
In the universe that is ruled by the gods that were known as Diviners, this very universe was forced to experience an event that will change everything entirely in the set time called [Universal Reboot].

This Reboot makes all of the mortal beings in the universe be rebooted as they will live all over and over again without every memory of their past lives.

It is still mysterious why the Diviners would do this, but it is said that they do this in order to maintain their Divine Rule and to create a 'Perfect Era'.

But alas, even though their plan of a 'Perfect Era' had already been done smoothly, there will always be a flaw in this very plan as the story opens itself in the 12th Timeline...


( In the 12th Timeline.)

[ Universal Year 40XXXX ]

[ Earth Year: 2033 ]

" Carla my granddaughter .... why !!!!???? " Rangga holds his granddaughter, Carla as she was stabbed by the Diviner that punish her.

Rangga Orion Mamoru Kent is a Shield Magic Warrior and a veteran sorcerer from the 12th Timeline and the grandfather of Carla Ranggina Hikari Kent, his granddaughter who was blessed by the Diviners to be their Divine Holy Hero.

" Why ... Diviners !!!??? "

" What sin that my granddaughter do that infuriates you !!!!???? " he shouts in the sky as from the sky the Diviners come in with their Divine Weapon as they are approaching Rangga's position.

As Rangga sees them, he then uses all of his magic to attack them and to protect Carla's body from their attack as he tries to heal her.

" G ... grand ... pa ... " Carla faintly says to him.

" It's okay dear, grandpa's still holding on ... " Rangga calms her as he fights the Diviner's army as much as he can while extracting some of Carla's gifted Divine Power.

"( Grrhhh ... even with Carla's blessed Divine Power, it is still not enough .. )" Rangga thinks to himself as he then sees a certain Diviner, the Diviner who choose Carla as his Hero.

" Marticorax !!!!!! " Rangga says as he sees the Crimson Flame Diviner as he unleashes his Flaming Sword to kill both him and his granddaughter for good.

" No !!! " Rangga says as he uses his magic in order to block the Diviners' attacks as he flees with his granddaughter as he runs away to go to the ancient Titan's grave.

"( I can't be killed here now !!!! )" Rangga says as he holds his granddaughter to safety even if she's unconscious while bleeding hard.

As he says that, Carla faintly tells him to stop and leave as she didn't want to see him die in the Diviner's rage while Rangga brushes her as he vows to do everything in order to avenge the Diviner's betrayal over her.

" No ...!!!!!! "

" I won't forgive the people that betray you !!!!! " Rangga says as he tells the weakened Carla.

As he says that, Rangga then remembers everything that Carla had done as a hero for the Diviners as she brings them many victories which should deserve their honor and recognition.

Due to the Diviners' jealousy, some of them began to plot some bad things for her as they all decided to stab her in the back by making her have to bear their crimes as they all wash their hands and so many reasons.

" Grandpa swear it to you ...!!!!! " Rangga says as he fights the Diviner's army with all of his might and mind while searching the very thing that he needs to find for before the Reboot started.

As he fights the Diviners, Carla cries slowly as she never wanted her grandfather to do all of this for her as she felt sorry for making him worry while Rangga continuously search for what he wanted.

"( That Titan's grave should be in this place, I'm sure of it !!!!! )" Rangga says in his mind as he searches the grave of the dead Primordial Titan, ChronoAxis.

" There it is !!!! " Rangga says as he sees a giant Pit as his senses sense a large amount of power there where he could sense the primordial power that is greater than the Diviners.

" Oh my ... " Rangga says while looking at his still unconscious granddaughter.

" We've succeeded my dear granddaughter, we've found him !!!! " Rangga says while hugging the unconscious Carla.

" Grand ... " Carla says with a fainter voice as her life slowly fades.

" With this, grandpa will make sure that you will have a better future no matter what !!!! " Rangga says while suddenly a flash of light strikes the two as the flash turns out to be a slash it kills Carla before she is conscious again.


" Car .... la ... " Rangga sees his granddaughter as he sees his granddaughter dead in front of his eyes where at that moment, he sees the Diviners again looking at him from above as they laugh at him which makes him furious.

" Carla !!!!! " Rangga shouts as he shoots the Diviners with his magic which was immediately blocked by them Rangga then thinks of the only way to escape them.

