1 month level up Montage

( Playing Eye of the Tiger)

Ever since I got my own Smithing Forge I have been working nonstop, only leaving to eat or sleep. The first thing I made, with some of the materials I found in the dungeon, was and enchanting table. the body of the table was made out of regular Iron bit the inscriptions were made from Mithril wire and magic stone dust. This was to allow magic to flow more easily. After I made the table I started working on increasing my smithing and enchanting at the same time by making weapons and enchanting them with and element of either Fire, Lightning or Frost. Something I noticed about my enchantments is that they are very different from magic weapons.

Magic weapons are capable of mass destruction bit break immediately after use. My enchanted weapons however, Cover the weapon in whatever element I enchant it with and can only add an effect onto an enemy that it hits. Like if you poison a blade, you can only utilize the poison by cutting your target with the blade. This causes damage over time but also it doesn't break from a single use. In fact it only needs your normal regular blacksmith maintenance.

When I first showed Hephaestus my creations she was ecstatic and started bombarding me with questions. I explained to her how I can only enchant an item through the enchanting table, meaning even if someone were to decipher the runes on the blade, they will never be able to recreate what I've done without the table. She has been coming to visit me every chance she gets now to watch me as I enchant something, trying to wrap her head around how exactly it works.

Thanks to selling my Enchanted weapons, I was slowly making a name for myself and getting really rich along the way. Now, it's nearing the end of the month and it's time for me to make my new gear.



Level 32 Xp 1541/1700

Health: 100

Stamina: 100

Mana: 470

Smithing: lvl 100>L68: 10/10

Heavy armor: lvl 15: 0/10

Block: lvl L2: 0/10

Two-Handed: lvl 15: 0/10

One-Handed: lvl L9: 10/10

Archery: lvl 15: 0/10

Light armor: lvl 52: 0/10

Sneak: lvl 20: 0/10

Lock picking: lvl 15: 0/10

Pickpocketing: lvl 15: 0/10

Speech: lvl 15: 0/10

Alchemy: lvl 20: 0/10

Illusion: lvl 20: 0/10

Conjuration: lvl 15: 0/10

Destruction: lvl L11: 10/10

Restoration: lvl L6: 0/10

Alteration: lvl L0: 1/10

Enchanting: lvl 100>L7: 0/10
