
[ Thursday, March 3, 2022 ]

[ 08:30 P.M. ]

" Dammit ....!!!!!!!!! " Charlie says as he drinks at a random bar as he thinks about the situation earlier (Charlier was already 18 years old.).

" What the hell is that ...? " he says as he was drowned in his drunkenness as he recounts what happened.

" How can the Protection of Nations and the Supernova City Governments could give such privilege to a fricking Mass-Murderer !!!!!??? " Charlie says as he remembers what happened during the Siege.

He was there, with Road Rigger seeing the Titan rampaging and battling the Heroes as they the lesser powerful ones can only watch their destructive battle as he sees building destroyed, lands crushed, and winds raging everywhere which makes him so frustrated at the time.

In that battle, he lost many of his companions that were substitutes just like him as they were killed by the apostles, the suddenly coming Gate Monsters, or being crushed by the Titan.

" I'll never forgive him ...!!!! " Charlie says as he mourns his friends as he was so desperate in his state right now.

" After that boy goes on Powerburst (as they describe it), it said that the blast that his Titan form unleashes destroys many of Supernova City's skyscrapers and buildings. " Charlie said in tears as he recently found out that one of the buildings that the blasts destroyed was belonged to his parents, as it was the main building of his parents' company.

" Damn bastard ...!!!! " Charlie says as he remembers the moment he knew that his parents were one of the victims of the Titan's attack.

" Is he really was being 'possessed' back then ....? " he asks himself.

" I don't f**king believe that s**t !!!!!!!!!!!!! " he curses out loud as his drunkness makes him lose control over his mouth.

In his drunk state, suddenly another person enters the bar as the person orders a cocktail while he sits beside Charlie.

" Having a bad day pal? " the person asks him as he was drenched in water since it was raining outside.

As the person says that, Charlie looks at him and says that everyone in Supernova City including the world is on a bad day after the Siege. He tells him that ever since the Titan attacks the City, everything changed drastically as if the world loses its direction.

" It is all because of that boy .... " Charlie says as he tells the person beside him that the boy is being given privilege due to his power which he deemed unfair as it emphasizes that the higher people are turning into a blind eye since they see the 'Boy's potential.

" Guess that's what it feels to be strong and famous huh ...? " Charlie says as he states that maybe ... in order for a person to achieve greatness, they must at least cause some trouble first, then kill many people, get recognized, become a weapon and then have many rewards as they like.

While Charlie says that, the person beside him looks at him as he smiles and tells him that he is right about that statement, as he explains to him that is the way of our world, where the strong should survive and prosper while the weak die and rot, destined to be forgotten.

" The world is still like that, which as I like it but .... "

" After that Titan incident, it seems the world has been changed drastically as the natural order was disrupted ... "

" As the once called 'weak ones' are gradually gifted with powers as they now grow stronger than before ... "

" Which is bad, on my view ..... " said the person beside Charlie, as Charlie then asks why did he think of that.

" It is not that difficult but ... "

" I believe that in order to create a peaceful world, the world must be ruled by the strong and the weak must serve their purpose ... "

" That is the absolute order of the world if the strong and the weak do their role correctly ...!!! "

" But in these times, the 'change' has disrupted that very order as the strong now lose their positions due to the drastic shift and the weak ones now dare to show their fangs against the strong !!! " says the person as he destroys the cocktail's glass.

" The strong must stay strong ....!!!! and the weak must stay weak ...!!!!! "

" A human must always remain human ...!!!! and a monkey must eternally remain a monkey ....!!!!! "

" For eternity ...!!!!! " the person says as his eyes glow which shocks Charlie down as the mysterious person destroys the table.

While destroying the table, the person's hands emit energy that armors his head as the azureness of the energy color radiates all over the bar.

"( This power .... isn't it [Energy Control] ...? )" Charlie says as he sees the person he talks to.

"( The power that belongs, to that imprisoned hero Energero ...?? )" Charlie says as his consciousness now snaps again as he realizes who is he talking to.

" You .. you are ... " Charlie says as he sees the person with blue hair and scars all over the face as if he was attacked by many monsters.

As the person sees his reaction, he then touches his scars as he tells him that the scars were gifted by the savage monsters that suddenly attacked him from the gate and the other was gifted by a new powered monkey as they dare to attack him.

" This is what the change did to us, Charlie Dion ..? " the person tells him.

" Even though you're a Tier II Metahuman, your family is once one of the ruling Metahuman family in Supernova City is it not? " he says as he retells them both of their family histories as he reminds him that the Dion family is actually related to the Pulsar family as they once had their glory before the 'change' happened.

" Don't be saddened ... 'cousin' .... " the person says as the people in the bar leaves them as they were afraid of seeing his face.

" I know what do you feel right now ... " he says as he puts his hand on Charlie's shoulders as tells him that he is also the 'victim' of the 'Titan Boy's existence.

" Follow me .. " the blue-haired person says as he hears the police car sirens from outside.

" Together, we will avenge our status as the strong ... "

" By killing that Usurper Monkey .... once and for all ...!!!! " the person says as he then shoots outside as he blasts the police cars, creating mighty explosions all over the place.