
Chapter 26: You don’t find chaos, it finds you!

The room had 3 computer set-ups in the centre of the room in a 360° circle of hanging monitors coming down from the ceiling on thick titanium wire and a spiny office chair watching all of it.

A third of the monitors showed a algorithm running over thousands of combinations a second and security logs on some screens, but the majority were covered by encrypted messages between Lily and three different people over. The conversations spanned over two years but they were harder to read and understand than an old English poem in French.

The password was rather peculiar for a human being, I mean who uses the Fibonacci sequence as their secret computer set-up's password. Honestly, only a mathematician would think of something so annoying for a thief, Who to be honest is only here because he dropped out of school, but understandable since that's most likely Nine's computer password.

"Great minds think alike." Only us computer nerds would have such a password. "Got it," the lot walked into the into the inside of the quartz coloured circle counter and Scarlet started to browse the file names until I saw something out of place that caught my eye. [PROJECT: SILENT SHADOW] it was like a bulb suddenly flickered on. The back of my mind burst like a dam after an earth quake, the foreign memories cascades like rain drops throughout my brain, fragmenting at every bend in my neural pathways. If I could see my neural activity, it would probably be lit up like Christmas. I was in a room and there were loads of scientists crowded around me but there were three people staring from the glass office a few meters high. I could see Lily's face but the others were blacked out like they were intentionally removed or blocked by something.

"That's what we need." Scarlet and Six were looking at me asking would I need this; but I knew I needed it for something, however I couldn't even tell myself why. Six plugged his finger into the USB slot in the desk.


The download was complete but we still had to find something to tell us where she was, even if it was just a card stamp (if they even use them in this world). But even after hours of searching there wasn't even a phone number or picture was found, no picture unturned, no desk not checked and no speck of dust was left unturned (literally).

"God, give me strength." Six was growing tired and the day was growing thin. we left that useless tomb after a few minutes later. However, we did trip a wire. The whole place went into chaos and blast doors slammed shut but that wasn't that bad, the bad thing was the bomb in the centre of the room, which had been lifted by a hidden panel from the floor. we were now trapped in the whitest room I had ever been in; and now I was waiting for our inevitable doom.

A holographic projection of Lily formed infront of us and began her speech "I knew you would try to steal my hard work. Ever since that accident, I knew you would try to steal the hard work I had been doing. But now you get to die in the rubble of this place. Goodbye Deric. Go rot in hell you sly bastard."