Failed Quest

As Rangga prepares himself, he then targets to increase his level to Level 20 by completing the training Quests since he was informed by his past versions that most of the Candidates in this place levels are beyond Level 15 which makes Rangga's journey quite difficult since he already just begun.

" I need to continue this training no matter what it takes .. " Rangga says as he finishes a set.

< Sit-ups (230/230) >

" Damn it!!! there are still many of these ...? " Rangga asks as he looks at the System's Quest which gives him an insight into how many quests he needs to do.

< Quests: >

< Push-ups (0/230) >

< Pull-ups (0/230) >

< Bench-Press (0/230) >




< Time: 00:02:23 >

< Time: 00:02:20 >


As the time ticks in, Rangga then tries as hard as he can in order to complete it but.

< Time: 00:00:00 >

< Quest Failed >

< Remaining Quests: >

< Push-ups (210/230) >

< Pull-ups (0/230) >

< Bench-Press (0/230) >




< User Rangga has failed to do the quest >

< Enacting Punishment >

< User will be sent into the Detention Space >

As the system says that, Rangga then was sucked back into the System Space as he then was transported into a Realm where the floor is all water as the water floors then crumble as from there, comes in some black goop monsters as the monsters growls towards Rangga while the System explains.

< Detention Quest Applied: >

< "Memoirs of Vengeance": >

< Defeat the memory manifestation of those that you killed and defeated by your past versions for a designated time. >

< 00:01:30 >

" That doesn't sound so bad ... " Rangga says as he thanks *God that he was given a quick time to experience this punishment as he remembers that the quest he took earlier is a that is promised to give him a higher reward regarding his Leveling Progress.

" Okay then ... " Rangga says while summoning his shield.

< Strongarm Shield (Primary Weapon) >

< " This weapon can be changed into many modes that the user have in the inventory " >

" Change Shield ....!!!!! "

" < Hard Fists Shield >," Rangga says as the Strongarm Shield changes its' mode and physique as it turns into two medium-size shields it looks like hand gloves.

< Hard Fists Shield >

< This Shield Mode has the most powerful ATK points and Combat Rate rather than the other Shield Mode as this mode is meant for the User to hit the opponent with hard damage. >

As he changed his shield, Rangga then was immediately attacked by one of the monsters as it does a sneak attack on him which made him be thrown far away as the other monsters then comes for him.

< HP - 1.000 >

" Grrhhh ... " Rangga says as he then balances his position as he looks at the monster and uses his skill.

" !!!! " Rangga says as he rams the incoming monster with his two fists that are covered in hand shields as he destroys the incoming swarm of monsters using the skills that he unlocked and learned in his previous levels.

"( I need to hold off ... )" Rangga says as he looks at his timer.

< 00:01:02 >

"( Even though the time is not that much, but still I need to hold off as much as I can while maintaining my MP.) " Rangga says as he holds off the attack as minutes pass by.

< Time: 00:00:00 >

< Quest Completed >

< Receiving Reward >

As it happens, Rangga then was picked by a robotic hand out of nowhere (probably it came from the System itself.) as he then was placed on an operating table as the System then says that another of Rangga's still locked talent will be soon be unlocked in order for him to succeed as the System then summons a giant injection that was filled with an unknown substance as the injection then inject a strange liquid into Rangga's body as he then felt pain in all of and all over his body as the liquid was injected.

" AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " Rangga screams as he asks System what's going on as he also calls his past version but to no answers since all of them are busy doing some 'preparations'.

" Seriously where are they!!!!??? " Rangga says while calling all of them as he never thought that his own past lives (past versions) will be this cruel as he then envies a fictional bald Airbender from the TV show he used to watch as he envies him for having supporting past lives, unlike the past lives he has.

" The Avatar is so great, I really envy him for having his past lives which gradually give their knowledge and powers to him without any constraints since they are truly one person just like me and my past versions. " Rangga says to himself as he felt the pain in his body while the pain slowly disappears which resulted in his body being more ripped as the substance awakens something that Rangga himself never expect to be unlocked.

" Wha ...? " Rangga asks himself as the System shows him.

< Congratulations Rangga, you have unlocked your Metahuman genes now. >

As the system says that, Rangga then asks how did the System unlock that as the System replies that the Metagenes has been given to him via a substance liquid that he was concocted within those bullying days with Ardan as Rangga then remembers a bottle which then reminds him of what happened as he understands now.

" I see ... " Rangga says as he thought to himself.

" So that's why my powers won't come out until I received the [Core of Awakening] huh ..? " Rangga says as he remembers that the Metagenes is a gene that has the ability to block the flow of Mana in one's body as the System explains to him that Rangga is now a Dual-Race User, both a Manahuman (Magic-User) and a Metahuman (Power-User).

As System explains, Rangga then was given his first as he then accepts it while leaving the Space as he returns to his room as he then waits for Sayge to come to his place as he had foreseen it in his memories.

" After this, I would have to give my memorials huh ...? " Rangga says as he just predicted that Sayge his administrator had come into his place he then gives him what his memories showed to him.

" Thank you Sayge ... " Rangga took the blank letter and the pen as he writes it while Sayge could only be confused as he wonders what happened.

"( Does the kid know my intention or something? ) " Sayge asked himself while Rangga writes his message while saying in his mind that soon Sayge will meet his end so there's no need to worry about him.

"( With this my good destiny will be partially fulfilled. )" Rangga says as he then gives the letter to Sayge as Sayge then teleports in order to bring this letter to Rangga's grandma since the administrator have a somewhat of a custom to bring their Candidates letters to their loved ones in order for them to be prepared their minds before entering the Pit.



God = Creator (the God) is the real God in My Solo Revenge Universe.

note: unlike the people in Supernova City and the other nations on the earth that believe in the Diviners. Rangga and his grandma only believe in one God only, so that's why he says Oh my God not by the Diviners as Martin does from my other Webnovel (Mutant vs Monster).