Cao Feng looked at Hua Mi and opened his mouth, the man's balls were almost kicked by Hua Mi, are you okay?

 However, this kind of thing doesn't need to be brought up to upset Sister Hua,

  "It's okay, we will solve him, then let's end this matter now, Sister Hua is doing what is right, if there is no Sister Hua, Dr. Xin's life and property will be Under great threat."

  After finishing speaking, Cao Feng looked at the crying woman and asked her if she agreed?

 Yu Mengmeng nodded, she doesn't care much about her husband now.

  What Hua Mi said is right, this man has treated her like this, completely disregarding her life, never leaving, is he still keeping it for the New Year?

 With her consent, Cao Feng didn't even bother to go through the formalities, so he directly announced that Hua Mi could leave.

  Anyway, the garrison is not very good at this. It used to be the job of the police. The garrison doesn't know if the procedures are correct.

  Xin Qiuru didn't expect the matter to be resolved so quickly.

  According to the previous procedures, she was only afraid that she would be suspended and punished.

  But now it is so light and light, it makes her feel unreal.

  Xin Qiuru couldn't help turning her head to look at Hua Mi, it seemed that the garrison was only for Miss Hua's sake.

  Hua Mi nodded at Cao Feng, just as she walked out of the emergency room, Yu Mengmeng chased up from behind with her belly outstretched.

  "Miss Hua, Miss Hua."

  Everyone in the relief center knows about Huami's name.

  There are not many people in Xiangcheng now. Most of the people who could escape from Xiangcheng at the beginning of the earthquake ran out.

  Those who didn't escape moved to the relief center one after another, or nearby.

  Because only in the relief center, there are three meals a day and two snacks.

  So when Cao Feng called Hua Mi "Sister Hua", Yu Mengmeng knew Hua Mi's identity.

  Hua Mi stops and looks back at Yu Mengmeng.


  Panting, she walked to Hua Mi's side, her face flushed,

  "Miss Hua, I was sorry just now."

  "Don't tell me you are sorry, the person you are really embarrassed should be Dr. Xin."

  Hua Mi waved her hand , she was not hurt anywhere.

  In her conscience, Xin Qiuru was just talking about the facts. Although the world is not good, it is far from starving to death.

  Now he is in a hurry to let his wife take the risk of having an abortion, this man doesn't know what to think.

  Seeing the flush on Yu Mengmeng's face, Hua Mi sighed, she lowered her eyes and looked at Yu Mengmeng's slightly raised stomach,

  "This environment is very unfriendly to women, but everyone is trying to find a way, no matter what it's Doctor Xin, Old Man Ke, or even Commander Gong, who are trying their best to protect you. Then you have to fight for yourselves, don't disappoint these people's hard work, and live well."

  She said a thousand words and ten thousand sincerity, because she had empathized with her , but the former Hua Mi couldn't do it either. She understand, it's the end of the world, so what kind of children are there?

 But the reality is like this, there are always various reasons, and the child cannot be taken away when the child comes.

  The danger of taking away this child is much higher than the risk of giving birth to this child.

  Yu Mengmeng's child is at least 6 months old, and the 6-month-old child has already taken shape.

  She herself has panda blood, so if something happens to her on the operating table, she will have to pay for it herself.

  From this point of view, Xin Qiuru really considered very comprehensively.

  And in the current relief center, don't they provide three meals a day and two snacks for free?

  All the doctors and nurses in the city are concentrated in the relief center, working diligently and conscientiously.

  Gong Yi surpassed all the city's garrisons, and immediately realized that even the roadblocks were set up.

  And Ke Minghong, all the hair on his head fell out, just to fight for a chance of survival for the wounded patients in the emergency department.

  Isn't the effort of so many people just to let the people of Xiangcheng survive?

  Hua Mi looked at Yu Mengmeng sincerely,

  "You have to believe that although the world is not as beautiful as before, it may not be as bad as you imagined. I also give this sentence to myself."

  She has experienced a very bad world, so she already feels that this world is much better than her previous life.

  Therefore, women may not be unable to bear and raise children, and take care of them well.

  Taking a step back, if everything collapsed, wouldn't she still have her Supermarket?

  Thinking of oranges, Hua Mi looked at her almost full level 12 storage, and took out a bag of oranges from her large satchel, "Come here, let me give oranges for you, add more vitamin C, the child will be free in the future."

  Yu Mengmeng was inspired by Hua Mi, and was very moved. At this moment, her whole body felt as if she had been beaten with chicken blood, "No, I don't want oranges, Miss Hua, you just said that I can join you, you can find me a job!"

  Her face was flushed, her eyes were also red, and she continued,

  "I, I eat very little, and I have a lot of supplies during pregnancy, so I can guarantee that I will not bring you too much when the delivery is over. Too much trouble."

  Looking at her like that, she was afraid that Hua Mi would not want her.

  In fact, Yu Mengmeng was pregnant before the earthquake. She knew that she had panda blood, so she was afraid of any accidents.

  So she prepared everything for herself during the whole pregnancy, including some emergency medicines.

  She thought these things were useless at first, and she just asked for psychological comfort.

  How did you know that after a few months of pregnancy, the whole world suddenly experienced frequent earthquakes.

  Hua Mi nodded, "You can work for me, I happen to be short of people there, but you also know that even the children work hard on my side, if you can't bear this hardship, I can fire you at any time."

The supermarket was really too busy, Cao Feng and Tang You both started to take up part-time jobs.

  Seeing that Cao Feng has to manage the discipline in the emergency area, he also needs to load her vending machines.

  There is a real shortage of manpower.

  Yu Mengmeng looked joyful, "I can endure all kinds of hardships, Miss Hua, you don't know, I used to be a nurse, um~ in a nursing home."

  Seeing Hua Mi taking the lead and walking forward, Yu Mengmeng rushed to catch up with her stomach, and said "bababa",

  "The old people in our nursing home like me. As long as I am here, there will be laughter everywhere."

  I'm afraid it was her mouth , is too good at talking.

  After Huami walked all the way, Yu Mengmeng talked all the way, fearing that Huami would not like her, she chased Huami all the way to the outside of the caravan supermarket.

  Xiaofu went to load the vending machines, Cao Feng was in charge of the emergency area, and Xiaofu was in charge of all the vending machines in the relief center.

  Ah Fu was able to move, but he immediately joined the factory manager in taking care of the three lifeguards.

  Ye Rong was alone, and she had to step on the raincoat, greet customers to buy things, and weave mats.

  It's really too busy.