
(Minutes earlier. )

" Lady Arachina you want us to what ...!!!!??? " Scarbody says as Arachina stabs both him and Thornquill with her spider limbs.

" This is the only way, my bodyguards ... " she tells them.

" If you two really want to guard me ... "

" Then make sure that you two will only die if I say so ... " she tells them as she does her thing.


( In the current time.)

As the swarm attacks the hunters, they began to kill those guys with their attacks as their summoner comes out from the Gate as she was carried by her giant summon and also guarded by her two big bodyguards.

" Well ... well .. what do we have ... "

" Here !!! " Scarbody shouts while interrupting what Arachina says as he tells the quiet Thornquill to assist him in killing the incoming opponents.

" What the ...? "

" How the hell did these monsters come here !!!!??? " said one of the hunters as he thinks that this is some sort of an outbreak he then tells the others to use their full strength.

" Agreed, let's kill these monsters before they rampage this whole place !!!!!! " said the other hunter.

As the swarm of monsters comes, Ardan and Charlie then fight them with both of their abilities as they decide to fight alongside each other.

" Charlie, you're alright !!!??? " Ardan asks charlie as he had trouble fighting the swarm bugs.

" Garrgghhh !!!!! "

" What the hell are these bugs !!?? " he shouts in anger as he blasts them with his newfound ability.

< Plasma Blast >

With the plasma attack, Charlie then fights and shoots the whole swarm in order to wipe them all from his sight which makes Ardan laugh as he also enjoys their massacre.

" This is great ... "

" Die you meddling monsters !!!!! " Ardan says as he shoots the bugs with his power.

As the two fight the monsters happily, meanwhile the other hunters aren't as lucky as them since they were all massacred by the monster swarm and by both Scarbody and Thornquill as they all suddenly transform into their mutated selves thanks to Arachina's intervention in their body.

" Thank you, lady Arachina !!!!! " Scarbody thanks the spider lady as she responds by 'hmmphhh' him in her pride as she thinks herself highly more than him.

As he attacks with his new form, Scarbody then comes into both Ardan and Charlie as he sees their power.

" You two looked strong ...!!!!! " he shouts at them.

" Mind if I kill you !!!!? " he says as he then draws his blade into their very heads but then was stopped by Ardan who uses his to block his attacks.

" Hmmppphh !!!! " Ardan says as he looks at the monster.

" You're a quite strong one, aren't you? " Ardan says to Scarbody as he then punches him but was blocked by his blade.

As both of them fight, on the other hand, Charlie fights Thornquill as he uses his ability to attack him from every angle.

< Thorn Rise >

With that, Thornquill summons big thorns from the ground to attack Charlie as he dodges them while jumping around the ground to evade them.

"( Damn it, how many Thorns he could summon? )" he asks himself as he then looked at Arachina as she winks him.

"( That woman monster ... )" he says to himself.

"( Did she just ... wink ... )" he thinks as he then somehow was tucked into something in the air while trying to wipe it off.

"( I'm stuck ....!!!! )" he says to himself as he tries to free himself from the invisible thing that glues him.

As he squirms, Arachina then smirks and licks her mouth as she looks at Charlie while from below Thornquill then uses his Thorn to impale Charlie which wounds him badly.

" Arrrghhh !!!! " Charlie says as he then remembers something during his current pain.



( During the Siege.)

[ Monday, January 21, 2022 ]

[ Location: Dion Tower, Ground Floor ]

" Mom I'm in the GF coming your way .... " Charlie says as he brings his own present to his mom, a birthday present that he decided to buy himself using his own money not by using his parents.

In his conversation with his mom, suddenly an explosion happened as he sees it, wherefrom the explosion he can see a silhouette of a gigantic being he sees flying people fighting it.

" Mom do you see that !!!!??? " Charlie says as the phone connection suddenly goes wild as he sees lasers coming out from the gigantic creature as it lases the nearby buildings.

" Oh no, mom !!!!! " Charlie says as his mom and dad are on the Fourth Floor where he then decided to come up while being stopped by the guards and the people who come out as they ran for their lives.

" Please ... I need to save my mother ..!!!! " Charlie says as suddenly a laser flies blasts through the upper floor of this building which shocks him.

"( That blast ... )" Charlie thinks to himself.

"( What floor did it hit? )" he says as he then sees the building debris coming down from the skies as he and the other people try to dodge it as much as possible while Charlie tries to flee but suddenly was impaled by large debris that briefly cuts deep his abdomen as he then falls into the ground.

" Mom .... dad ... " he says as suddenly the time turns back into the present where Charlie is trying to free himself from the thing that sticks him.

" This thing .... that sticks me in the air .. "

" Is translucent .... " he says as he touches while looking at the spider lady as she smirks at him.

" , " Arachina says to herself as she looks at Charlie, deeming him as tasty prey while watching how he struggled to free himself from that web she created.

" Oh, my ..... " she says as Charlie successfully frees himself from it completely by destroying it with his plasma as he then charges toward her.

" You're the leader aren't you? " Charlie says as he tells Ardan to leave his opponent as he tells him to strike on this spider lady.

As he says that, Arachina then decides to summon another web as she then uses her spider joints and limbs to help her move around where she would attack Charlie with it.

"( She's too fast .... I can't shoot her properly.)" he says as he tries to shoot Arachina while being webbed by her again.

As he tries to free himself this time, Ardan then helps him as Charlie tells him that they have to retreat for now since they are very outnumbered not just by the numbers of people but also by the numbers of their power.

" Grrhhh you're right ... " Ardan says as he then helps Charlie as both of them leave the location with a boost of their powers.

" Hey come back here !!!!!! " Scarbody says as he wasn't finished yet.

" Let them go, for now, Scarbody ... " Arachina tells them.

" We've got what we came for ... so no need for us to deal with those pests any longer .. " Arachina says as he then uses her telepathic communication to contact a monster that also belongs to Rangga as it then summons a Gate to transport them into their base at the Hydraulic Depth Dungeon.