"Two healthy little guys, the fetal heart rate and buds are coming out."

  In the dark room, Xin Qiuru looked at the black and white screen in front of him, pointed to the two small beans on it, and had a gentle smile on her face "One of these two little guys is on the left and the other is on the right. You are not next to me, and I am not next to you. They have their own personalities."


  Hua Mi was taken aback, no way, she , a person who has lived two lifetimes, either doesn't get hit, or gets hit twice in one hit?

  Is this putting all the baby in her previous life into this life?

  Hua Mi held the B-ultrasound slip in her hand, and looked down at the two small beans on it.

  She couldn't help but greeted these two little guys cautiously, "Hi~ first time meeting, we'll take care of each other in the future."

  Sitting opposite her, Xin Qiuru, who was writing to her the necessary supplements during pregnancy, couldn't help but "chuckle" . A laugh broke out.

  She has seen many mothers-to-be and fathers-to-be, when they saw the baby in their womb for the first time, but she has never seen Hua Mi greet them so carefully.

  Seeing Huami looking up, Xin Qiuru expressed emotion,

  "It's really rare, there are so few people who look forward to it like you now, you make me think I've gone back to the past."

She wrote a few medicines to be used during pregnancy, handed them to Hua Mi, and said:

  "Everything is fine. The progesterone is within the target. Come for a pregnancy test regularly."

  Hua Mi took the drug list and glanced at it. A control panel appeared in front of her eyes. She opened [Level 12 Storage], and the details of these drugs immediately appeared in her stock.

  It was included in the batch of medical supplies she gets in the ruins.

  There was a sudden quarrel between men and women outside the door, and after a while, a man rushed into Xin Qiuru's office, very emotional.

  Seeing his posture, Hua Mi hurriedly protected her flat stomach, stood up and backed away.

  The man rushed to Xin Qiuru's desk, picked up Huami's B-ultrasound sheet and medical records, and threw them at Xin Qiuru.

  Hua Mi's eyes sink, ah, her cub!

  "What the hell are you persuading? How many times have I told you that our family is going to have an abortion, and you still persuade my wife to keep the baby?" The man beat the table angrily, looking like he wanted to beat Xin Qiuru .

  He walked around the table and was about to hit Xin Qiuru, but was blocked by Huami who was hiding aside.

  "Get out of the way!"

  The man stretched out his hand to push Hua Mi, his strength was not restrained at all.

  Originally, Hua Mi didn't want to fight, so she keep hiding, but Xin Qiuru's office is only a small cubicle, she is so big, where can she hide?

  When people come to push her, she is a pregnant woman, and she is still being pushed while standing?

"Do not touch me!"

  Pregnant women, don't have to suffer.


  The man let out a cry like a pig being slaughtered, and fell to the ground with his hands on his crotch, his face was swollen and red.

  Hua Mi kicked the man hard.

  Xin Qiuru got up quickly, rushed out of the office, and shouted,"Nurse, come quickly, someone is messing around here, hurry up!"

  Outside the office, a woman with tear-stained face and slightly raised belly shrank back by the door in fright, tears streaming down her face. Fall down one by one.

  The garrison arrived soon, and the team leader was Cao Feng, who happened to be loading the vending machines in the emergency area with Dafu and Xiaofu.

  Seeing Hua Mi bending over to pick up the medical records in the office, Cao Feng was surprised, "Sister Hua, what are you doing here ?"

  "Look at friends, um, Dr. Xin is my friend."

  "Bitch, you bitch!! Ah, you bitch"

  The man on the ground looked at her with hatred .

  He has a bad temper in the first place, and today he met a nosy woman, and now he wants to kill Hua Mi.

  "Shut up."

  Cao Feng came over, raised his head, and the two guards behind him stepped forward and pushed the man on the ground out.

  Then he turned around and said to Xin Qiuru and the crying woman,

  "What's going on, tell me."

  The woman with a slightly protruding belly burst into tears immediately.

  Well, the two were arguing outside just now, and she said she didn't want to have an abortion because Dr. Xin said that her baby was already too big to be aborted.

  Moreover, she has the blood of a panda. In this case, she chooses to have an abortion. If something happens to her, the consequences will be disastrous.

  At least the blood bank in Xiangcheng does not have panda blood reserves.

  It's better to fight hard and give birth to this child naturally, the risk is much lower than the current miscarriage.

  But her husband insisted on her having an operation, because in this case, he couldn't afford a newborn at all.

  A woman feels that her husband doesn't love her and puts her life at risk, so she has a fight with a man.

  This man doesn't want children, but his wife's service is indispensable in his life.

  He transferred all his anger to Xin Qiuru, thinking that it was because his wife listened to Xin Qiuru's words that she was unwilling to have a miscarriage.

  Hua Mi listened in the office, feeling that it was exaggerated. She turned her head and asked the crying woman through Xin Qiuru, "Is there

something serious wrong with your mind? This kind of man obviously loses control of his emotions. What's wrong with you now? You know? Panda blood is not counted, the stomach is so big, if he push you, your husband will kill two people."

  The woman felt wronged, her eyes were red, and she looked at Hua Mi through Xin Qiuru,

  "It's because he couldn't control his emotions that I didn't dare to provoke him. Do you think I don't know that the situation is special now? Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, my life is so hard, woo woo woo~"

  Sitting between the two pregnant women, Xin Qiuru rubbed her forehead with some headaches, and just wanted to speak.

  Hua Mi sneered again,

  "Crying, all you do is crying,if it's me. I've left this kind of man long ago. He doesn't distinguish between right and wrong, so selfish. From the beginning to the end of this matter, ask yourself, what's the matter with Dr. Xin? Don't she take your situation into consideration?"

  On the other side of Dr. Xin, the woman cried louder, "Then I didn't expect that he would be so reckless. He wasn't like this when he was in a relationship before, woo woo woo woo, Woooooooo."

  Xin Qiuru wanted to speak.

  Hua Mi patted the table,

  "This kind of man deserves to be beaten up. Ifyou don't beat him up, do you plan to save it for the New Year to do it? He's so easiy frightened, if you don't teach him a lesson, he really thinks of himself as a master."

  " Woo, woo woo woo~~ I can't beat him."

  Dr. Xin tried to speak again.

  Hua Mi sneered, arrogantly, and waved her hand, "Then leave! A man who doesn't care about his wife's life and death for his own pleasure, leave if you can't win! If you leave, come and join me, and I will find you a job."


  There were two pregnant women on the left and the right, one was filled with righteous indignation and the other was crying, which made Xin Qiuru in the middle even more headache.

  Dr. Xin simply stepped forward and asked Cao Feng,

"Is that man okay?"