
( Outside the Pit and the Chronus Temple.)

" I see ... " Undefeated says while reading Rangga's letter in the HQ as he calls Derick to contact a certain hero for help.

" Yes they could help ... " Derrick says as he is still in his office he told Undefeated to wait in the room he is at right now while he calls the person he needs.

( Somewhere.)

In a restaurant, a couple was seen taking dinner as they started to eat their dessert.


The couple sees their watch and answered the call to find out who's calling them in times like these.

" Hello 'Truthseeker' and 'Memoir', this is Derick can you hear me? " Derick asked through a hologram.

" Of course Derick we hear you, what's going on I thought you said we can enjoy our date peacefully since the others will back us up? " Truthseeker asked.

" This is about Undefeated's 'lost child' case, he said that the grandma was visited by a mysterious person claiming that 'the child' is with them right now .. "

" .... and ... what do you want from us if the captors reveal themselves? " Memoir asked.

" I want you to see the location sightings through this letter that was given by the captors since your super abilities are about 'Memory Projection' right? "

Hearing the word, the two vacating heroes rushed as they call the HQ'S teleportation service to get them there instantly since it could be serious.

" This must be serious since Derick only asked us to do 'that' if the case requires extensive investigation. " Memoir said as they entered the HQ.

When they enter the meeting room, Undefeated was seen reading the letter as he asked Watch Hound (the Hunter Dog Hero) to sniff the letter's scent.

" This letter scent is unusual, I never smell a scent like this before, it must be from another place or dimension since this smell definitely doesn't exist on earth. " Watch Hound states.

" Are you certain? are you certain that this letter smell doesn't remind you of any place you've gone before? " Undefeated asked while reading sharply the letter.

[ To Dearest Grandma ]

[ I'm sorry that I have made you confused but don't worry, I'm still safe and well in this new place which is unknown to me. ]

[ I must say, I know that you probably going to be angry at me again but I must tell you that after that day ... my powers have awakened, the latent powers that I never thought existed within me .... which is ... ]

[ Magic ... ]


[ Aside from that, I'm writing this will to you as a means to communicate. I've been taken custody in the Chronus temple, the temple where lies the ancient titan called ChronoAxis, and tomorrow I will enter its corpse to become his new 'Vessel'. ]

[ I know these statements and stories are kinda confusing and overwhelming to you but it is the truth. ]


[ By the way, after I entered the pit, I could no longer see the outside world unless I finished clearing all of its floors by killing its monsters and the other candidates in a seemingly battle royale since this procession only needed a 'sole victor'.]

[ By the way, if you see this letter please believe that I'm still safe since right now I felt a lot stronger here. ]

[ P.S ]

[ Your Grandson, Rangga. ]

After reading that, Undefeated then uses his and to see if there are other traces around the letter. But he sees nothing and gives it to Truthseeker and Memoir to do their .

As the couple places their hands, they focused their power to create a Projection of a scene that has transpired. As the projection shows the scene, they can see Rangga was writing the letter and talking to the air.

Seeing that Watch Hound asks if the kid had mental problems during the kidnap, Undefeated answered that he may be talking to someone behind him. As the scene continues, the robed guy appeared as he takes the letter that Rangga wrote to send it.

" ( That robed guy, I think I've seen him somewhere .... ? )" said Undefeated in his mind.

After a couple of minutes, he figured out who is that robed person, " That's him !!!"

" That's the guy whom Berseker's gang member said of the one who teaches him his rituals !!!! " said Undefeated with a frightened expression.

After they all heard that statement, Derick began to ask everyone in the room to look at the Berserker's last sight on the camera while battling Undefeated and it was correct the person who assists Berserker in his rituals and the one in the scene is 100% same.

" The scan's right, it is him he's the one responsible for kidnapping your viral 'child' of course," said Derick seeing the fact.

Knowing that Undefeated ask Memoir to look at the robe guy's mind but Memoir rejects it since she only sees someone's mind if the victim was already seen by her with her .

" Yeah even if I could use it but there's a catch to it, ...." she tells him.

" If I tried to see someone's mind from a faraway place or unrecognizable in the earth with my is useless."

" In this case, I could only assume that Rangga in this scene here was kidnapped to a different dimension. " Memoir said confidently.

" Are you certain about that? " asked Derick with a stare.

" Are you sure that this place is not on Earth? " Derick asked Memoir about her certainty.

" Of course sir, judging from the room's decorations and calligraphy it seems that the scene's pace was not on Earth just like Memoir said earlier," said Andro the Android as he enters the room.

" Hey, Andro where have you been? we were waiting for you, you know? " Undefeated asks but was ignored by him.

Andro comes in, as he identifies and scanned the projected scene that came from Truthseeker and Memoir's combined mind power. He states that to solve this case, they need to analyze the robed person's activities while he was working with Berserker.

" I see so that's the plan then let's go .... " said Undefeated as he floats in the air.

" Wait for a second ... !!!!! " said Andro.

" Truthseeker and Memoir could you please give me the letter, I want to scan it. "

The two heroes give the letter to Andro that makes the fade due to their lost contact with the object. After Andro reads it, he analyzes the letter's contents.

" Hmmmm ..... temple of an ancient titan huh ... "

" ChronoAxis ... Vessel .... Candidate .... " Andro said while analyzing those words for a minute.

" Do you find something? " Derick asked.

" No ..... but I think we've had a clue about the kidnapper's whereabouts. "

" According to the letter or should I say the will, the kidnapped states a name of a temple for ChronoAxis .... an ancient titan. "

" Never heard of it, is that an outside god or deity or something? " asked Watch Hound states confidently.

" You never heard of it, you sure I thought that you a once ancient hero used to know monsters names like these ... ? " Andro asks.

" No there is none, even if you ask Demigod or Valkyrie or those other Diviners and ancient heroes they will also say the same. There is no such thing as an ancient titan called ChronoAxis. " Watch Hound says while Andro secretly scans him.

" The kid must be lying, probably he wants Undefeated's attention. " Watch Hound says.

Hearing that Andro looks at the letter again and says, " Hmmm amusing a new ancient history monster subject ..... I think I need to investigate this further, Truthseeker, Memoir please come with me !!!!!! "

" Hey, why should we !!!!!???? I thought we're done here. " ask Truthseeker.

But suddenly Derick approaches him and said that Andro could probably need their power for further investigation so Derick orders those Mind Heroes to follow Andro as he says an announcement.

" Okay ladies and gentlemen, since this other world fact has appeared then we need to do something about it !!! "

" Give the order to the Heroes in every country to neutralize all of the suddenly occurred another dimension activity and tell them to increase vigilance !! "

As Derick's ordered, the operator began to announce to all of the heroes about a probability of a dimension threat. As the operators were doing their job Derick looks at Undefeated and said.

" It seems that this case will take more energy and vigilance than we anticipated, who knows if there will be another person kidnapped and forced to do this Vessel selection battle royale thing. " Derrick says to Undefeated while Undefeated looks at the letter as he tells Derrick to do not tell the Heroes that are related to the Diviners as he looks at the word magic in that letter.

"( This could be bad ..... )" Undefeated says to himself.

"( If other Heroes that related to the Diviners like Demigod and Valkyrie see this then Rangga could really be screwed .... )" Undefeated says as he remembers that the Diviners had that kind of policy to hunt every Magic-user for some unknown reasons.