor was still too much for him now. Even though they were only common in their levels, their reserves of spiritual power were still greater than Mo Xie's reserves.

The moment he killed the two Soul Kings, Mo Xie felt a shiver down his spine and quickly dodged to the right.

The Soul Emperor had thrown off his swords along with the two remaining Soul Kings and attempted a sneak attack on him. Even in the air, his fight was relatively close to the ground, so even without the ability to fly, his attack still caught up with him.

Seeing his last opponents with only a few superficial cuts, Mo Xie immediately thought about ending the fight quickly. If she lingered, he would be on the losing side.

'I didn't want to use my spirit rings, but it looks like I don't have a choice…' Mo Xie wanted to see how far he could go with his sword skills alone.

Raising his speed to maximum speed, Mo Xie threw himself towards the Soul Emperor.

His opponent seemed to be in a hurry to find an opportunity and run away, so he used his sixth spirit ring, the only ten-thousand-year-old ability he had. His companions also activated their spirit abilities to face Mo Xie.

However, Mo Xie smirked. Four black spirit rings rose from his feet and his second ring glowed. Mo Xie could see the look of disbelief in their eyes when they saw his spirit rings.

Instantly, his opponents' abilities were canceled leaving them in panic. Mo Xie also used his third spirit ability and marked their souls as he condensed more swords into his domain and attacked them.

They tried to defend themselves as much as possible from the swords and once again tried to use their spirit abilities. However, the mark on their souls exploded in the next moment, making them scream in pain and bleed from every hole in their heads. This was Mo Xie's third spirit ability, 'Spirit Cancellation'.

Seizing the opportunity, Mo Xie slashed diagonally with his sword, using his most powerful sword skill, 'Sword of Destruction'.

An intense ice blue flame and spiritual coercion manifested in his sword imbued with sword intent and rushed towards the Soul Emperor and his companions.

At the last moment, the Soul Emperor and the Soul Kings used various spirit abilities consecutively to defend themselves from his attack.

Both Soul Kings were killed in the attack, with their spiritual seas exploding and bodies cut in half. The Soul Emperor fared better, as Mo Xie's attack strength diminished after colliding with his teammates.

Even so, he was seriously injured with a large cut on his chest almost reaching the bones. His spiritual sea was also damaged, causing him to pass out on the spot.

Mo Xie retracted his domain quickly and his skin turned pale and his body fell to the ground without an ounce of strength left. Feeling the consumption of his spiritual power he knew he had pushed too hard. If the Soul Emperor woke up now he could easily kill him in his current state.

He saw Bei Bei and Xu Sanshi approaching out of the corner of his eyes and his vision darkened in the next moment.

The only thoughts Bei Bei and Xu Sanshi had were: 'What a freak!'