By entering the Pit, the very mouth of the Primordial Titan ChronoAxis. He enters the very inner body of the dead Titan where he can only see nothingness, a void filled with pure blackness where Rangga there was forced to use his senses in order to find what he needs.

" This strong sense of power ... it's here ..!!! " Rangga says as he opens his eyes, only to see an orb which is actually the remnants of ChronoAxis soul where he immediately touches it in order to gain its Chrono Power.

" Ooo by the Power of ChronoAxis !!!! heed my desire !!!!! " Rangga says as the orb glows into his face as it flashes through his left eye, revealing a glimpse of the truth of the Universe where due to that, Rangga can see the reason for his granddaughter's unreasonable death.

" Is that it? that's why she was killed !!!!!? " Rangga asks as his left eye glows while his body glows as he absorbs the remaining power of ChronoAxis that still existed at this moment.

" The Reboots, the cursed repetition of timelines .... !!! "

" Were all for just their satisfactions !!!!!?? " Rangga says as he screams and cries.

" Damn you ... damn you Diviners you liars .... you are not gods ... you are just offsprings of the Primordial Beings just like the Deviants, not the Creator himself !!!!! " Rangga says as he sees the past as ChronoAxis's memory fills his head.

" Damn you ... damn you ... "

" GGRRRHHHHHH !!!!!! "

" After seeing this .... I'll swear !!!!! " Rangga says after completely absorbing the remainings of ChronoAxis's power.

" In the next timeline ... I'll swear that I will save my beloved Granddaughter!!!!"

" Even if I have to become a [Chrono Ghost] to do so ...!!! "

" No matter how many Timelines that I must haunt and usurp !!!!! " Rangga says as he uses the power he acquired from the corpse of the Titan ChronoAxis as he travels to the primordial past in order to escape the [Universal Reboot].

As he does that, the pit then unleashes a beam into the outside world which makes the Diviners shocked as they all see the beam where they could also see Rangga covered in armor as he then proceeds to travel to the past beyond the [Universal Reboot Device] even created where he goes to the age before the Diviners wage the First Holy War.

" Destination: The Primordial Age ....!!! " Rangga says to himself as he plans to meet with ChronoAxis at that age in order to enact his plan to destroy this Reboot once and for all as he leaps to that time leaving the Diviners wondering as they could only watch him.

As he leaves this era, he then swears that he will create a better future for his granddaughter and the people he loves where he swears that he himself will create that future beyond the [Universal Loop].

" Hear me Diviners !!!!! " Rangga says while looking at the Diviners at the place as he sees his dead granddaughter in their hands.

" From here on your era in every timeline are numbered !!!! "

" Remember this day into your very hearts...!!! "

" For this is my Sole-life's Divine Revenge !!!!!! " Rangga says as he leaves this Timeline, travelling his way into the past.

As Rangga leaves the Twelveth Timeline into the Primordial Age, the remaining Diviners that look at him and discuss.

" He escaped ..." said one of the Diviners as they all look at each other.

" Where or when did you think he will go? "

" Who knows ...? maybe he wants to run far away from here .. " said a female Diviner.

" Run .....!!!!!??? " said the Flaming Diviner, Marticorax as he tells the other Diviners that there is nowhere or 'nowhen' for Rangga to run since all beings that existed ( excluding the Diviners and Deviants) will always be Rebooted by the Loop of Reboot no matter what.

" Oh yes, you're right !!!! " the other Diviners agree to him as they all mocks Rangga at that moment where they all then bring Carla's body remains as they took her soul and return her to the Universal Cycle while chanting.

" All beings should be returned to the cycle !!! " Marticorax says while the other follows him as this Timeline is going to experience the Reboot as the world turns white where the 12th Timeline will soon be gone.

" As long as we Diviners have the memory of our past Timelines ... "

" Then we will always rule this Universe ... "

" Forever... " Marticorax says as the [Universal Reboot] light flashes engulf him and the others.



( After so many timelines passed... )

( The Current Timeline. )

[ Earth Year 2021 ]



"( It seems this is the perfect Timeline where I will end all of this.)" Rangga says as he, in his soul form, flies upon the skies while looking into an academy where he then sees himself from this current timeline.

" (It should be ... )" he says to himself as he sees the Current Timeline Rangga in that place.



[ Location: Ultima Academy Canteen ]

" Hey Rangga ... you weakling !!!! "

" Didn't I tell you that my coffee should be hot !!!! " the boy says as he bullied the Rangga of this timeline.