Chapter 114: The unseen foe
A deep guttural growl accompanied the violent ground shaking which emerged from the ruined site. A sinister power density enveloped the team members and weighed heavily upon Natasha while the air became dense around them. A shadowy creature emerged which surpassed their previous encounters with any opponent.
The behemoth towered fifteen feet above the ground while its jagged crimson pulsating exterior armor reached heights higher than fifteen feet. The monstrosity viewed them with its insatiable hunger as its burning red eyes followed their movements while its twisted elongated limbs moved in an unnatural manner. Each movement the colossal being made created seismic shocks to the earth while its dark energies produced a heatwave-like effect in the air.
The deep inhalation of air stopped momentarily in Natasha's throat. Such power emanating from this creature makes it different from any other enemy they have encountered. This thing is different.
Alison joined her side carrying his sword which shone under the crimson illumination. His typical calm attitude transformed into a ruthless calculated character. Speed matters more than hesitation at this moment.
A deafening roar erupted from the creature making its voice produce a strong wind gust which dislodged stones in the ancient ruins. The moment of stillness shattered.
After standing motionless for a short moment Natasha broke the silence first. She rushed ahead and produced a silver blade through the air. She targeted the creature's open chest but a quick-moving claw nearly missed her in a single stroke.
The massive talons sliced through the air just beyond her body as she barely dodged them by turning her body. She hit the ground with force and slid across the surface until she stopped by stumbling backward while her heart raced wildly.
Alison wasted no time. A sudden forward move allowed his blade to produce a lethal slicing motion through the air. The contact between the sword and the creature's armored forearm caused sparks to fly into the air. He pushed through the impact force that caused his arm to vibrate then he rammed the beast backward with his strength.
"Flank it!" he shouted.
The attack had already begun because Dren launched himself forward while his fists radiated powerful energy. Using a powerful war cry Dren unleashed his full power by hammering his fists into the ground which produced an eruptive wave that targeted the beast's supporting legs. The earthquake shook the ground to shake the creature off balance for a moment.
Ira seized the opportunity to create golden chains which encapsulated the creature's limbs. "Bind it while you can!" she yelled, sweat beading on her forehead as she maintained her hold.
Eldric tried to stand although unwell as he lifted his staff with resolve. A delicate magical symbol developed out of thin air in front of him. After a sudden spell voice the creature received a powerful electric blast that hit its flank.
A loud animal roar escaped from the monster as its spinning movements became more intense. Dark tendrils burst from its back which broke the golden chains as if they were made of paper.
Its counterattack was swift.
One of the dark tendrils launched toward Natasha. She lifted her sword weakly for protection yet the immense power pushed her several yards behind.
A sharp pain ripped through her body when she hit the ground before glancing against the dangerous rock. The creature proves to be more than powerfully built. It's learning our attacks.
Alison sprang forward to slice the tendril which tried to strike her before it could reach her position. He reached the ground in front of her while extending his hand.
"You good?"
Natasha let out a deep breath while she grasped his hand to rise from the ground. The team requires a new approach to defeat this powerful opponent. It's too fast, too strong. The creature requires us to discover its vulnerable area.
Alison's eyes flickered with understanding. "Then we change tactics.
The creature displayed body pulses through dark energy while readjusting for its upcoming strike. The surrounding atmosphere became heavy due to overwhelming atmospheric pressure.
Alison's gaze locked onto Natasha's. "We'll attack together. You lead. I'll follow."
She understood immediately. Their long experience of combat partnership allowed them to depend on each other's natural reactions during battles.
One brief movement of her head and Natasha launched into action.
She successfully dodged the claw after seeing its upcoming movement. She pulled herself beneath the huge limb at the exact moment that Alison cleared the obstacle with seamless timing.
The creature's side became her target as she unleashed her blade. Alison struck the monster's shoulder with her downward sword swing while Natasha delivered a blow that cut into its shoulder joint simultaneously.
The monster roared in agony. The black liquid from the creature's wound flowed onto the stone floor where it created sizzling streams.
"Now!" Natasha shouted.
Ira released a golden flare of fire precisely when he judged it was right. A blaze penetrated the open wound of the monster which caused its tainted power to burn. The creature convulsed while making a deafening scream.
At that instant Dren propelled his body toward the enemy. His powerful fists generated electrical energy before he struck the monster across its chest. A powerful shockwave emanated from the strike and made the monster stumble across the battlefield.
After heavy panting Eldric lifted his staff for his last strike. "This ends now!"
A complex and bright sigil appeared under the monster while releasing an overwhelming intense glow. Through his final spell the energy column soared from his hand to completely surround the beast.
The power of the spell caused the air to vibrate until it achieved its maximum intensity.
The beast remained motionless after the light disappeared as its shape fluctuated like an extinguishing candle. The red eyes of the creature faded and its body ended in a hard stone collapse.
The atmosphere relaxed slightly yet the group remained motionless. After the adrenaline subsided slightly they remained standing together before regaining their normal breathing.
With force she exhaled while tightening her grip on the sword before lowering it. "We did it…"
Albert viewed her with a minor smile on his face. "Yeah. I feel a deeper threat is yet to arrive.
Natasha's chest tightened. He was right. The real threat remained hidden as the ruins continued to exist in front of them.
Her brother was still waiting.
And time was running out.