Respirators Can Save Lives.

  This is Hua Mi's deepest feeling at this time.

  Wearing a respirator produced in a level 9 factory, she stood in front of the garbage dump as high as a tsunami and as big as a lake, and took a deep breath.

  The air is fresh, like being in a forest oxygen bar, which made her morning sickness reaction much smaller.

  After the morning sickness stopped, Hua Mi picked up the trash much faster.

 She saw large pieces of garbage disappearing on the garbage dump as wide as a lake.

  The energy bar of the level 9 factory is +1%, +2%, +3%+15%. By the time Huami clears the entire garbage dump into a two-way lane, the energy bar of the level 9 factory has already risen to 98%.

  You know, when Huami's factory is upgraded to level 9, the green energy bar will get longer and longer, making it harder and harder to fill it up.

  In other words, 98% of the energy bar represents the ability to produce many, many materials.

  Many, many!

  Huami continued to clean up the garbage and charged the energy bar of the level 9 factory to 100% in one go.

  [Unlock the second level of the garbage recycling bin, get the sweeping robot X1]

  [Get X1 in the lottery draw]

A row of prompts came up, and Hua Mi was surprised.

  Can picking up garbage also upgrade the garbage collection station?

  Means, every time garbage is recycled, the energy bar of the factory is full, and the garbage recycling station can be upgraded?

  What the hell is this sweeping robot?

  Huami took out the sweeping robot from the garbage recycling station from the 12th-level storage, and it was no different from the ordinary sweeping robot bought online.

  She put the sweeping robot on the ground and was still working on it. The circular sweeping robot made a "bang" sound, grew four thin legs, and rushed towards the garbage dump beside it.

  It recycles garbage little by little in the garbage dumps that form mountains and seas.

  Hua Mi stood in the rain and looked at it. Paper, stuffed into the stomach, broken glass, stuffed into the stomach, feces, stuffed into the stomach.

  A small robot vacuum cleaner, as if it has an infinite garbage bin.

  [Recycle feces, convert energy 0.0000000001]

  Although the energy is small, don't be greedy.

  Because the sweeping robot can only eat so much each time.

  Hua Mi looked at it for a while, but she didn't have time to clean up the leftover garbage, and she didn't care about the robot vacuum that was chewing and eating garbage.

  Just throw it in the garbage dump, turn back and drive in the nanny car, drive through the garbage canyon, and go straight out of the city.

  Along the way.

  [Recycle plastic bottles, convert energy 0.000000001]

  [Recycle moldy bread, convert energy 0.000000001]

  [Recycle plastic bags, convert energy 0.00000000001]

  Although the energy is small, it's never stopping.

  Hua Mi felt that this robot vacuum was very easy to use.

  Ordinary sweeping robots are not so diligent, nor can they eat everything.

  But her sweeping robot, she would like to call it the chosen one in the garbage recycling industry.

  Although people eat garbage slowly, they keep eating it.

  In the drizzle, the rain and fog were lingering, and the black nanny car was running on the national road to City B.

  Huami walked very slowly on this road. Although it was a national road, after walking two steps, she would encounter a mudslide that had collapsed on the national road.

  Occasionally, there will be various collapsed houses, and a road will give Huami a sense of vicissitudes.

  At this time, in Xiangcheng, Yu Guanglin was being pointed by Gong Yi's gun and wrote a set of plans on the spot to properly resettle the survivors of City B.

  His forehead was covered with water, and he didn't know whether it was sweat or rain.

  After handing over the plan to Gong Yi, Yu Guanglin took out a handkerchief from his raincoat and wiped the water on his forehead,

  "Most of the buildings in the city have collapsed, and we don't know if the other half will collapse. The team cleaned up an open space in Xiangcheng, so that the people of City B can live in tents or in their own cars."

"In terms of supplies, there are not many supplies in Xiangcheng now, and we really don't have the ability to deal with so many survivors in City B."

  "Commander Gong, you have 10 billion in your hand. We all know that you have been buying supplies."

  Yu Guanglin's words meant that Gong Yi should take out the food from the garrison supplies department.

  Gong Yi glanced at him coldly,

  "You think I dare not kill you, do you?"

  If a piece of bread is divided into ten portions, it can support a person's life for many days.

  But if you finish a meal without a plan, you will starve to death soon.

  He raised 10 billion yuan and entrusted Hua Mi to buy supplies for the Xiangcheng garrison.

  But now the 10 billion yuan is less than half a billion yuan.

  Hua Mi bought quite a lot of supplies, but how long will this chaotic situation last and when will it end.

  Neither knows.

  No one can guarantee whether money can buy things in the future.

  Money in many cities is no longer money.

  Whether that 10 billion will become a long string of numbers in the future, no one can say.

  Gong Yi raised the gun and pressed it against Yu Guanglin's brow again, the killing intent in his eyes was obvious.

  How long will it take for the garrison supplies to be used? Has human beings run out of ammunition and food to such an extent?

 If even the garrison supplies have to be taken out and used first, then in the days to come, the garrison will be devastated and hungry. Death from thirst precedes all survivors, who will guarantee the order?

  Relying on the city administrator with trembling legs facing the gun?

  Or few police officers?

 "I, I still have a way, I still have a way."

  Yu Guanglin's forehead was sweating again, and he stood shivering in the wind and rain,

"Of course, if the garrison here can't bear the pain, we can only find a way to contact the management level of City B. City B should have food reserves, but it's just a mess, and the relevant person in charge is not on duty due to an accident, so no one thinks about it."

The management headquarters building in City B collapsed.

  So more than half of the entire management system was paralyzed.

  Naturally, there is no way to mention the matter of food storage.

  In fact, every city has food reserves, and Xiangcheng also has food reserves, but not a lot.

  "If we can transport the food reserves of City B to Xiangcheng, then we will have more time to gather the strength of the two cities and resume production." When Gong Yi was around, his IQ was still quite online.

  He just heard him say:

  "Commander Gong, let me go back. I will immediately call all the administrators of Xiangcheng's management to find out where the food reserve in City B is.

  Gong Yi withdrew his gun, and when Yu Guanglin heaved a sigh of relief, he tilted his head and told the two garrisons beside him,

  "You two bring live ammunition and send Commander Yu back. Within 24 hours, Commander Yu did not find out where the food reserves in City B are located, so he was shot immediately. You don't need to notify me."