Preparation to Return

[ Friday, March 4, 2022 ]

( In Grandma Rory's House.)

" My grandson .... oh how much you've grown .... " Rory says as she puts the new family photo that consists of Rangga, herself, and Undefeated.

As she puts the photo, she sees the news where Undefeated is seen to be getting out from a Golden Gate [Legendary Gate] in the G Sector as he then flies out with a giant dragon monster head.

While seeing that, the door beside her was knocked as she opens it as she sees the person behind it which is Undefeated himself who quickly returns to the house as he then approached her.

" Oh hello Undefeated, what happened are you okay? " she says as she sees the scar on Undefeated's chest.

" Oh no, it's nothing .... it's just .... " Undefeated says as he wipes the scar ensuring Rory that it is alright but Rory being a caring person she is quickly brings the medicare to him as Undefeated accepts the care while smiling.

As she tends the scar, Undefeated then suddenly holds her hand and ...

" Undefeated, what is ... " Rory says as Undefeated suddenly puts a ring into her hand.

" This is the [Ring of Protection], I found in that Dungeon I've cleared ... " Undefeated says as he puts it which makes grandma Rory flustered as her young face turns red.

As the two 'old' people flustered at each other (being romantic as they do in their relationship), suddenly a voice can be heard which is Rangga's voice as he asks Grandma Rory about Lunch as he was very hungry right now which gives the *two lovers an awkward moment as grandma's hand bumps into Undefeated's head destroying the ring instantly due to Undefeated's powerful forehead.

" Yes dear, on a minute ..... " grandma Rory says.

"( When did he come...? )" she asks as she was certain that Rangga just left a while ago as she and Undefeated meet him in the Dining room.

" Ohh Undefeated you're here ...!!! " Rangga says as he opens his laptop to fill some of the administration to re-attend the Ultima Academy.

As he fills the administration document, he then asks Undefeated how things are going in the world these days as he was worried that Undefeated may leave grandma Rory for too long again.

" Undefeated are you sure you can handle those? " Rangga says as he sees Undefeated's scars in his chest.

" What do you mean? " Undefeated asks Rangga as Rangga tells him that he felt sorry for the trouble he caused as he now knows that after he becomes ChronoAxis's vessel, he unknowingly create more powerful enemies and monsters which now gives Undefeated more trouble than ever.

" Oh come on Rangga, don't worry about it ... it's not like that ... " Undefeated calms him as he tries to tell him that all of this had nothing to do with him as he swears that everything is still under control as he rubs his scar.

"( Yeah right .... )" Rangga says as the Twelve Eyes gives him a vision about that scar.

As the two of them talked, grandma then cooked many dishes for them as the three of them eat them with joy as if they were already a family even though Undefeated was just joined recently while Rangga was gone.

" So how's the administration going? " Rory asks as she wonders if Rangga had trouble was re-administrating himself back into his academy once more.

" Nope, it is fine .... " Rangga tells her.

" After all, principal Lensflare had given me all of the detailed instructions. " Rangga says as he types the text in that monitor.

As Rangga types the text in his laptop while eating the fries he then tells his grandma that 'he' will be put in the Second-Year class, in Class 2-S to be exact as the principal tells him.

Hearing that, his grandma asks what is the S-Class as she remembers that the Class in Ultima Academy is only listed from Class A to F.

" It's a special class, grandma ... " Rangga says as he explains how the new curriculum works to his grandma.

" It's the class for 'Special Case Students' like me, as the new curriculum wants those 'Special Students' to be facilitated in order to become the new Heroes. " Rangga says as he tells his grandmother that if he joins the Class, he would likely be a Hero faster than the others at this moment.

" Undefeated, is this true? " grandma asks Undefeated as he nods her, giving her a gesture to confirm that what Rangga said is true.

" You can even ask Lensflare if you want to. " Undefeated tells her as he says that the Supernova City government has been making some new rules regarding education ever since Energero and the Pulsar family was out from the education dept.

As the authorities demand that since the situation is at stake, all of the students regardless of whatever class of society they belong to, will be fully taught to use their powers in combat efficiently in order to prepare to fight more monsters.

Hearing that, grandma was shocked as she listens carefully to that statement which makes her go silent for a bit and say.

" Prepare them for ... combat .....? " Rory asks faintly.

As she says that, Rangga and Undefeated looked at each other as both of them knew they screwed up since they technically and accidentally tell her the truth about the reason why Rangga had to return to Ultima Academy, which is to retrain himself in the form of Superpower combat.

"( Oh shit ... !!! )" Rangga says as he spoiled the beans.

"( What should I do ...? dammit !!!! )"

"( If my past versions were here ... things could've gone easier as they can do their higimegick (Magic) to Grandma in order to lure her away from thinking more about it.

As Rangga thinks about it, he then has to use his greatest arsenal which is to use his Trickster Class Skill he has which is ...

< Skill: Trickery (Active) >

< LVL: 6 >

< " This skill enables users to trick others for some time, this skill can be fully applied into the beings that level is lower than the user. " >

< " This skill can be applied using many things, either by using tools, other people, or just by words only and etc. " >

< + >

< Skill: Lie (Passive) >

< LVL: 8 >

< " This passive adds the Trickery skill's Believe bonus, which makes the Trickery skill chance to be increase into 51% which makes the User be more believable to the subject that being cast with. " >

"( Thank goodness, grandma's Level is 31 )" Rangga says as he looks at his grandma's level as he uses his skill to persuade her to let him re-enter the academy as he will prepare everything.

" But is everything is gonna be okay, the re-entering is going to be done on Monday was it? " Rory asks as Rangga ensures her that everything is on the course as he looks at Undefeated as he also confirms it.