Chapter 56

We walk down a long hallway to the rooms that are used behind the stage, every now and then passing an open door showing the stadium area and there is a mass of people setting up screens and laying cables, playing with lights and so on, but I can't see any of the boys on the stage. When I finally get to the green room there are only 6 of them in there, everyone but Namjoon. They are all really surprised to see me, but happy it would seem. Jungkook comes over to me and hugs me and I see Jimin shoot me a look that is a mixture of upset and anger. "Why have you come?" Jungkook asks attempting to hold my hand. Usually I would have no issue with this, but because of the conversation with both Jimin and Namjoon last night I pull my hand away and answer him. "I wanted to see you perform and I have some stuff I need to discuss with Joonie".

Jungkook appears upset by me not having that little affection with him, but doesn't say anything. He goes back and sits next to Jimin who whispers something to him and he looks back at me with big doe eyes and a down turned mouth. I know what he is trying to convey and I feel his pain. Jimin mouths to me 'it will all be ok' and I smile at him hoping he is right. I ask where Namjoon is and they say off in another room with the interviewer getting ready to do some more filming. Apparently the rap line is not needed first thing, so Yoongs and Hobi are waiting for their turn after their leader.

I pop my hand bag down and ask where the interview is being held so I can go and watch, they point to the room behind them and I move back out in to the hallway to find it. I tell Ji-Ho to stay with the boys, I will be fine on my own. When I get to the room, there is a cameraman and a sound guy but no Namjoon or the interviewer. I am still not very good at Korean even though I have tried but manage to ask if they know where they are. The sound technician points to a room opposite this one on the other side of the hallway. Maybe it's the hair and make up room.

I point to it and he nods so I am sure it's ok to go in, I open the door and sat in a chair, with his shorts round his ankles and a small Korean woman on his cock is my husband! It takes them a minute to notice me at the door, when they do he looks shocked, clearly not expecting to see me, she on the other hand looks happy but feigns surprise and just about stops riding him. "Fuck, Aimee" is all I allow him to say before I run out of the room to head towards the nearest exit. I have no idea where that is, but re trace my steps back to the room the guys were in, grab my bag and head towards the way I came in.

Ji-Ho follows me, clearly aware I am upset and just gets to me in enough time to see me throw up the iced coffee I drank on the way here. I fall to the floor, back up against the wall and start crying. Yoongi is now also outside speaking to Ji-Ho in Korean, I have no idea what is being said, I'm barely functioning. My best friends husband kneels beside me and asks what's wrong "Namjoon, I just caught him fucking the interviewer!"

Yoongs let's out a huge sigh, not the shocked sound I would have expected from him. Did he know? Has Namjoon done this before? Is this something they all do? What the fuck! "Did you know? Why are you not shocked?" I scream at him. He pulls me towards him and wraps his arms around me, i'm shaking and my sobs are just making it worse, I can't breathe properly and snot is streaming down on to my top lip. I wipe it away with my sleeve, waiting for him to say something. "No I didn't know, and I can't believe he would do something like that, I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to sound like I am complicit, I just instantly felt for you" Yoongs replies.

I hear the door open and it's Namjoon "Aimee let me explain" he starts but Yoongi silences him "no Namjoon, not now, you need to go, you can't explain this away" he gets up and I watch him front my husband. He is smaller in height and stature to him, but right now has so much more heart. "Fuck off Namjoon, go in there and explain to everyone what you have done! Leave Aimee alone, she is in shock, she needs some time". He starts to push him back towards the door, Namjoon pushes him back but before it escalates Ji-Ho steps in. He manages to get Joonie back in the door and drags him back to the green room.

"How can he think he can explain that? We have a row over him being jealous of Jimin and he goes and fucks someone else! That makes no sense! I should go and kick her ass, she knows he is married! Smug little bitch smiles at me whilst he still had his cock inside her!" I get up and try to go in the door but Yoongs won't let me. He just envelops me in a hug and holds me tight. "Come on Aimee, I know you are angry and you have every right to be, but be the bigger person here. Slapping her about won't make things any better even if it does feel really good!" he says to me, still counteracting my body weight to keep me away from the door.

"Get off of me" I yell at him. He lets me go but stands in front of the door. He knows I am lashing out at him because he is there, and he doesn't take offence. He really is a fantastic human being. "Come on, let's take a walk around the stadium and just concentrate on our breathing" he says gesturing behind me trying to encourage me to move away from the door. I know I have no chance of arguing with him when he is being forceful so I turn and start walking.