Wu Shigao and Ge Chuling already had psychological shadows about these obstacles that blocked the survivors. After waiting for the garbage truck, Wu Shigao frowned, "How much supplies will be deducted when entering City B?"

  The survivors in front of them heard this, Turning around, she said to Wu Shigao,

  "I don't know about other cities, but there are barriers at the gates of Xiangcheng and City B. They don't ask for supplies and money to enter the city. What they check is criminal records."

"Criminal records?" Ge Chuling was a little new looked at the survivor.

  Seventh Uncle on the side explained,

  "Others are fine. Anyone with bad criminal record is not allowed to enter Xiangcheng City and City B."

"Where does the network signal come from Xiangcheng City and City B?"

Wu Shigao didn't understand again.

  Seventh Uncle raised the mobile phone universal signal connector in his hand,

  "This is all used."

  So this is black technology, which is not wrong at all. If you stick this universal signal connector on routers and wireless cats, it will access the Internet wirelessly.

  Ge Chuling couldn't help sighing,

  "If I knew it earlier, I would have bought a few more from Miss Hua."

  Seeing the wreckers waving at them at the edge of the city gate, Seventh Uncle and Eighth Uncle hurriedly told Yang Hong Lin said something and walked towards his wreckage team.

  Ge Chuling and Wu Shigao saw this and followed decisively.

  The couple has decided to hold Hua Mi's thighs tightly until they dies!

 Seeing the couple Ge Chuling and Wu Shigao coming over, the rest of the wrecking team had no objections, after all, there was too much garbage on the Xiangb Expressway.

  The debris removal team needs people to work, and it takes many, many people to work, in order to clear those mountains.

  Uncle Eight looked at Shi Nai, "Do your injury already healed ? Shouldn't you rest for a few more days?"

  "It's almost there. Miss Hua's medicine is very effective, and now I don't feel any pain at all."

  He shook his arms with a smile, not because he wanted to pretend to be okay, but because he really didn't feel any pain at all.

  There were several cars parked behind their wrecking team, all of which were filled with cash from the survivors that Chen Hu's tentacles had plundered.

  All of these were brought back to City B by the others, waiting for Hua Mi to collect them.

  The cash belonged to Hua Mi's spoils. Yang Honglin and others did not ask, nor did the others report it.

  After everyone in the debris removal team was ready, everyone began to discuss where to clean up the mud on the Xiang B Expressway first.

  A team of more than a dozen people couldn't actually do much work, but fortunately, Hua Mi had helped them clear the Xiang B Expressway before.

  They don't need to clean up the large pieces of mud. As a team, they only need to keep the road surface clean and free of gravel.

  Ge Chuling and Wu Shigao followed the debris removal team with their children, and a group of people arrived at the small gang stall in Chichuan.

  The group of friends all knew Seventh Uncle, Eighth Uncle, Shi Nai and others. Seeing the wreckers team came, they hurriedly took out the prepared materials, and distributed a sack to each of them.

  Even Ge Chuling and Wu Shigao have them.

  This sack of supplies contains an engineer shovel, half a sack of oranges, two apples and a grapefruit.

  And, a small self-heating hot pot, a box of Xiaobupleurum granules, a bottle of orange juice, a packet of potato chips (lime flavor), a packet of melon seeds (caramel flavor), a box of Qingxin Mingmu tea, a packet of cumin powder, a Pack laundry detergent, a bottle of mineral water, a medical kit, a portable water pump and a box of condoms.

  "With so much supplies, each person has one share?"

  Ge Chuling looked at the big sack in her hand in surprise. The sack was so bulging that it was as tall as her.

  "Yes, Sister Hua said, this is a benefit for you. The wrecker team was shocked this time, and she want to give us some benefits to comfort us."

  Because she wants to level up the black land, Huami must ensure that the wrecker team and the members of the engineering team to be in a good mood.

  So her welfare is also very generous.

  Chi Chuan's little friend looked proud,

  "Who is our sister Hua? She's very good . Either she doesn't pay welfare, or she will die if she doesn't pays." Looking at the expression on his face, it seems that the rich person is him, His face was full of glory, and the words "Hurry up and praise him" were written all over his face.

  Ge Chuling immediately cooperated and praised:

  "That's right, it's hard work to work with Sister Hua, right."

  "Hahahaha, that is, we have to work hard for Sister Hua, and it will be our benefit in the future."

  Chi Chuan's little friend was very happy and they feel particularly proud that they are on the right team and others recognize them.

  At this time, Hua Mi had been taken to the garrison camp in Xiangcheng.

  Because the garrison camp of Xiangcheng is stuck between A city and Xiangcheng, and is the closest to the weapon depot of A city, so Gong Yi can go to the arsenal of A city from the place where Hua Mi's accident happened, and he can use it in the Xiangcheng garrison camp. He bting Hua Mi in here.

  "Why did you brought me here? Are you really planning to torture me?"

  Hua Mi stood in the empty garrison camp, which was quite big, but there were not many garrison camps.

  Gong Yi got out of the car, pinched Hua Mi's shoulders, and turned her back.

  He stood behind her and pointed to the building opposite Hua Mi,

  "This is my dormitory, which contains the eight honors and eight shame and the discipline of the garrison. You have to memorized it by heart. I will come back to pick you up." After finishing speaking, Gong Yi really left Hua Mi here alone, and he took his people away.

  There were two guards stationed at the camp, walking over in uniform steps, with kind and enthusiastic faces. Picking up Hua Mi,

 "Sister Hua, don't be scared by the boss. We will take you to the boss's dormitory."

  Gong Yi really intends to make Hua Mi memorize the Eight Honors and Eight Disgraces and the rules and regulations of the garrison. After walking a certain distance, he specially sent a message to HuaMi.

[I will send you a box of bullets later. ]

  A box of bullets, Hua Mi immediately lifted her spirits, followed behind the garrison guarding the camp, and walked into Gong Yi's dormitory.

  After all, he is the boss of the garrison. Gong Yi has a separate small dormitory in the dormitory building of the garrison. There is nothing superfluous in it.

  This man doesn't wear anything other than a garrison uniform.

  After the two garrison guards left the camp, Hua Mi took a look around Gong Yi's dormitory.

  He didn't take a glance at the Eight Honors, Eight Disgraces and Rules and Regulations on the wall, but she found her photo frame on the neat desk.

  To be precise, it was the photo they gave in the newspaper when they interviewed her in their small town when she was admitted to college in her senior year of high school.

  The accompanying picture is also very funny [Inspirational girl, her parents died, she never give up, she won the title of XX University with the first grade in the small town]

It's a very old photo, where did Gong Yi get it?

  She looked at the picture frames. They were old and looked like they had been there for several years.

  So Gong Yi knew her a few years ago?