After sending Yu Guanglin away, Gong Yi called Hua Mi.

  Her end was quite quiet, except for the sound of rain.

  "Where?" Gong Yi frowned, "Where did you go again?"

  "I'll go to City B to solve the problem for you."

  Hua Mi answered simply, there was another cloud of mud ahead, and the car would definitely not be able to get through. It's over, she can only get out of the car hard, and continue to recycle the mud into the garbage station.

  Along the way, she didn't know how many times she stopped and walked.

  Gong Yi frowned even more,

  "What problem can you solve? Come back quickly."

  After a pause, he raised his gun and asked in disbelief, "How did you get out of the city?"

  The only way out of the city is the driveway but that was locked by him, how did Hua Mi get out of the city?

  "Go to the garbage dump and take a detour to the national highway."

  Hua Mi recycled the mountain-high mud in front of her into the garbage dump, turned around and went back, and continued to drive to City B,

  "Okay, I won't tell you anymore, I'm busy here. I'm busy clearing up obstacles."

  After speaking, she hung up Gong Yi's cell phone impatiently.

  This man is good at everything, except that he is a bit of a like a nagging mother-in-law.

  Hanging up Gong Yi's phone, Hua Mi called Chi Chuan again,

  "Chuanzi, where have you been?"

  In the drizzle, Chi Chuan and his friends, each carrying a large bag of banknotes, rode a mountain scooter Holding several sacks of banknotes, they were trekking hard to Xiang B at high speed.

  "We're going to the Xiangb Expressway soon, and there are still a few kilometers left. My god, this road is really difficult."

  Chi Chuan shouted at the top of his voice, and he felt strange. Cell phone signal is not working at all.

  Why is Sister Hua calling so clearly now?

  "Don't go back to Xiangcheng, I'm going to B city, you go to B city, and help me sell oranges and water." Hua Mi explained her plan very simply.

  Anyway, Chi Chuan and his little friends, now returning to Xiangcheng, they can't get through, the entire Xiangb Expressway is blocked, and the road conditions are quite complicated.

  There is no difference between selling supplies in city A and selling supplies in city B.

  Chi Chuan responded immediately, turned around, his eyes were blinded by the rain, and he could only squint and say to the friends who were dragging sacks behind them, "Sister Hua asked us to go to City B, she brought oranges and water to City B to sell, let's go to City B."

  The friends immediately took out a wet map, everyone gathered together, and after confirming the position, they changed the direction and went to City B immediately.

  Going from their location to City B is closer than going directly to Xiang B Expressway.

  But Hua Mi still arrived at City B one step ahead of them.

  She drove the nanny's car all the way to City B. The decadence of City B was even worse than that of Xiangcheng.

  In Xiangcheng, a few tenacious buildings can still be seen sporadically, and the whole city of B has been shaken to pieces.

  There is no perfect house.

  There were also cars on the road, and they drove out of the city piecemeal, heading towards Xiangcheng.

  Hua Mi parked the car casually beside a pile of ruins, and waited for Chi Chuan and the others in the nanny car.

  The rain outside was beating on the car window, Hua Mi pulled up her shoulder-length hair, clamped it on top of her head with a big clip, got up and cooked noodles in the kitchen area of ​​the car.

  After thinking about it, she added two eggs to the noodles.

  She eats noodles, two cubs, each with an egg.

  On the dirt road outside the window, the car in city B was smashed to pieces in the earthquake, but it was still tenacious, passing by her car one after another.

  Hua Mi was not in a hurry, after she was full, she slept soundly in the nanny's car.

  A few hours later, Chi Chuan and others appeared outside Hua Mi's nanny car covered in mud and water.

  start to work!

  Hua Mi got up and stood at the door of the nanny's car. The moment she opened the door, a car full of oranges rushed out from behind her, hitting Chi Chuan all over her body.

  "There are too many oranges, how many can you sell?"

  Hua Mi smiled, and looked at Chi Chuan who was almost thrown down by the orange wave with some embarrassment.

  The orange was still rolling out, and behind Chi Chuan, the little friends in a mess all stared wide-eyed in shock.

  Someone sneakily picked one up, regardless of whether there was any mud on the orange peel, so he broke open one and ate it.

  My God! they didn't have enough to eat in City A, they trekked all the way, their mouths were dry and they could only drink rainwater.

  Now that there are such sweet and juicy oranges to eat, they're too happy.

  Before everyone was moved, a car stopped on the side of the road, and it seemed to be observing the nanny's car and the oranges all over the ground beside the car.

  A man got out of the car and looked hesitantly at the yellow oranges on the ground,

  "You have so many oranges, do you want to sell them?"

Start selling oranges now.

  The price is the same price in both cities, which is 9.9 yuan each.

  Because the oranges in Xiangcheng have been searched on the Internet, everyone in City B knows the price, 9.9 yuan per orange, how much is there in Xiangcheng.

  However, it was very surprising and touching to be able to buy oranges at this price at the gate of City B without going to Xiangcheng.

  The man driving turned around and ran back to the car, and asked the woman in the passenger seat, "Honey, how much money does our family have in savings?"

  "Hundreds of thousands, what's the matter?"

  The woman supported her head and looked at the nanny car outside the car.

  The man pondered, "Aren't we going to Xiangcheng? Don't go, let's take out the money, buy tens of thousands of oranges, and sell them back to the city." City B is big, they came out of City B and know what's going on inside.

  There were a lot of people going to Xiangcheng, but there were also a considerable number of people who didn't have cars, and their cars were crushed in the ruins.

  So theycan only go to Xiangcheng on foot.

  Some haven't even left the city yet.

  It just so happened that their car was quite big, and they bought tens of thousands of oranges and sold them along the roads in the city, and they were not expensive at all. They bought one at 9.9, and they sold it at 10.9.

  Is this tens of thousands in the account?

  The woman in the passenger seat hesitated,

  "What if it can't be sold?"

  "If you can't sell it, you can eat it yourself."

  The man seemed to be anxious .At this time, as long as it is a bite to eat, everything is easy to sell.

  The money in city B is actually not money anymore, what is it?

 It's just paper!

  It's a string of numbers on your phone.

  He said to his wife,"Listen to me, my wife, the money in Xiangcheng is still useful. We put the hundreds of thousands in our hands. I'm afraid we won't be able to buy much supplies when we go to Xiangcheng. Why don't we double the money and go to Xiangcheng again. The woman thought for a while, then looked back at the child sleeping in the safety cradle behind the car.

  She nodded, "Then do this, fill the trunk first."

  Their car is not big, an urban SUV, and the trunk must not be filled with tens of thousands of oranges.

  But the man was diligent, dragged the oranges in the trunk, and planned to go back to City B to find a proper place to stock up the oranges first.

  As a result, the oranges in this trunk were sold out before the place was found.