Chapter 11

Namjoon told his parents and Sister to stay at home because they have reporters camped outside their house and we do too, a huge throng of them. My parents have arrived in Seoul but have been placed into a hotel by Big Hit as it's all to fraught at the moment for them to come to me, security is ridiculously stringent all of a sudden, hopefully in a day or so they will be able to come and visit and I just keep hoping by that by that time our baby girl is home too. In the meantime i'm texting them if we have any news.

The story has been broken now about Yeong by the police and details of the nanny released to the press. The world knows who they are looking for. The internet has been filled with well wishers from across the globe and army has been sending love to the band and to Lori and myself. Of course with every nice comment there is a nasty one. Some saying that we both deserve this because we are 'Dirty English Whores' or 'Fat' or 'Ugly'. No idea what being overweight or unattractive has to do with deserving your child be kidnapped though.

It's such a shame because the same people who are saying all this to us are declaring their undying love to our Husbands in their next breath. How they can think that this kind of behaviour is fair to these men is beyond me! If you apparently love someone why would you want them to hurt? It makes no sense to me. It's really sad. I know that they have all had to put up with negative comments, some really harsh, but they have always been able to let them wash off their backs and can seek support from each other but it's obvious this time is completely different.

It's been a good few hours since Detective Choi left us to follow up some leads, and Lori and I have both managed to get some sleep. I'm not sure if it's the stress or the fact that the pump is not a real baby but i'm starting to struggle to produce any milk. What I have been able to pump has been put in the freezer. What Nari took from the hospital would have run out now too so she will most likely move her on to formula. That may help us because it means she will have to go into a shop to buy some and risk being seen. Let's hope she gets spotted and someone calls the hot line to report it.

Yoongs and Joonie went to the gym at the back of the house with JK and let some of their anger out on the boxing bag and pads. I feel like hitting something might help me too. Perhaps I should ask Jungkook to teach me? A distraction would be good, although maybe him being the distraction is a dangerous idea?

The front door opens and Ji-Ho enters with Detective Choi. I run and grab Yoongi and Namjoon who are in the music studio now, they both follow me back into the front room. The short and plump Detective sits on the sofa and we all sit opposite him eager to hear his update. "Ok, here is the latest for you. We have found Ahnjong's personal residence. We found it in the same state as Nari's, it's been cleared out of clothes and some personal bits. There was a pair of Yeong's pyjamas with a picture of her with Yoongi present, it's definitely a message and it appears to be the same fan meeting as Nari's picture, we are trying to figure out where it was held in case that gives us any ideas on possible whereabouts. Ahnjong was married, she recently got divorced. Her maiden name was Kang, her and Nari are Sisters. We have located the ex Husband and are pulling him in for questioning. Let's see if we can get anything out of him. Also, we have spoken to the driver of the cab, he dropped Nari off at Incheon airport, but her passport has not been used and there are no reports of a woman with a newborn boarding any flights. We think this could possibly be a misdirection".

That was a lot to take in! I feel validated now that my thoughts have not been totally crazy. I knew Nari had planned Jangmi's abduction and then as soon as I heard about Yeong I thought Ahnjong had to be linked to her some how. Now all I need to do is figure out what their reasoning is and what they aim to get out of this. The fact they both left photos of themselves is troubling me. Why would they both want to make it obvious it's them? I need to ask Yoongs and Joon about this fan meeting and see if they remember anything.