
( In the earth skies. )

[ Location: Valhalla Castle ]

" It seems there had been a lot of Disturbance lately ... " said one of the Diviners that rules the earth.

" How are our 'Heroes' doing in order to deal with these problems? "

As the Diviners discuss some things, then Valkyrie and Demigod come to them as they kneel down before them as they report their mission to those Diviners.

" And .... Undefeated ..., where is he? " asked one of the Diviners while Demigod tells him that Undefeated is in Kent's house, guarding his mate for a while.

" I see, .... so the champion decided to have some diversions from his duties ..? " the Diviners asks as she then tells Valkyrie and Demigod that they must watch him closely as the Diviners feels that Undefeated might be going astray from his Divine Duty.

" There has been a disturbance in the Cycle, ... " the Diviner says as this Prime Diviner looks at the stars.

" I don't know why, but I feel there is something different in this Current Timeline .. " he says as he can feel the Change in the Flow of Time as he sees some changes in the definite fate.

" Not just that ..., I can also feel that the earth's Mana supply is getting reduced each time. "

" Which is bad for our [Divine Peaches] .... " the Diviner says as he sees the Divine Peaches are getting worse taste than ever as spits it out from his mouth.

Seeing that, Valkyrie and Demigod kneel as they vow to get to the end of the problem once and for all as they will investigate the cause of these 'Changes' and 'Disturbances' as the two leave the Diviners in their room.

" Good use of them ... " said one of the Diviners as she spits the peach she ate.

" Those Halflings are very useful in these kinds of problems, aren't they? " she says she then changed the topic about the news they heard from their rivaling world Yggdrheim.

" Marticorax is getting more ambitious in these days ... " the Prime Diviner says as he tells the Diviners there that the Diviners that now ruled the Planet of Yggdrheim is now on the verge of victory once more as they have captured many Deviants.

" Good for them, unlike us .... " she says as she regretted giving powers to Earth mortals as they were basically just useless idiots who used their powers for fighting like barbarians only.



( Meanwhile. )

" Those ... Purebloods are sure very think highly of themselves huh ...? " Demigod asks Valkyrie as he wonders what makes them so high on themselves.

" Just because they are the pure owners of the Heavens, doesn't mean they have the right to look down upon us Halflings ...!!!! " Demigod says as he commented how the Purebloods often overused the Halflings (Demigods) power to deal with their problems while they all wage party over the skies.

" Don't say that Demigod ... " Valkyrie tells him.

" Even if they do such thing, don't forget that you're endless richness and glory comes from their blessings. " Valkyrie reminds him as if it not by the Blessings of the Purebloods then Demigod's kingdom back then wouldn't be completely destroyed by the Deviant Tiamat back then.

As she says that, Demigod then looks at her as he then draws one of his Divine Weapons to attack her which she counters with her weapon in order to defend herself from Demigod's attack.

" Dem ... ?? " Valkyrie asks Dem as she realizes that something is wrong as she tries to attack him just to wound his body while Demigod decides to deflect it as both Demigods decided to battle in that room as it attracts the other Diviner residents there as they looked at them.

" What's wrong with those halflings ...? " they ask each other as they talked that someone should've stopped them before they tear apart the Valhalla as suddenly a Diviner stepped in to stop the two from continuing their battle.

" Alright, stop both of you ....!!!!! " he says to both Demigod and Valkyrie as he picks them up with his big hand.

" Heracles ...!!!!! " Demigod says while looking at the Demigod that picks him.

" MMhhmmm ... the Original Diviner Champion (before Undefeated) is here ...!!! " Heracles says as he trie to hold the two with his just been finished healing body as he then stops the two Demigods as he then brings them away before they create more disturbance in the sky palace.

" It's Heracles ... "

" He's returned huh from his new 12th Labor of the Year ... "

" It seems that he finished the labor faster than the usual, what happened? " says the Purebloods in the background as Heracles goes away with Demigod and Valkyrie.



" Now we can all talk freely ...!!!! " Heracles says as he tells both of them that the place they're now at is very desolate which is good for them to have their chat.

" So, what are you two debating? " Heracles asked both of them in order to ease their tension as he tells them that if Undefeated is not available right now, then 'He' as the previous champion will deal with their problems.

" It's none of your business ...!!!!! " Demigod answers him while Valkyrie then explains that she should keep her mouth shut as an ex-mortal.

" Shut up you once-mortal ...!!!!! "

" Keep your mouth out of this business, would you !!!! " Demigod orders her which she rejects.

As the tension between the two starts growing high, Heracles then intervenes by knocking both of them down as he the were stabbed by Dine Weapons that both Demigods summoned with their power.

" It's no use you two .... "

" You should all remember that no Divine Weapon is able to pierce through my body ...!!! " Heracles tells them as he will disturb their debate if things go too far.

As he says that, Demigod and Valkyrie then talked about their problems as they tell Heracles about the current condition.

" I see ... so the higher-ups are being dissatisfied by Undefeated being with Mrs.Kent ... huh? " Heracles thinks as he sees this problem as the previous Champion.

" He seems to also neglect his duties as he tries hard to find her grandson, Rangga Kent ... " Valkyrie tells him as he asks Heracles what to do since the situation is getting worse as things don't go out with their desires in this Timeline which Heracles then thinks of it as he tells them.

" Well about that, ... "

" How about we visit our champion in Supernova City? " Heracles says as he thinks that they should discuss this with Undefeated himself.