
Chapter 20: Facing ghosts

I finally woke up out of that broken state as soon as that ominous voice asked that question 'I think you mean who are you, Mr Davids?' What did he mean by that question.

The question stuck at the back of my mind, the answer felt so close only for it to feel as if it was teasing me when it's answer was just out of reach.

"Are you ok now? You hit your head pretty hard when you collapsed, is that how you treat someone you haven't seen in years?" The woman in front of me now had grown so much since the last I saw her, but I could still recognise that long and fair red hair with those piercing blue eyes. I would know that face any where with those feature.

"Scarlet… is that really, you after so long you still look like your mother." I had missed this child ever since I had lost her in that hell. "But how? How are you here? With me." She starred at me with than seemingly unchanging smile that hadn't faded after the trial of time.

"It's a long story. It's been a long journey back to you, I waited for you. Where were you?" As I stood up onto my feet She began to gently hit me with her face buried in my chest "Where were you Dad?" She said those words with a muffled voice since she was still hugging me with her face locked in.

My daughter who had died because of a car accident involving a drunk truck driver in the middle of a storm. I couldn't save her that night, but I have now got a second chance in this world. However I can't waste this second chance. I can't lose my little girl again: Not again.


"To what do I owe the FUCKING pleasure to for this sorry excuse of a man to visit me, on this mother fucking 'beautiful' day that you would grace me with your presence." The Major was speaking in a sarcastic tone to the unknown figure before him. "Do you want some scotch, whiskey or some vodka by chance or do you want to tell me why your really here? Let me guess, does it involve those machines from last time?"

The figure grew a sly smile "You know me to well old friend, and you hit the nail on the head. Perceptive, as always." Those guys happen to be the last piece of work left behind by our old 'acquaintance' who was the last thorn in our side which had to be removed. The figure moved into the little office and proceeded to brows through the book case till he stopped on a photo album and pulled it out from the old shelf. He turned to a page marked class 67, as his fingers passed the many names and faces until he stopped at a picture of three young men in their 20's with a title in bold text saying 'Most likely to succeed in life' "after so many years we haven't changed that much have we? Old friend."

The figure closed the book and returned it to it's resting place and began to walk towards the door but as soon as he reached the frame the major spoke in a cold voice "You're wrong, you changed so much you don't even recognise yourself. Was it worth it? What you did to Alfred?" before the figure left he responded with eight simple word "I never wanted it to go this far."


"Where did it all go so wrong?"