
Chapter 22: Fixed reality

I woke up from my dreadful nightmare, or was it real? That pain was definitely not something I could of imagined but another strange thing was that I was covered in sweat. How was that even possible? For the next few hours I couldn't do anything but reminisce on that pain, that nightmare. who woul…


"what on Mary's green earth is going on?" Smoke burst through the ventilation shafts whilst alarms started to sound and the sound of explosions started to ring louder before silence.


The steel door was Blown off of it's hinges. Luckily scarlet had given me back my gloves before hand and a pistol like gun, but instead of armed forces walking in full swat gear it was some familiar faces.

"How was your beauty rest away from us? Did you miss us?" Six walked in through the rubble of the door way shortly followed by Nine and the others. Nine was carrying a dark and unpleasant atmosphere into the room along with what looked like a cable with a plunger on each end "Let's scrap the greetings and get out of my way" he stuck one of the ends to my chest and the other on his and not after long a sharp pain surged throughout my entire body. After a second or two the pain stopped, the pain was nothing compared to my nightmare.

Nine removed the cable after that before scarlet burst through with five armed guards, however with scarlet being my daughter there is a 'shoot first ask questions later' reaction whenever family is in danger so you could probably guess what happened next. "Who the fuck is this bi—" Nine was punched by scarlet and stabbed by a pocket knife in the leg through his left hand.

As Nine writhed in pain like a worm on the floor I saw something click in six's head and he turned to me "can you please get your daughter off of this pain in my ass?" He many have been the oldest mentally but he was still the sharpest. "Scarlet would you please get off of Nine, my friend next-to me would appreciate it, also I can see you back there. Get your ass out here Mr Austin, I know your on Techtra's shit list too. I've heard the wanted posters all over the internet"

As Scarlet got off Nine, Shadow walked past the guards before showing a bewildered face as he saw Scarlet's face "well ain't this a site for sore eyes, Scarlet I thought you were dead but obviously I was wrong. How have you been?" Scarlet look as if she had seen another ghost but not one she really cared for "look who decided to join the party, looks like Techtra finally decided to put a guard dog down, don't you agree Arthur."

I was shocked to find out that the man who had tried to throw me to the wolves was now chatting to my daughter about a job they both did together for Techtra. This was the most awkward situation I had found myself in since coming to this reality.