Hua Mi took a photo of the photo on Gong Yi's desk and sent it to Gong Yi.

  [Hua Mi: [Photo].jpg]

  [Hua Mi: Look what I found. The person in this photo looks familiar. ]

  [Gong Yi: Oh. ]

  It seemed like it was intentional. Yes, Gong Yi did it on purpose. He deliberately let Hua Mi go to his dormitory and see that photo.

  [Hua Mi: Are you going to say something? ]

  [Gong Yi: What can I say? That photo was cut out of a newspaper when I was doing my assignment. ]

  This is his dream girl, but he doesn't plan to tell Hua Mi.

  He could imagine how proud Hua Mi would be once he told this secret.

  But he didn't say it, Hua Mi had already guessed it.

  [Hua Mi: Boss, have you been secretly in love with me for many years? ]

  Gong Yi didn't reply to the message, and he didn't know how to reply.

  [Hua Mi: Hahaha, boss, you are immoral, you are taking advantage of others.]

  She always thought that she had prostituted a little duck, but little did she know that the little duck was sleeping with the girl of his dreams.

  So in total, she still suffered a little loss.

  No, it's not a loss, she bought one and got two free.

  [Gong Yi: Yes, I took advantage of others, but you made your own promise that night, saying that you fell in love with me at first sight and that you wanted to fall in love with me. ]

  Since he planned to tear this layer of window paper, Gong Yi simply made it clear.

  He didn't know what Hua Mi was thinking, maybe she drank too much that night, but he took it seriously, and he didn't expect that Hua Mi would forget him completely the next day.

  So he wanted to take responsibility, but she patted her on butt and acted like a normal person.

  What can he do?

 He can't act like a scoundrel and get entangled with other girls from now on, right?

  [Gong Yi: If you hadn't lied to me, I wouldn't have touched even a single finger of you. ]

  She made up some sweet words to make him lose his judgment, but he still believed her.

  [Hua Mi: You sound like a victim now. ]

  [Gong Yi: It's not that I was hurt. I'm very happy, but I'm annoyed at you. ]

  This is what Gong Yi has been most concerned about.

  She didn't know how to protect herself properly. Although it was the first time for both of them that night, she obviously got into trouble and got herself drunk.

  She was very sad, and she told him a lot about the scumbags.

  She had the attitude of going out to get drunk and risking her life at worst.

  However, Gong Yi was a noob when it comes to relationships before.

  He really doesn't understand anything and is very innocent in this regard.

  If he wasn't innocent, he probably wouldn't have regarded the paper man as the lover of his dreams and secretly had a crush on her for several years.

  So, afterwards, Gong Yi, an innocent young man, also thought about it, if Hua Mi hadn't met him that day, but had met any cat or dog, would Hua Mi have slept with them like what she did to him?

 As soon as he thought about this possibility, he felt that Hua Mi deserved the word "scumbag".

  The lover in the dream has this kind of character, and he is also very helpless.

  [Hua Mi: No, I am also very picky. Even after such a long time, I still remember that I picked the most handsome duck in the whole bar. ]

  [Gong Yi:? What did you say? Duck? ]

  [Hua Mi: Man, I made a typo, hehehe. ]

  [Hua Mi: So, you know, I am also very picky. If you're not handsome, I will not move. You have to have confidence in yourself. You are the most handsome man in the whole bar. ]

  Gong Yi in the armored car was charging his mobile phone and looking at Hua Mi's message on the mobile phone screen with raised eyebrows.

  The corners of his mouth curved slightly, he was comforted.

  [Hua Mi: So Gong Yi, why are you so innocent? A paper man, have you liked it for several years? It must have been four or five years ago.]

  Gong Yi no longer wanted to reply to Hua Mi's messages. As if she was completely unaware that she was the paper figure on his desk.

  Judging from the tone of her message, she was discussing the paper person he was interested in in a matter-of-fact manner.

  What's wrong with liking paper people? He was imprisoned in a garrison camp full of Vajra monks, and even a three-point magazine could not be brought in. It seemed extremely normal that he fell in love with a paper man.

  The armored vehicle was shaking. Gong Yi and the others were already on the Hunan A Expressway. After a while, the road was blocked. They had to abandon the vehicle and enter the garrison camp in City A on foot.

  This time he went to the garrison camp in City A to find out where the weapons were.

  While Hua Mi stayed in Gong Yi's dormitory, she soon felt bored.

  It is impossible to memorize the Eight Honors and Eight Disgraces and the clean rules and precepts, even in this life.

  The bored Hua Mi called Chi Chuan,

  "Chuanzi, you said we saw someone setting up roadblocks on the branch road of Xiang A Expressway and AB Expressway. Let's go up and beat them. How about taking advantage of others?"

Chi Chuan was transporting a cart of oranges from the supply warehouse in City B and was about to send them to City B. He was shocked when he heard this, " We have made enough now, why do we need to go out and eat black and white?"

  He now have two city that he can't supply enough supplies, so where can he find the time to go out and eat black and white?

  Unexpectedly, Hua Mi suddenly fell silent for a moment on the other end of the phone.

  Immediately, she clapped her thigh happily,

  "Okay, Chichuan, you have a good idea to eat black and white. I'll call Uncle Eighth and the others, and we will follow your suggestion and eat black and white!"

  Chichuan: "??? No! , I didn't say anything"

  "Don't talk nonsense, we'll just do as you say!"

  Hua Mi hung up Chi Chuan's phone fiercely.

  Look at Chen Hu's tentacles, that group of people only set up roadblocks for one day, and ended up earning a lot of money, several truckloads of cash and supplies.

  Absolutely make a profit.

  And there is no need to bear the shackles of morality to eat black.

  She is such a clever little ghost.

  Immediately, Hua Mi swaggered around and returned to the material warehouse in City B.

  Before leaving, she deliberately took pictures of the Eight Honors and Eight Disgraces on Gong Yi's wall, as well as the garrison rules and regulations. She planned to go back and find some time to make a cheat sheet to deal with Gong Yi when he inspected her.

  There is no way, Gong Yi's box of bullets is too tempting.

  Just like that, Hua Mi was thinking about how to make a cheat sheet. After walking around the supply warehouse in City B, she found that most of the oranges here were empty, so Hua Mi directly put away the oranges in her level 16 warehouse. Come out and fill up the supplies warehouse in City B again.

  He placed a small self-heating hot pot (dark mustard flavor) X100000 in the corner, clearing half of her level 16 storage.

  She was going to save some space and go to Xiang City and B City to buy some weapons.

  As a result, when she looked at her level 16 storage, there was actually AK47X1000000 in it.

  Hua Mi was stunned for a moment, where did she get so many AK47s?

  She took out an AK47, opened the magazine, looked at it, and immediately deleted the photos of the Eight Honors and Eight Shames and the Rules and Commandments from her phone.

  There are bullets in the AK47X1000000, why do she need that box of bullets?