
Chapter 18: Strange

Nine started cursing Six with passion in his voice, "Shut the fuck up Nine. You only fell down a 2 meter deep hole." Six proceeded to jump down shortly after pushing Nine down only moments ago, but before he jumped I could see the slightest smile on Six's face.


the gentle landing was the only noise to echo down the dark corridor as I cautiously walked down the tunnel. the smell of dust clumped up and started to attack my lungs. It was awful.


The sneeze echoed for what felt like hours, it began to get on my nerves. "Were here. Well… wherever here is." Six began to climb the rusted ladder and lifted the manhole cover before being bombarded by the bright neon lights.

After climbing up the ladder I could instantly recognise my surroundings "Olympus!" The dazzling jewel of this strange world. "This is one of the 9 wonders of the four continents. How the hell did we get here? It's one of the hardest places on the planet to get into."

I could only remember coming here when I was promoted into the Spectre unit, never thought I'd be back here. "The city of riches. It really is fit for the gods."

These lunatics had built a secret passage into of the most heavily fortified city on the planet… and they put it in a cell. Whoever thought of that idea has most likely been shot dead by Techtra by now. On a huge neon billboard We all saw something disturbing. Our face's had been put up for terrorism with a bounty of 500,000 Astra "Fuck, I know Techtra don't waste any time but you could have chosen a better picture." Four began to mope around "we have to find a place to lay low for a while."


The car stopped at an old maintenance tunnel that looked like it would collapse at any moment if it wasn't for iron support in the centre of the tunnel 1 meter in. The diver didn't wait a minute to leave in the car.


"OWWW!" What is it with people hitting me in the back of the head… I think I have a dent." The ringing began to slow down but the headache was enough for a man to scream bloody murder from the pain. What would an android take to get rid of a migraine. I turned around to be greeted by a Man with crimson red hair and slender figure "Hello gorgeous."



"Major, the targets were reported to have escaped Techtra's northern research facility near the Olympus stronghold." A poor first class private was reporting the news to the major whilst quivering from his superior's atmosphere "leave. Now private." And as quick as the wind he ran out.


"FUCK" the major stood amidst the rubble of his office, he picked the Phone off of the flipped over desk. "Get me, Techtra." The sound of his teeth could almost be mistaken for a fork scraping against a porcelain plate.