The man hurried out of the city with his wife and the child in the safety cradle in the back car.

  Along the way, the woman was still complaining, "The roads in this city B are not smooth, why are there so many people buying oranges?"

  It was an exaggeration, they dragged a trunk full of oranges, and they were still within walking distance of Hua Mi's nanny car. Without a kilometer, there was a cry of selling along the way.

  Immediately a bunch of people gathered around to buy oranges.

  If it's so easy to sell, wouldn't the oranges in the nanny's car be sold out soon?

  Yes! No matter how many oranges there are, the demand cannot be stopped.

  When the couple drove to the gate of City B, the road there was already blocked.

  Chi Chuan and his friends tried their best to sell oranges, but they were still far behind the demand.

  Even if the oranges on the ground were stained with mud, no one cared at all.

  9.9 yuan,Who cares if an orange is with mud? The oranges in Xiangcheng have no shortcomings, they are sweet and juicy, and there is not a single bad fruit.

  Don't step on mine at all.

  Looking at the people from City B who gathered, Chi Chuan looked sadly at the nanny van that was almost empty.

  He looked up, where is Miss Hua?

  Chi Chuan hurriedly handed over the scene to his friends, squeezed out of the crowd, and went to the outside to call Sister Hua.

  The phone was connected quickly, and Chi Chuan asked eagerly: "Sister Hua, where are you, Sister Hua? The oranges are sold out, and if we go on like this, we won't be able to get out at all."

It wasn't that he was exaggerating. Look at the three people in the nanny's car. The outer three floors are surrounded, so it's good for people to get out, but cars definitely can't get out.

  At that time, their cars will not go much, and they still have to walk back to Xiangcheng.

  "City B, come here."

  During the phone call, Hua Mi's voice was very calm, telling Chi Chuan to keep walking.

  There are broken walls and ruins everywhere in City B, some cars are crushed in the ruins, and the owners of the houses and cars don't know where they went.

  Some cars are quite intact, but the front and rear roads are blocked, and they are blocked and unable to get out.

  Chi Chuan ran all the way, bypassing the deserted street, just in time to see Hua Mi wearing a raincoat and flat boots, standing cleanly on the side of the street full of gravel.

  He ran over and hurriedly urged,

  "Sister Hua, we have to leave quickly. It is estimated that the survivors left in the entire city B have gathered by the nanny's car. If they can't buy oranges, we will be beaten to death."

Chi Chuan is quite experienced, it was like this when he was in City A, because they couldn't buy water, the survivors who surrounded him vented their inner anxiety and worry, as well as their dissatisfaction with the management system, on Chi Chuan and others.

  Otherwise, how did their car to City A get lost?

  It was because of the angry crowd they couldn't drive around, so they had to abandon the car to protect the people.

  Huami stood there without moving, with her hands in the pockets of her raincoat, she looked at Chi Chuan and smiled, then turned her head and motioned Chi Chuan to look over there.

  The fog in City B is also very heavy, and the visibility range does not exceed 10 meters. Due to the terrain, the concentration of water vapor in the air is slightly lower than that in Xiangcheng. So far, no one has experienced respiratory distress.

  But it will also be soon.

  Chi Chuan followed Huami's gesture and looked over, and there was a mountain of oranges lying in a depression in the clouds, full of piles.

  Compared with a small nanny car, it is much larger.

  His eyes widened in surprise, and he didn't realize it for a long time, "Sister Hua, when did you bring so many oranges into City B?"

"When you were attracting the enthusiasm of the survivors."

  Hua Mi smiled and pointed. In the corner of the ruins, respirators and mineral water as high as a hill, "Sell it, and attract all the survivors who went to Xiangcheng."

Materials, she likes the feeling of embracing everything and making money every day.


  Watching Chi Chuan start calling his friends to come over, Hua Mi called Chi Chuan,

  "Chuan Zi."

  Chi Chuan in front of him turned his head, and a bag flew towards him.

  He caught it reflexively, and heard Huami laughingly said:

  "There is a universal signal connector inside, you and your little friend each have one, and it will be convenient to communicate in the future."

  She has always been very generous to those who work for her. .

  When Chi Chuan took out a patch of Chibi Maruko from the bag, he raised his head in doubt to look at Huami again.

  She had already turned around, and her figure disappeared into the rain and fog.

  The wrecker team formed by Huo Jing's relatives had already arrived outside the city, but they were blocked at the entrance to City B.

  They can only drag a small garbage truck and move into the city bit by bit.

  Hua Mi has to rush to meet them.

  At this time, in Xiangcheng, Yu Guanglin, under the gunpoint of the garrison, summoned all the administrators of Xiangcheng, sharpened their heads, and finally found out the location of the material department of city B.

  Facts have proved that as long as everyone puts their heart into this job, the efficiency is still very high.

  After getting the position, Gong Yi took a small garrison team and prepared to leave the city.

  He divided the Xiangcheng garrison into three parts, and the largest part remained in Xiangcheng to maintain stability. About 1,000 garrisons entered the rescue team, and were responsible for rescue inside and outside the city.

  He only took 50 garrisons and went to City B.

  Both Cao Feng and Tang You rushed over. They both had injuries on their bodies, and the membrane on their faces began to peel, and it seemed that they were about to fall off.

  They don't know what the two of them will look like after falling off, but with this look, they definitely can't follow Gong Yi to carry out the mission.

  Cao Feng said anxiously, "Boss, the outside of the checkpoint is blocked now, how can you get out?"

  It is really too difficult. In Xiangcheng, it is impossible to go out without wearing a respirator. The thick water vapor caused a lot of people to have respiratory distress.

  Fortunately, Sister Hua has enough respirators in reserve.

  She has a whole respirator in the underground garage, water, tarpaulin, and Gong Yi assembled the gun in his hand, and put on a raincoat over his combat uniform,

  "Go to the dump."


 Tang You and Cao Feng looked at each other, can they go out from the garbage dump ?

  Not to mention people there, even ghosts will not go there.

  Gong Yi, who had already packed up, turned around, patted Tang You and Cao Feng's shoulders,

  "Okay, you two take care of Xiangcheng, and I'll go to B City to get supplies." and also bring that woman back.

  After finishing speaking, Gong Yi didn't hesitate, took a fully armed team, and drove the garrison armored vehicle all the way to the direction of the garbage dump.

  On the way there, Gong Yi received a call from the garrison headquarters.

  Once connected, the other end yelled,

  "You put the gun on Yu Guanglin's forehead?"

  "You also pried open the armory in Xiangcheng? You want my life, right? You dared to pry the arsenal without reporting it? What about the armored vehicle? You go out for a walk in 10 armored vehicles?"

  The voice was too loud, Gong Yi took the phone away, his eyes were still on the map, and refused to admit it.

  "Who made a small report on me? What? Xiangcheng's arsenal was stolen? It must be a thief shouting to catch the thief. Please stay safe at your headquarters and tell me who made the small report. I will find out and call you back, hello? Ah, the signal is not good."

  "Gong Yi, I'll kill you!"