
Chapter 19: Mistakes were made

I woke up in a damp room, tied to a steel chair with chains. Hey, Don't you think this is a bit over the top? Silence was the only response I heard in this empty room while waiting for my 'executioner'.

The disruption of the silence was broken every few second by the calming drip of water in the room.


*Clink, rattle, clink…*

After 3 minutes of attempting to pick the lock I was free from that steel stump. I started to wander around the room, examining the walls and ceiling until I found it… an old trap door built just incase of a fire. No matter what world you travel to they all have the basics in common.

Time had faded the colours and dust filled the crevices around the openings, but time was also against me as I attempted to pry open the hatch in the ceiling free from its grimy prison.

The hatch fell apart after tugging on it with all my weight and strength, leaving me in a pile of rubble of my own creation. The dust was enough to make any person sneeze… well any normal person I however had filters built into my nose.

The star light stretched across the sky like a bioluminescent blanket, I never thought I would ever see such beauty after coming to this world. "Beautiful, isn't it? It holds the beauty of a thousand crystals from the deepest bowls of this corrupt lump of rock. Don't you think?"

I turned around to see a man drenched in the smell of blood, the smell was very bitter while the figure began to come into the light. Despite the smell of death following this woman her voice was calm and defensive almost pulling some buried emotion I had never felt before yet so familiar with.

As she entered the light I knew this face but almost shredded my heart as this person I saw before me… I knew to have been dead for almost a decade.

"My… little D,D,Dragon fly?! How?!" I fell to my knees as I saw My one regret in my life walking up to me. "Scarlet!" What felt like my heart breaking caused my heart to throb as what felt like tears slid down my synthetic cheek "[WARNINNGGGG: NEURRAL STABILISER OOOVERRLOA#DDING: NIGHT LOCKE PROTOCOL ACtivE]"

Darkness filled my eyes as a ghost of my pass walked up to me. I found myself back in my neural space but it was different it was glitchy and unstable, for christ sake even the sky outside was falling a part. But… none of that mattered now, I "I have to get back to her." The tunnels were sealed so I couldn't call the others to my location. I couldn't even if I wanted to, I didn't even know where I was. My head began to throb even worse. [You really are a mess Kyle] a very familiar voice resonated in my head causing the place to calm for now "Who are you?" [I think you mean who are you, Mr Davids?]