Chapter 22

We are clean and dressed and in the front room having coffee when Jungkook comes in. It seems we are the only 3 up and about. He has showered and changed and asks if i'm ready to watch the film. I point to the TV as I already have it loaded ready to press play. Just before I get the chance to though I hear commotion in the hallway upstairs and loud footsteps on the stairs.

"Call Detective Choi now" shouts Yoongi to Namjoon. Without hesitation he dials the stocky policeman but looks to Yoongi for a reason. "Yeong is on the phone, somehow he has Ahnjong's mobile and called asking for his Mummy".

Detective Choi answers and Namjoon talks fast explaining what is going on in the hopes they can trace the call or something. Lori comes down the stairs still speaking to her son, tears falling down her cheeks. "Do you know where you are darling? Is aunty Aimee's baby with you?" I hear her ask. She pops him on to loud speaker, and bearing in mind he is only 14 months he is a very good talker.

"Yes mama, baby with me, she like uncle Joonie". I begin to cry and Namjoon puts his arm around me for comfort. "Are you with Ahnjong honey?" Lori is doing a fantastic job of holding her nerve and keeping calm. "No mama, she left me with policeman". Oh my god! Has she handed them over? Is this done? Can they come home now?

Namjoon begins talking again and nods at me. "The children have been handed in to a police station in Ilsan-gu!" That is not far from where we are! For this whole time we thought they had whisked them away to another part of the country but they took them to where Namjoon grew up! "Detective Choi says we can go to the police station and collect them now".

Lori asks Yeong if the policeman is there right now and he says yes and gives the phone to the adult. She talks to the desk sergeant and gets the address of the precinct, and tells them we will be there as soon as we can. I rush upstairs to our room and grab the pre prepared baby bag I have packed and re packed for days and the 4 of us head outside to get one of the security guards to drive us to get our children. I can't believe it. I am in total shock.

"Something you said in that interview clearly hit home" I say to Namjoon and Yoongi. "I wonder what it was?" I query. I grab out my phone and ring my Mum's mobile. She answers quickly and I yell at her "She has been found. We are going to get her now!" She screams back at me and I hear her shouting at my Dad telling him. "I will get someone to pick you up from the hotel and bring you to the house so you are there when we get back. It's time you met your granddaughter".

Yoongi and Lori are also making calls to their family and letting them know our news. Namjoon isn't. "What's the matter sweetheart? Why are you not calling your Mum?" I ask him. He takes my hand in his and says "I don't want to get my hopes up until she is in your arms Aimee. When we have touched her and she is ok, I will call her then". My sweet, sensitive, deep Husband. I understand exactly where he is coming from. His cautious side holding back on that excitement so he doesn't risk feeling worse if when we get there she isn't ok. I didn't even think of that. The police didn't say that either of the children were hurt, but, yeah until I have her in my arms I suppose I should be wary.