Chapter 9

I think in the end we both managed to get a little sleep, but it was not peaceful. I'm still laying in bed and am in that not asleep not awake zombie like state. Namjoon is not in the bed with me and I can't hear him in the bathroom. I sit up and pull my hair back into a messy bun to get it off of my face. I suppose I should go and try and eat something, I need my energy for when Jangmi comes home. I will not let myself get swept up in darkness. I have to believe that she is coming back.

I wander down the stairs to the kitchen and hear a lot of loud voices, it seems everyone is up. Lori walks past me with her phone up to her ear and squeezes my shoulder. She carries on into the little hallway to continue her call. When I get to the kitchen Jungkook stands up so I can sit on one of the stools at the breakfast bar. I thank him. Jimin pours me some orange juice and pops it in front of me. "Any sleep?" he asks. "A little" I reply, my voice sounding hoarse. Namjoon is standing in the far corner with Yoongi, they look deep in conversation and I don't want to interrupt. "Does anyone know if the police have called again?" I ask the rest of the boys. "I don't think so" says Hobi slipping some cereal in front of me.

Lori returns back to the kitchen and looks a little concerned. She walks straight passed us to Yoongi and I hear her say "I can't get hold of Ahnjong, not on her mobile or the house phone". I can understand her concern, usually she has no trouble contacting the nanny, and with everyone's heightened stress levels it's easy to worry. Yoongi places his hands on her arms and rubs them up and down to relax her and replies "I will run down to the house now and check on them. I'm sure they are just out playing or something".

He goes to walk out and Jin asks if he can go with him for the fresh air. They are quite close, I think as they are the eldest they have bonded, just like the youngest ones are quite close. The pair head off for their little round trip and Lori is typing text messages to the nanny frantically. I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. I really want to be wrong.

Namjoon comes over and places his strong hands on my shoulders and massages the knots out for me. It feels great, Just the right amount of pressure as usual. His soft skin feels amazing on mine. "Have you heard from the police?" I ask him. "Not yet. I am going to call Detective Choi in a minute for an update". I drink a little orange juice but feel a little queasy. I need to get washed and dressed because I feel gross, and also I need to pump some more as my breasts feel like rocks.

I excuse myself and head back upstairs to have a shower. I pull out of the wardrobe a pair of joggers and a sweatshirt and place them on the bed. I take a clean pair of knickers and a fresh bra into the bathroom with me along with a new pad and the breast pump. The shower is huge, you can easily fit 4 people in it if you wanted too. A brief vision of Namjoon, Jimin and Jungkook standing in there naked enters my head but leaves as quickly as it arrived. I undress and throw my clothes in the laundry and quickly rush to the shower. I'm in there for a little while, trying hard not too think. I'm trying to let my mind stay blank, and it's really hard. I keep watching back my memories of Nari at the hospital, trying to see something that we all missed. Did she give anything away subtly that we didn't pick up on? Did she say anything that could be a clue to where she might go? Honestly my mind spins with questions, and I can't seem to unlock anything. I just keep getting the feeling that this was planned.

Once I am out, dried and have my underwear on I pop in my breast pump and am just about to go back into the bedroom when I hear Joon screaming my name. He runs in to the bathroom and with a face as white as a sheet says "Yeong is missing too!"