While Sleeping (2)

As Principal Lensflare celebrates all of these victories by himself in his office, he then remembers the day when he visited Rangga's grandma as he propose his idea to her to dealt with Ardan.

" Are you serious Principal Lensflare? " Grandma Rory asks.

" Are you serious this plan will work to expel him for good? " she says while being uncertain.

" Of course Mrs. Rory Kent, with this plan we could easily embarrass him in front of the media thanks to your increasing popularity and .. "

" With Undefeated and the Protection of Nations on your side, the people on Supernova City will back your statement up. "

" Plus, since both Undefeated and the Protection of Nations publicly promised they will find Rangga ASAP, this could give us an advantage as the public will soon turn on him and his family," Lensflare tells her.

" His family too? .... isn't that too much I mean we're doing this to kick him out of my Grandson's life if he returns and .... " she asked as she didn't mean to attack Ardan's family's good name.

" Of course, we should strike at his family too, .... huh Mrs.Rory I need to tell you something. " Principal Lensflare said as he explains the reason for Ardan's unstoppable bully behavior.

" I see so the plan is to strike two birds with one stone. "

" Yes, Mrs. Rory, once Ardan and his family's influence on the academy is eliminated, then the Ultima Academy will be functionally operating as its original purpose." Principal Lensflare said.

Returning to the present, Principal Lensflare treats all of the teachers, janitors, and school workers who hate Ardan the most for a party as they celebrate their long-awaited victory.


In Energero's agency, the place was in chaos as many people leave the agency due to the owner's son's misbehavior. Energero who was sitting in his chair can only have spaced out as he sees the DROP OUT card from Ultima Academy.

As he was seeing that the TV starts to give news about Ardan and him about the Ultima Academy's case.

" Breaking News !!!!! Ardan son of Energero has been deemed prime suspect for many bully incidents in Ultima Academy. "

" Ardan son of Energero case is the most shocking cases that have ever been, ... etc, etc etc. "

" Police started to uncover the truth about Ultima Academy as they stumbled upon a document which states Energero's illegal activities on the academy .... "

" Etc etc etc etc etc. "

Energero just saw the card as he ignores the news, Energero remembers the last time he talked with principal Lensflare at that time about Ardan as he remembers correctly what Lensflare's promised to him.

" Remember this Energero if you didn't teach your son to behave I'll be the one who teaches him with the hard way !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" said Principal Lensflare faintly as he was beaten by Energero due to his actions for lasering Ardan's feet because of his cruel naughty behavior towards other students.

Energero there just does a sigh and orders his men to beat Lensflare down to the point his mental breaks. As he leaves, the men he left with then beats Lensflare down in his own office as punishment for making a mess with a pro-Hero's family.

Returning to the present, Energero clenched his fist as he destroys the DO card and says, " Fine Lensflare you win this round !!!!!!!!!!!! "

" But in the future, I promised you wouldn't this lucky !!!!!!" Energero said with his eyes glowed.

As he glows, his eyes police sirens can be heard from the south, hearing that Energero charges his energy with his supplies as police storm in on his office.

" Energero, in the name of justice you with due respect will follow us to be asked for information in the MetaCrime Office now !!!!" said the polices raising their guns to him.

On the same day, Undefeated as the last person who saw Rangga, as well as the main search team regarding the disappearance case, was interviewed, he said that he would try his best to find the child and bring him home completely.

When the reporters were given a question session, one of them asked what happened to Rangga's grandmother, is she gonna be left alone in her old shophouse while her grandson was being swallowed up by the earth.

Undefeated replied with a bow that he would help take care of Rangga's grandmother with his team even after Rangga was found. The present there clapped at him as he bows and the internet also broke with many hashtags and comment seeing that press conference.

" Yeah ... Undefeated ...!!!!!! " the whole people cheer them while in that place there is one of the Chrono Ghost that appears (not Rangga Twelve) but the other Rangga past versions soul as he somehow uses his magic to for some unknown purpose.

" With this, the public will be likely in our favor ... " this past version of Rangga says as he then reports to Twelve that the mass has been prepared as he asks him if this is alright which Twelve replies by.

" It is .... since, in order for our plan to succeed, this Rangga from the current timeline should become the people's idol no matter what he himself or others might think. " Twelve tells him as he asks this Rangga to continue using his magic in order to smooth their plans while the current Rangga prepares himself as he will enter the Pit in order to start his Main Quest which is to require ChronoAxis's still-powerful Core.

" Roger that ... " this Rangga says as he looks at the crowd and Undefeated.


( Meanwhile. )

" Do you understand the rules, my Candidate? " the robed guy asks Rangga after he awakes as he teaches him the rules of the Ritual he must take Rangga says yes since he already knows the 'real' purpose of this ritual from his memories.

" I've already known it Sayge (The Robed Guy's Name) ... " Rangga tells him as he says then recounts again what he needs to do.

" What I need to do is to fight the other Candidates and Monsters that were trapped inside the Pit in order for our body to slowly becomes ChronoAxis's perfect Vessel right? " Rangga asks as he tells Sayge that he already knows the point of this ritual and asks him if he's going into the Pit now.

" Not yet child, before you enter the Pit you must then do the ceremony which will be done three days from now in order to give your Marks and Blessings. " Sayge tells Rangga as he then leaves while leaving Rangga alone in his Cell Corridor since Rangga quickly understands his situation since he already knows it from his Memories.

"( Even though it is blurry, I know the Pit's rules from the Memory of my Past Timeline even though I still had no idea which one ... )" Rangga says to himself as he wonders which timeline memories he just sees earlier as he sees what happens next.

" I see ..., I will meet him huh ...!!!?? " Rangga says as he sees a memory vision of a red four-armed giant.

" s Sponsored Candidate," he says as he prepares himself for training in order to unlock more of his physical and base magic skills.