In the Morning

( In the next morning. )

" I see ..... so you've recorded it with one of your bugs hmm ...? " Rangga asks Arachina as he sees the whole battle through the eyes of her insect spawn.

< Monster Name: Rotateeye Hornet>

< Race: Insectspawn Observer >

< LVL: 51 >

As he sees the recording he then sees two recognizable faces in that recording which are his long-lost bully nemesis Ardan Pulsar and his jealous Substitute Hero comrade Charlie Dion.

" What the ...? " Rangga says as he sees them working together.

" How the hell they are together ...? " Rangga thinks to himself as he sees the whole thing which he was shocked as the System is able to scan Charlie's level from the recording.




< Name: Charlie Dion >

< Age: 18 >

< Born: Supernova City, Sector D, January 3rd, 2004 >

< LVL: 49 >


"( What the ...!!!? )" Rangga shouts to himself as he sees the thing he swears that last time Charlie was at level 25 since he's a Tier II Metahuman.

"( What the ... How could he? )" Rangga wonders to himself as he then asks System about the statement of the Metahumans Leveling.

"( Hey System, can you hear my question for a sec .....? )" Rangga asks the System with his mind privately.

<" Yes User Rangga, how can I help you? ">

" Back then, you taught me that the Metahuman levels are based on how much their Tier are ... "

" For example, a Tier 0 Metahuman is at Level 0 to 9 and a Tier I Metahuman level is at level 10 to 19 ... right? " Rangga asked the System as he rephrase the knowledge that the System gives him regarding the Metahuman levels in the past.

<" Indeed User Rangga .... " > the System tells him as it explains that a Metahuman level is defined from its Tier whereas a Metahuman in their current Tier can change their level exponentially whether it is increased or decreased.

But still, their level will be around the *Front Number of Tiers which the Metahuman will stay on those Tier Levels for eternity.

" I know that ..., " Rangga tells the System as he then asks how the hell did Charlie increase his level beyond his previous Tier (Tier II) and acquire the Tier IV level.

<" LOADING ANSWER "> System says as it searched for the proper answer while Rangga then looked again at the memories before having breakfast as he sees Ardan again.

" Shouldn't he be dead? " Rangga says as he thought that he had the 'Titan's Spawn' killed him back in the Siege as he controls it briefly thanks to the Twelve Eyes.

But as he thinks of it, the System then notifies him as it gives him the current answer, which is.

<" Answer: ">

<" The Subject: Charlie Dion increasing levels, may result from a Gene Alteration that affects the Metagene Core. ">

" Gene Alteration? " Rangga asks the System as the System explains to him that Charlie's Meta powers are increasing probably thanks to the use of a drug or something that is related to the Demonic Monsters that come from the Gate.

Hearing the word 'Demonic Monsters', Rangga then thinks to himself as remembers something while his Twelve Eyes glow, showing him something.

" A fruit ....? " Rangga says as he then thanks to the System for the explanation whereas he then ordered Arachina to go on camouflage as he will prepare himself for breakfast.


" Good morning Rangga ..., how's your sleep !!!!??? " Grandma Rory asks him as she prepares the breakfast for him.

As he comes into the Dining Room, Rangga then asks where is Undefeated is while Grandma Rory tells him that Undefeated has gone into the P.N's base for duty as he says that another Legendary Dungeon has opened up.

" I see ... " Rangga says to himself as he is very sure that Undefeated will be alright when he scanned him, he founds out that Undefeated's Metagene Tier is Tier 9 which is around level 90 plus.

"( Guess there is nothing to worry about from the Metahuman that has the Diviners blessing in his genes ... )" Rangga says as he then remembers something.



[ 12th Timeline ]

[ 2018 ]

[ Diviner's Hall ]


" Carla Ranggina Hikari Kent, step forward ... " the Diviners say as they called Carla into their place as she was honored as their Divine Hero.

As Carla steps forward, the Diviners then give her blessings as they give her a Holy Magic that will serve her in the future.

" From now on, you are the Divine Hero of Justice ... " said the Diviners.

" Arise, Carla Kent ... "

Rangga in that timeline can only applaud his granddaughter as his tears come down his cheek as his granddaughter that used to cry on his lap now becomes a Diviner Hero that now protects the world in the name of the Divine.

At the moment, his grandaughter was gifted many powerful armories that belong to the Divine as she become their representative in this world.


( Back to the present.)

Relieving that memory, Rangga then shed a little tear as the Twelve Eyes shows him the memory of the previous Timelines which shows him how powerful and holy his granddaughter is.

"( It seems the Diviners still give the Divine Title to some mortals huh .... )"

"( Even in the future timelines after my granddaughter ... )" Rangga says to himself as he closes his eyes making a praying gesture in order to hide his sadness while he proceeds to swallow the food in front of him.

" Rangga holds on, don't eat too fast !!!! " his grandma says as she tells Rangga to hold on to his behavior Rangga quickly swallows the food like slime and snake while running away from the table to go into his academy.

< Skill: Water Gate >

< Class: Elementor >

< " This skill had the ability to teleport Rangga instantly via a gateway to every location he marked like the acquired Dungeons and etc etc etc. ">

As he teleports, he then enters from the boys' toilet where he then comes out from there to enter his class but found it empty as he then proceeds to see his watch.

" Oh dammit ....!!!! " Rangga says to himself as he slaps his own face.

" I forgot that it is still 05:50 a.m. " Rangga says as he sees his own watch both in his hand and in the System.

" Who the hell would enter the academy at this hour ...? " Rangga says as he was suddenly shocked as he hears.

" I do .. " Rangga looks back as he sees a menacing black hair girl with a cold aura around her.

" You !!!!! "



the *Front Number of Tiers:

A Metahuman Level is around their Tier numbers that the digit is usually put in the front for example.

Tier 0: Level 0-9

Tier I: Level 10-19

Tier II: Level 20-29

Tier III: Level 30-39

Tier IV: Level 40-49

Tier V: Level 50-59

and etc etc etc ...


The Metahuman level is limited by their Tier since their level usually can not be increased from their current tier or vice versa since their power (Metagenes) has been automatically set like that by the Diviners, unlike the Sorcerers who can gradually increase their power by absorbing the Mana from nature.