The ruins started shaking while an otherworldly pressure built up in the atmosphere which forced down upon Natasha and her team. The void produced a complete manifestation of this monstrous entity which appeared as a gigantic deformed shape enveloped by shape-shifting shadows. Shadow tendrils composed its form while crimson eyes emitted an ancient malice from its spectral glow.
[Warning! Boss Monster Detected: The Forgotten King]
[Level ??? – Danger Level: Extreme]
The warning system emitted an ominous notification which drew Natasha's attention as she tightened her hold on her sword. Level unknown? That was never a good sign.
His muscular frame remained motionless as he kept his expression blank but his body prepared to fight. Dren performed a shoulder stretch as the flames on his fists intensified with mounting excitement. Ira and Eldric shared an uneasy look before Ira uttered quietly to his brother "This force stands beyond our previous battlefield experiences."
The Forgotten King moved.
The massive hand of the Forgotten King moved at speeds no human should be able to achieve as it launched its claw.
Mother Nature reacted only seconds before the massive blow. Her inner voice warned her just in time and she escaped death by spinning away from the enemy's strike that crushed the stone tiles.
[Dodge Successful!]
Without hesitation Alison struck the creature's outstretched arm with his blade causing sparks to erupt. The hit produced sparks but the attack inflicted minimal damage to the creature.
[-1 HP]
Alison's eyes widened. "One damage?!"
"It's resisting physical attacks!" Ira started chanting while her hands wove golden spells. Light arrows formed into a surrounding ring which then flew through the air toward the monster's chest with great speed.
[-500 HP]
[Critical Hit!]
The Forgotten King stumbled briefly while its shadowy shape flickered. Ira's magic worked.
But the advantage was short-lived.
A deep earthy noise went through the ruins before the beast disappeared.
[Enemy Skill Activated: Phantom Dread]
The world plunged into darkness.
Every temple torch died at once as the heavy cold air wrapped around them. The dark shadows blocked out sunlight trying to reach them.
A strange fear traveled from her spine to her lungs which made her inhale less air.
It's still here.
She understood from its behavior that the monster was stalking them through the dark void.
"Stay together!" Alison demanded his command with intense determination. "It's using an area debuff!"
A loud warning entered Natasha's thoughts.
[Warning! Lethal Attack Incoming!]
When the danger approached her body responded first without waiting for her mind to understand.
A giant claw burst out from blackness and aimed directly at Ira.
Natasha didn't hesitate.
She jumped toward the monster to block its incoming attack with her sword. She felt an overpowering impact as though a mountain fell on her. The impact made her backslide while severe pain shot through her wounded side.
[-900 HP]
The bleeding status activates and causes 50 HP loss per second
The agony was instant. Although her peripheral vision failed her she made herself stand upright.
Her friend Alison appeared instantly to stop her from falling to the ground. His strong self-control failed as he held her more firmly.
"Don't push yourself!"
She managed to smile through the intense stream of bleeding. "It's just a scratch."
The fight consumed Ira until she suddenly made a sharp intake of breath. "I found the weak point!" she shouted. "The ruins themselves! The building gets its strength from the painted symbols on its walls. The ruins draw their strength from these symbols and we need to break them to weaken them.
Alison quickly looked at the bright red hieroglyphs that covered the temple walls. His mind worked fast. "Then we take them out. Now."
Dren lit up his fist with blazing fire. "On it!"
He punched the ground multiple times which produced a powerful explosion through the temple. The red symbols flashed intensely then broke into pieces when the magic holding the beast failed.
The darkness recoiled.
When the source of its power was cut the Forgotten King's body started shaking wildly before fading away. The monster released an overwhelming sound that made the temple building vibrate.
Natasha clenched her teeth and pushed herself up from the ground once more. She chose to block her pain and raised her sword. This was their chance.
"Now's our chance—end it!"
Alison made his ultimate skill active by sending silver light through his blade. "No holding back."
Dren flexed his fingers while the fire on his hands shot up. We need to destroy this target completely.
Ira shone bright gold as she raised her staff. Eldric's incantation reached its peak.
[Final Phase Activated – Defeat the Forgotten King!]
They started their final battle with fresh strength.