Rangga (MC)

[ Current Timeline. ]

[ Earth Year: 2021 ]

[ Thursday, April 8th, 2021 ]


"( I was very distraught on seeing this ..... ) "

"( As I see myself in this Current Timeline was so weak while having the most potential since he is still in the young age ... )" Rangga from the Twelve Timeline says as he sees all of this with his soul form that roams the sky while trying to look for his surroundings.

"( It seems that the Diviners still didn't notice me ... )" Rangga says as he looks above the clouds.

"( Goddamn fakers .... )"

"( Guess you all are very clinging to the mortal plane so closely huh? )" he wonders as he guesses that the so-called gods (Diviners) are very blind to look for the realm of the dead, ever since they established the reboot.

While thinking of that, Rangga then decided to see his Current Timeline self, as he can see him having a confrontation with some other students.


( At the same time.)

[ Ultima Academy, Canteen Hall ]


In this timeline, Rangga was beaten badly by Ardan as he brings him the wrong order whereas, before that, he ordered Rangga to bring the Hot Cofee that he likes.

Because of that, Rangga was beaten badly by Ardan as he mocks him for being a canteen boy since Rangga actually worked in the Canteen to help his grandma's economy as they kinda need a lot of it.

As Ardan does that, he then orders his friends to pick him up as he then brutally kicks him and punches him in every way where because of that, the others begin to take photos of him.

" Look at that, Rangga's being beaten again !!!! " one of the academy students says as they laugh at him where they all tease him for having a side-job as a school canteen as they all tease for being a poor and an unpowered guy as they all cursed on him.

" What a loser ...!!??? don't tell me that he can enter this school since he works at the school canteen ...!!!??? " said the girl while looking at the other school canteen worker as the whole academy assumed that Rangga enter this academy thanks to his petty job, not because he has Superpowers or some sort.

" Yeah, Ardan kick this poor loser out of this academy !!! "

" This academy is for the rich and talented only !!!! " said the girls as Ardan punched Rangga many times while Rangga tries to free himself as he punched his restrainers as he then frees himself by blocking Ardan's attacks.

" Who can say that you can dodge huh!!!!!?? " Ardan says as he unleashes his power.

[ Energy Burst ]

As he does that, Ardan then attacks Rangga who immediately dodges him as he throws one of the student's bottles at him as it splashes on his face.

" Oh no, not this time Ardan !!!!! " Rangga tells him as he had enough of the beating.

As he says that, he remembers every way that Ardan did to Torture his school life, even when they were at Elementary School where both Rangga and Ardan are also in the same class just like now.

As the whole people see that, they all begin to gasp as they all see Ardan's face covered with water from one of the student's bottles Ardan then growls asking whose the owner of this bottle which the other students looked at a certain girl as in response to that, .... Ardan without thinking a do decided to shoot that girl with his [Energy Blast] which makes all the students shock as they all went silent while Rangga then picks a hard bottle in order to stop Ardan since he really wanted to beat him.

"( Damn that Ardan !!!!! )" Rangga says as he can't hold his rage towards him anymore.

"( It seems he's become more arrogant since his father is basically one of the owners of this school !!!! )" Rangga says as he remembers that Ardan's father, the Energy Hero Energero is basically the Minister of Education in Supernova City where thanks to him, his son now becomes more prideful as he thinks he is the ruler of every school.

Ardan Pulsar is a Tier V Metahuman with the ability of Energy Control that he inherited from his Hero Father, Energero. The ability itself is also very unique since Ardan's genetic core is also exceptional that making him can absorb and release every great amount of Plasma Energy that his genetics created.

With that being said, Rangga then comes towards Ardan as he knocks his head which resulted in Ardan getting mad as he then blasts Rangga away which resulted in him being knocked out into the wall creating a large hole which makes the whole school shocked to see this.

" Oh my God, isn't this too much !!!!! " said one of the students that become more afraid after seeing Ardan's over raging behavior, since Ardan had never gone this far before.

As the whole students debate on that, Ardan begins to approach Rangga who somehow survives the blow as he tries to stand up. When he sees that, Ardan prepares another blast before the other school canteen worker tries to stop him but failed as he punched them that tries to block his way to beat Rangga.

" Ardan STOP !!!! UUKKHHH !!!! "

" STOP THIS !!! AAKHHH !!! "

" What did Rangga even do to you !!!!!!!??? ookkhhh !!!!!! " said the canteen worker as he was kicked by Ardan in his abdomen which makes the while student go silent since they didn't know what to say after seeing such brutality.

" Ardan !!!! " said the canteen overseer as he blocks Ardan's way (The canteen overseer, was the one who employ Rangga since he is his neighbor).

" Stop it, you prideful Rich boy Metafreak Supremacist !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " said the overseer since he is unpowered which makes Ardan stops for a bit as he asks the overseer to repeat what he say earlier.

" You Metafrea ...!!!!! " the overseer says as he was immediately punched by Ardan which resulted in a high shockwave since Ardan was very pissed at that very moment.

" Metafreak ... " Ardan looks at him.

" You monkeys (Normal humans/ Unpowered humans) don't deserve to say that to humans (Metahuman) like us !!! " Ardan says to him as the overseer fainted due to his punch.

As he finishes him, Ardan then looks at Rangga who then stands back up as he prepares his hand to block Ardan's attack as he looks at him with angry eyes that have no tears in them like usual since he had enough which pisses Ardan off.

" Fine, then you monkey !!! " Ardan says as he prepares his [Energy Fist] in order to knock Rangga down for sure.

" After this, I will make you learn how a 'Monkey' like you should behave in front of 'humans' !!!!!! " Ardan says to Rangga as he hits Rangga so hard that without him seeing it, Rangga's soul then ejects from his body somehow where Rangga in his soul state sees Ardan punching his body while he in his soul state can only see as suddenly ...

An old man-like voice calls him.

" So it seems you have entered your soul state huh ...? "

" After doing some unintended Astral Projection ...? " the voice tells Rangga as Rangga sees the voice owner who wears an armor-like suit with azure blue light that comes from it.

As Rangga sees him, he wanted to ask the person who he is as the person tells him.

" You will know, ... soon .... "

" And remember this eye .... " the person opens a part of his mask as he reveals his left eye that looks like a clock.

" What is ... that? " Rangga says as the old man answers him that eye is the [Twelve Eyes of Time].

" The Twelve Eyes of Time?? " Rangga says as the old man then tells him again that.

" After you see this eye, you will likely experience a sudden memory wave coming to your head when you return to your body ... "

" Embrace it ... "

" Since all those memories you will have after this, belongs to me and all of your past and future versions ... "

" From the previous Timelines .... " said the person as he leaves while Rangga then suddenly returns to his body.