Chapter 24

Hua Mi tugged at her hair and recalled Gong Yi, but couldn't remember who this man was.

  She looked at Chi Chuan in despair, his stall was full of underwear.

  She couldn't help Chi Chuan, but in order to reciprocate, she offered to buy all the women's underwear at his booth.

  "Are you finished?"

  Chi Chuan dragged out five or six stuffed snakeskin bags suspiciously, and unzipped them to show Hua Mi, all of which were tightly pressed women's underwear.

  Various styles, various colors, various sizes.

 There must be at least tens of thousands of underwear.

  Hua Mi thought about it, she wears one pair of underwear every day, at least ten thousand days to wear them all, and the new underwear has to be washed with water before they can be worn.

  Just as she was about to say that she didn't need that much, she saw Chi Chuan pulling out several large bags of disposable underwear from the truck behind him.

  It is the kind of sterilized underwear for travel, which is thrown away after use.

  Hua Mi's eyes lit up, and she nodded immediately, "I buy  them all. I want all of these sterilized underwear you have."

  There really is never too much of these things.

  After all, every day after the end of the world, people are struggling on the edge of life and death. At that time, it was difficult for people to survive, let alone pay attention to personal hygiene.

  If you really want to get busy, you may take half a year to take a shower. It is common to not change your underwear for dozens of days.

  So there are too many women in the last days suffering from gynecological diseases.

  It's okay to itch, it's a mild symptom.

  So underwear should be changed and washed every day.

  Others can't care about Hua Mi, she has this condition, so she still has to pay attention to personal hygiene in this aspect.

  "A lot. I have a friend who opened an online store to sell this. I'm helping him sell the goods."

  Chi Chuan said, and pulled out a few sacks of disposable sterilization masks from the truck,

  "Do you want this? No What kind of shape is it? It doesn't hold up well."

"At this time, I still pay attention to what looks good. I can wear it, and it's fine when I run without making a fuss."

  Hua Mi doesn't care so much, and now she's suffering from a natural disaster, so she doesn't need to run around, after a few years, when humans, animals and plants have all mutated, as long as humans go out, two or three zombies will follow behind them.

  The survivors had to run.

  If a woman doesn't wear an underwear, she will be sensational when running.

  Hua Mi was very far-sighted, and directly buy to Chi Chuan these disposable sterilized underwear, including the pile of men's and women's underwear on Chichuan's stall.

  Then, she made an agreement with Chi Chuan that next time Chi Chuan would drag over all the disposable sterilized underwear and masks from his friend's warehouse.

  No matter how many goods there were, Hua Mi took them all.

  Chi Chuan was as if he had seen someone of the same kind, thinking that Hua Mi was also in the business of buying and selling. He said "hey" without being vague, and immediately took the money, exchanged contact information with Hua Mi, and drove away in an empty truck up.

  I'm afraid that Hua Mi will react and return the ten or twenty sacks of underpants to him.

  In this way, Hua Mi guarded two stalls by herself. In the crowded stall area, she slowly took out a handful of self-priming respirators and several bottles of ethanol from her big satchel.

  Like ants moving house, stuffing batteries, aunt's towel, underwear, and mask into the big satchel.

  Until the night fell, all the respirators and ethanol in Hua Mi's Level 4 warehouse were sold out, and the goods on her two stalls were also collected by her, and consolidated on a flatbed truck , just enough to let go.

  She thought that at night, the people who set up stalls outside the ambulance center would leave one after another, Hua Mi took advantage of the end of the market, and could still find some things at a cheap price.

  As a result, there were more people in the stall area at night, and when Hua Mi was packing up her stall, the stall she vacated was immediately occupied.

  Everyone is busy selling goods, and even more and more people bring their own second-hand items to sell here, and the stall area during the day has been infinitely extended a lot.

  Hua Mi was delighted to see it, she didn't care too much, got on her flatbed truck, dragged a load of goods, and walked slowly towards the end of the stall area.

  While walking, he searched for goods, and stuffed things into the level 4 storage at the same time.

  While Hua Mi was shopping in the stall area, she had a great time shopping, but Fang Xin, who left, was crying and walked out of the emergency room area of ​​the relief center.

  Waiting for her outside is her colleague and friend Dai Fang.

  Holding the medicine in her hand, Dai Fang reached out to support the pale-faced Fang Xin, and said in a bad tone, "Is your sister crazy? How could you be beaten like this? This is a civilized society, call the police. "

  Fang Xin was taken aback, her face was pale, she clutched her stomach, and cried with aggrieved face, "She is my sister after all, I must have done something wrong, that's why I made my sister angry, I, I" said As he spoke, Fang Xin seemed to be too sad to speak.

  But in fact, after crawling away from Hua Mi, Fang Xin immediately crawled to the emergency area of ​​the relief center. While looking for someone to help rescue her, she also borrowed a phone and called the police.

  The police didn't have time, and said that the relief center was now under the control of the garrison. Fang Xin was beaten in this temporary relief center, so she could just go to the garrison directly.

  It's not that Fang Xin has never found a garrison. The garrison in the emergency area took Fang Xin's description very seriously at first.

  But when they explained the situation through the walkie-talkie, they didn't know what they had achieved internally when they were about to capture Hua Mi, anyway, there was no follow-up to this matter.

  She didn't see the garrison go to arrest Hua Mi and ask why.

  Fang Xin deeply doubts whether no one cares about these fights now.

  Seeing Fang Xin crying so heartbroken, Dai Fang was furious, she clenched her fists,

  "Your sister is really ruthless. Next time I see her, I will help you teach her a good lesson."

  Seeing Fang Xin bent over and looking quite uncomfortable, Dai Fang said indignantly:

  "You ...You have been beaten up like this, and the emergency department didn't arrange a bed for you to let you rest for a few days? If you hadn't called me, I wouldn't have known you were beaten up like this, so what should we do now?"

   Fang Xin, whose face was full of tears was also very angry,

  "The emergency department said that there are not enough beds, and I am not seriously injured, so let me not occupy the bed."

  Could it be that the nurses in the emergency department said that those who had just been dug out of the rubble People with broken heads and guts need beds even more.

  But Fang Xin was beaten like this by Hua Mi, so she doesn't need a bed?

  These people who manage this place really don't treat people as human beings. Fang Xin feels so pitiful for being bullied like this.

  So in the emergency area, she ook the nurse's mobile phone and made a complaint call.

  She complained all over the garrisons, doctors and nurses in the temporary rescue center.