
Chapter 27: Rain down

Just before the contained detonation, Me and Six lunged at Scarlet and the other guy.


Whilst trying our best to protect them from the falling rubble, Iron rods and chunks of cement (which easily weighed a few kilograms) but two of the iron rods had collided with my artificial rubber skin. The rods pierced through some biologic components causing me shortness of breath and cramping in my joints. I was coughing up a substance ,which resembled a blood-like substance, But oxygen was slowly running out.

'Kyle? Can you hear me Kyle? We're by an opening but we're pinned down.' great to know that the neural network was still working and the others were ok. 'we're fine but Scarlet is unconscious and I'm a walking pin cushion.' as soon as that message went out more coughing started followed by more blood like oily substance ,which by the way tasted awful, we were running out of time. "I know I'm going to regret this, but I have no choice under these circumstances." and here I thought we were going to be fine. 'Six, I'm calling them.' even without the neural network I could feel the sudden change in the atmosphere that was now almost suffocating me with a murderous but passive tension. 'Call those two knuckleheads over already... my pride has already crushed, literally.'

After sending a neural message to Nine and Four they were already on high horses with their smug sounding voice recorded messages. This painted my picture of them to be very childish, but that never got anyone killed... well I hoped so anyway. Time was running out for Scarlet and me.

After hearing an intense explosion and a heat wave that could barbeque chicken I could only imagine who it was who would make such a racket in this way. dust and more rubble landed on me, I was on my last straw and it was on the verge of breaking. Everything was spinning... and blurring?



Nine was still wore a stupefied expression on his face after Four's little stunt and throwing an inferno grenade at the reinforced steel door. I mean it worked but "WHAT THE FUCK! Have you lost, YOUR GOD DAM MARBLES!" Nine shook Four around like a rag doll for a few seconds before releasing his flimsy grip. However, Four always had to have the last laugh and replied with a common remark when it came to replies "Nooooo, I still have my marbles... see" Four had pulled out a bag of platinum balls roughly the size of a persons iris.

"Those aren't marbles you fool! Those are sub-atomic disruption bombs, they can be used to faze people's electrical neural pulses. If used, you could render someone immobile for an hour and they wouldn't even remember the events that had transpired before hand.

"Cool. How do you use it?" Four started looking for a button before Nine snatched them just before Four found the button. A hand popped up out of the rubble half titanium half synthesised skin. The began to lift the steel beams off of the battered man underneath and pulled him out along with Arthur, who was bleeding from his head, staggered out.

"Now lets find the others."