
Chapter 23: History

"Hold on a minute, you know this bi—. OW, what the hell Seven." I gave Nine the best pissed-off glare I could make "Mind your language Nine about my daughter, you bastard before I tear out you voice box." Nine showed a bewildered expression on his face as he continuously looked back and forth between me and Scarlet "you and her, are related… now a lot of things make sense."

"Wait your her father!?" Scarlet gave William a cold stare "cut the crap William, you've heard more shocking things from your 'old' boss." It didn't take a genius to figure out these two had history, most likely working for Techtra, but history nonetheless was enough to get me curious.

"That bastard who was our boss, Pierson Black deserves to rot in hell for the monstrous things he's made people cover up, the people he's killed and the work he's stolen." Pierson Black however was something that peaked my interest. Back in the simulation I knew a man by that name, he was kind and hardworking but he always wore a light grey trench coat no matter the weather.

"What on earth are you doing now for work anyway now a days? Contractor? Engineer? Hitman or should I say hitwoman." Scarlet gave Arthur a stare that would even give the grim reaper the chills and it certainly shut Arthur up in the blink of an eye. "… ok that's enough of that." The room was filled with an eerie silence and a pouting 'man' brooding over his humiliating defeat from my daughter. "Get up Nine, look even Four is looking more like a man than you." If I had Learnt any an early age that if you insult a man's pride they can almost do anything that proves you wrong.

After that awkward moment we all decided to sit in the break room, since it was the most convenient room because it was larger and I personally think they wanted to go there mainly for the coffee machine but I never liked coffee or tea for that matter. "So… how did you get into Olympus anyway Scarlet? Ghost? Carter?… Lily?" Scarlets face showed almost no response… almost no response. Every person has a tell, one of mine for example was tapping my foot on the floor at a fast speed. However, Scarlets was her tapping the underside of a table or her leg with her middle finger.

"Lily… Isn't with us anymore." Arthur looked up in shock as he heard the word but something was weird "Lily Pond. Was that her name?" Both looked at me as if they had just heard the name of a ghost… well I know she's dead but I know what I meant. "You knew her?" Well of course I knew her she's the one who put me into this ridiculous state, but from what I'm hearing from the rest of the world was the total opposite. In fact she was in the place we had escaped from. "Yes I know her but she's not dead."