
Name: Ethan

Race: Dunmer

Bloodline: Dragon Demi-God


Race Trait:50% fire resistance

Power: Ancestors Wrath; Surrounds character in fire

Level: 104 Xp 552/5300

Smithing: L100- 10/10

Heavy armor: L100- 0/10

Block: L100- 2/10

Two-Handed: L100- 10/10

One-Handed: L100- 10/10

Archery: L100- 0/10

Light armor: L100- 4/10

Sneak: L100- 0/10

Lockpick: L100- 1/10

Pickpocketing: L100- 1/10

Speech: L100- 1/10

Alchemy: L100- 10/10

Illusion: L100- 5/10

Conjuration: L100- 10/10

Destruction: L100- 10/10

Restoration: L100- 10/10

Alteration: L100- 10/10

Enchanting: L100- 10/10



STR: 645 C

VIT: 694 C

DEX: 623 C

AGI: 676 C

MAG: 883 A

Development Abilities: ArchMage-S, Master Swordsman-S, Master Blacksmith-S, Genius Mixer-S, Abnormal Resistance- B, Hunter- A,

Skills: Child of Akatosh- Granted a fast growth by the god Akatosh but as a child of a dragon god his thirst for battle is immense.-SSS

David and Goliath- To surpass ones limits in impossible odds.-SSS

Magic: Psijic Grimiore