Assigned (2)

After ChronoAxis completes his speech, he then asks his second-in-command, an administrator called Overseer to give the blessings to the candidates as he recites the spell.

" Alright, all of you ... prepare yourselves ...!!! " Overseer tells them as he then recites the spell.

"(( Obvalios arema Ovaliru Resija Ovalino residu oval asino ..... ))"

While reciting the spell, suddenly below all of the candidates, a magical circle appeared as Rangga and the other Candidates suddenly felt tired as the circle glows making them enter the world of sleep as Overseer tells them.

" In this ritual, all of you will meet your sponsors as this ritual will help you communicate with them as your sponsors are basically the dead Deviants that the administrator is able to collect inside this temple. " Overseer says as he then releases the Soul of the Deviant as those souls choose their Candidate that they want to support with.




( Meanwhile .. )

" It seems you are quietly intriguing human ... young one ... " said a voice which awakens Rangga as he founds himself in a place filled with water as he looks at the being that talks to him which is a giant snake that looks at him in the eye as the snake then tells him to not be afraid as he comes inside his body in order to support him as he tells him that he will be Rangga's sponsor.

" I am the snake that exists within your earth once, my body is very long that I once covered the earth within my body ... "

" But the Diviners decided to kill me and destroy me back in the Second Holy War .."

" I am ... "

" Jormungandr the Ouroboros ..? " Rangga asks him as he recognizes the details that the snake tells him which the snake then laughs as he never thought that modern earthlings will know his legend.

" But I do ...!!!! " Rangga tells him as he reveals that he always reads many fantasy stories regarding him as he then tells him that he also knows that Jormungandr is also known for destroying other realms which makes him had to deal with the Diviners back then.

As Rangga tells him the story in the version he knows, Rangga then speaks to him with an unknown language that sounds like a hiss which shocks Jormungandr as he never thought that he will hear that language again.

" That language ... *[Serpenttounge] " Jormungandr says as he recognizes the language that Rangga spoke as he replied it while asking how did Rangga know such languages as he tells him that the last kind of people to able speak that language is the Manahumans...

"[ Wait ... are you a Manahuman? ]" he asks while Rangga nods at him as he reveals that thanks to his past memories being opened, he then tells Jormungandr that he remembers himself being fond of snakes since he was a little.

" Also I'm fond of Souls and Spirits too by the way ... " Rangga tells him as he reveals the thing to Jormungandr he then also asks what does Jormungandr wants since from what he knows from his memories, the Deviant Sponsors that are trapped within the Chronus Temple has its desires to be freed or to gain power that is bring promised by ChronoAxis as he captures their souls in his current form.

" So let's get this straight o mighty Ouroboros ... " Rangga tells him.

" What kind of desire that you want so that you chose me as your Sponsored Candidate ..? " Rangga asks him which Jormungandr replied to him that he only wanted to walk in the earth again as it was once his home while asking Rangga what is his desire.

" My desire ... " Rangga then says while calling his past versions which shooks Jormungandr as he then shows him about his purpose.

" I see ..., so it seems we have something in common for now. " Jormungandr says as he then agrees to be Rangga's sponsor as they approach his head to Rangga's hand in order to make the pact as the light of the pact consumes them both which makes Rangga awakened from his dream as he sees his Mark.

"( It seems I have to start from the bottom huh ... )" Rangga says as he sees himself to be assigned in the <8th Floor of Lost> as he then sees the people looks at him laughing telling him how unlucky he is to be assigned in the most torturous Floor inside the Pit while Rangga then says in his mind to not worry since he's been there in the previous timeline.

"( Sheesshh ... I've already been in there ... )" he says while looking at ChronoAxis.

"( So I know what I need to do... )" Rangga says as Overseer tells them to go to the Pit's upper as they will all be entering it.

At that moment, Rangga looks at Hashra as he tells him that he will battle him soon again as he gives his necklace to honor him.

Hashra who still doesn't understand this then responds by giving Rangga his necklace as he appreciates Rangga's deal as he promises that he will also meet him again instinctively even though he was still confused but decided to wipe that thought.

"( Why did I feel that I have met him before ...? )" Hashra says as he quickly dismissed it as he and Rangga like all others come into the Pit as they all will be transported into their assigned Floor via another ritual.

As they went into the Pit to get a look at it, they all see that the Pit looks like *a lake filled with a rich flow of Mana as they all see a fountain giving of the Pit a rich amount of Mana like pure water that it absorbs from the Nature.

As they all see it, they were hooked by its wonders while Rangga thinks to himself as he sees those towers of Mana fountains while saying in his mind.

"( Those are not just fountains ..., those are ChronoAxis's teeth ... )" Rangga says as he looks at it as he sees the pit that was actually ChronoAxis's mouth as it was covered with a great amount of Mana that is absorbed.

As he looks at it, he then looks at ChronoAxis while the ritual is started as they all were filled with the Black Goop inside that comes from their body as they all were compressed into floating black liquids as they were transported inside the Pit into their assigned Floors.



After they all enter the Pit, ChronoAxis then asks Overseer about Rangga as he is somewhat intrigued by why does the kid look at him every time while he sees Rangga Twelve that looks at him in his soul form.

"( So it's 'you' ...., )" ChronoAxis thinks to himself while seeing Twelve.

"( Is that the one that you promised me ...? )" he asks himself while Rangga Twelve disappears as he enters the Pit.



* Serpenttouge: the language of the snakes.

*The look of the Pit can be seen on this Webnovel's Cover.