Chapter 23

  Hua Mi glanced down at Fang Xin unexpectedly, Hua Mi was a little surprised that this White lotus had such will.

  In her previous life, Fang Xin was timid, vain, weak, and proud, with little ability and a lot of mind.

  When encountering a little problem, she would cry into tears, in short, her will is not firm, and she always causes trouble self-righteously.

  Unexpectedly, Fang Xin like this, who was pinched to the point of foaming at the mouth, could still ask the garrison for help.

  Looking at the two guards again, they seemed to feel that something was wrong with Hua Mi directly, and immediately took out their guns and pointed at Hua Mi,

  "Don't move, stand facing the wall, raise your hands, put your palms against the wall, don't move around, Hurry up!"

  Hua Mi stood motionless, she didn't really want to do what the garrison said.

  Anyway, it's quiet here, and there's no one there, so she just knocked out the two guards and killed Fang Xin directly.

  Just as they were planning, a deep male voice came from behind the two guards,

  "What's going on?"

  The two guards turned their heads and said immediately,


  Gong Yi was wearing the rescue team's jacket, straightened his crew cut hair, and frowned. Walking forward, his sharp eyes glanced at Fang Xin who was crawling on the ground, suddenly stood up and ran away.

  He looked at Hua Mi again,

  "Do you want to chase after her?"

  Hua Mi shrugged,

  "No need, just don't pester me."

  It's useless for the garrison to chase Fang Xin back, anyway, Hua Mi can't kill Fang Xin in front of the garrison.

  Gong Yi nodded. He looked back at the two guards who were still holding their guns, stretched out his hand, pressed down the guns in the hands of the two guards, and whispered, "I know her, she is my friend."

  " Oh~"

  The two guards were obviously familiar with Gong Yi, and when they heard that Hua Mi was Gong Yi's friend, they immediately put on a warm smile and looked at Hua Mi embarrassedly, "I'm sorry ,We are also responsible."

  Hua Mi shook her head, she understood, if she didn't understand, she would have fought with these garrisons a long time ago.

  One of them was a little more clever, looked at Hua Mi, then at Gong Yi, and smiled meaningfully, "Boss, when did you have such a beautiful friend?"

  Don't blame them for gossip, but Gong Yi spent all day in the garrison, and never heard that he had any female friends.

  The flies around him are all males.

  So suddenly there is such a beautiful one, um, friend, it is inevitable that people see the hope of the boss getting out of the singles.

  Gong Yi raised his foot to kick the two of them,

  "Why do you ask so many questions? Don't you need to patrol? Get out of here."

  When he kicked the two guards away, he looked at Hua Mi with sparkling eyes,

  "These are the two boys I know when I was in the garrison before, and they are not bad."

  Hua Mi said "hmm", Thinking of going to see her stall, she lowered her head and said nothing.

  Gong Yi walked in front of her, with his hands in his trouser pockets, his eyes were a little tired, he couldn't help it, a man of iron, even turning over stones to save people day and night was enough for him to be tired.

  But he didn't show any impatience, he just looked down at Hua Mi, his eyes were deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

  Suddenly, Gong Yi said,

  "The woman who ran away is the vixen who seduced your boyfriend?"


  Hua Mi corrected Gong Yi.

  "How did you know I was cheated on?" This memory is already very far away for Hua Mi, after all, there has been such a long distance between her and this emotional injury.

  So Hua Mi doesn't remember many things.

  When did she meet Gong Yi and complain to him?

  Gong Yi didn't answer her, but his expression was a little stinky again, looking at Hua Mi's eyes, as if looking at a sea girl who had played with him, and said in a hard tone, "Are you living in the relief center now?"

  It should be, after all, Huami's community has collapsed like that.

  Although Hua Mi's small supermarket is still intact, she is considered one of the survivors. As long as she reports her ID number, someone will naturally arrange for Hua Mi to settle down in the relief center.

  Hua Mi responded without telling Gong Yi that she was still living in the ruins, and only pointed to the direction behind Gong Yi, "

I'm setting up a stall there today."

  "Then I'll take you back."

  Gong Yi Turning around and striding forward, after taking two steps, he found that Hua Mi was walking slowly, so he slowed down again to match Hua Mi's pace, and whispered, "If you see that vixen again . Don't do anything, the relief center doesn't allow fights, if you have anything to do, go to the garrison, and they will help you. It's just beating a mistress, and you don't need to dirty your hands."

  He reminded softly, as if he was about to go out .The husband who traveled far away seemed to be explaining to his wife, showing a strange familiarity.

  Hua Mi tasted it carefully, she scratched her head and didn't remember when she had a relationship with Gong Yi in her previous life.

  So, is Gong Yi acquainted?

  Yeah? Right?

  After being sent back to the booth by Gong Yi, he glanced at Chi Chuan, who greeted Hua Mi very happily,

  "Sister Tuhao, I just helped you sell a lot of aunt's towels and batteries, here, they paid the bill with the QR code, have you received it yet?"

  "Also, all the self-priming respirators and ethanol at your stall are sold out, Miss Tuhao, would you like to thank me?" Hua Mi then took out her mobile phone, opened her wallet, and Long row of notification.

  She smiled at Chichuan,

  "Thank you."

  All the money from selling aunt's towels and batteries, goes to her wallet and the respirators and ethanol have gone to [Apocalyptic Supermarket-Cash Register System]. Because of the few goods she put on the stall, only respirators and ethanol entered the level 4 warehouse.

  So even though Chi Chuan helped her sell a lot of auntie towels and batteries, the money was not counted in her [cash register system].

  But he was so kind, Hua Mi could only express her gratitude.

  Chi Chuan waved his hand as a gesture of goodwill, then looked at Gong Yi who was beside Hua Mi, and asked with winking eyes, "   Sister Tuhao, is this your boyfriend?"

Come over and call Gong Yi,


  Then he looked at Hua Mi with the same smile as Chi Chuan.

  That kind of smile, it's a bit hard to explain, it's the feeling of guessing something, but it's not clear, and it's not easy to ask directly.

  Gong Yi nodded towards Chi Chuan, then looked down at Hua Mi,

  "I'm leaving, please find me if you need anything."

  Then he turned around and went to talk to the garrison, and while talking, the two left just like that.

  Hua Mi looked at Gong Yi's back, pouted, walked to the back of her stall and sat down.

  He left in such a hurry, she still had a lot of things to ask.