Hua Mi does not support idlers.

  She won't raise Ge Chuling just because Ge Chuling is a precious mother.

  There is no such thing, this is the end of the world, such an extreme living environment determines that everyone must pay many times more labor than before in exchange for certain survival materials.

  After Wu Shigao and Ge Chuling's work was arranged, Hua Mi found a place where no one was around, and went back to the material warehouse in City B, ready to clean up the space.

  She heard the sound of gold coins falling again.

  Hua Mi felt very strange, why would gold coins drop every time she teleported?

 So she took out X100,000 copies of various fixed-production materials from her level 16 warehouse, and filled the corner of the material warehouse in City B with oranges.

  Immediately, she returned to the RV supermarket warehouse in Xiangcheng.

  Sure enough, Hua Mi heard the sound of gold coins falling again.

  This caravan supermarket warehouse is not very big, if it is a little crowded, the caravan supermarket warehouse will be full.

  Hua Mi looked at the stock in the caravan supermarket. All the condoms she had put there before had been sold out. This place is located in Xiangcheng, and condoms must be selling well.

  So Hua Mi deliberately put a large part of the condoms in the goods in the caravan walled warehouse.

  As if for verification, Hua Mi opened the control panel of [Doomsday Supermarket], and instantly returned to her home base of Lotus Shengxing Supermarket.

  The sound of gold coins falling was heard again, this time Hua Mi could see clearly.

  She learned that every time she teleported, there was always a faint sound of gold coins falling in her ears.

  It turns out that every time she teleports, she will consume a certain amount of turnover.

  In order to measure the teleportation fee, Hua Mi put all the oranges and mineral water in the 16th-level warehouse into the underground parking garage.

  She teleported again and returned to the material warehouse of City B.

 This time, Hua Mi saw clearly that every time she teleported, she would consume 1888 yuan.

  Yes, teleportation costs money.

  Just because of this money, compared to her current huge turnover, which will increase countless times every second, the amount of teleportation fee consumed is not eye-catching at all.

  Hua Mi had wondered before, what is the use of so much money for her.

  Now that she knows that teleportation requires money, then her teleportation fee is 1888, and the consumption is still not as fast as she makes money.

  The [Exchange Mall] interface popped up suddenly, just below the [Representation] interface.

  Huami opened the [Exchange Mall] and saw that there were only a few coupons in it, which were:

  [Xiangcheng. Lotus Shengxing Supermarket] 1888 yuan, [exchange immediately]

 [Xiangcheng. Ambulance Center] 1888 yuan, [exchange immediately]

 [City B. Material warehouse] 1888 yuan, [Exchange immediately]

 Huami ordered a ticket for [Xiangcheng. Lotus Shengxing Supermarket], and immediately exchanged for a ticket.

  It looks a bit like a high-speed rail ticket, with [Xiangcheng. Lotus Shengxing Supermarket] written on it in big characters.

  How is this used?

  Hua Mi turned the teleportation ticket over and saw how to use it written in small characters.

  Probably, as long as you tear up the teleportation ticket in your hand, you can teleport to the Lotus Shengxing Supermarket in Xiangcheng, teleporting one person at a time, if you want to teleport two people, you need two tickets.

  The teleportation ticket is anonymous, and whoever tears up the ticket will teleport it.

  This Huami doesn't know whether she is happy or unhappy, she can't treat her three teleportation points as a tourist destination, and let everyone come and go on her territory in an instant.

  Huami tore up the ticket, and she really returned to the Lotus Shengxing Supermarket in Xiangcheng. Just when she didn't know how this thing would generate value, a series of subtitles came up again: [Enable security scan.]

[Complete security Defense Project]

  [Defense Project: Establish Xiangcheng Watchtower]

  [Rating: Advanced Protection Project]

  [Obtain 9 square meters of black land, please choose a location for the black land. ]

  [Won the lucky draw X1]

  [Remaining lucky draw X13]

  She was thinking about how to use the teleportation ticket, and when she fell asleep, someone gave her a pillow, Huami was very happy.

  She has newly obtained 9 square meters of black land, and now she can plan how to use the 9 square meters of black land.

  Coincidentally, she has almost emptied the level 16 storage, Hua Mi is gearing up, since today is a good day, she will draw all 13 lucky draw opportunities in one go.

  [Get Orleans Roasted Chicken X1000000]

  [Get Milk Chocolate (16 sticks) Gift Box X1000000]

  [Get Hot Pot Base (Big Bone in Clear Soup) X1000000] [

  Get Deep-sea Cod Steak (10 Pieces) X1000000] [

  Get Cartoon Steamed Bun (10 pieces) pieces) X1000000]

  [get spittoon X1000000]

  [get bunny head rope X1000000]

[get kitchen knife X1000000]

[get PKMX1000000]

[get 84 disinfectant X1000000]

[get millet (5KG) X1000000]

  [get pork ribs (500G) X1000000]

  [ Obtain semi-finished pickled meat X1000000]

  After drawing all 13 lucky draw opportunities in one go, Huami was lucky enough to win the PKM machine gun.

  It's a machine gun!

  She was so happy, she immediately sent a message to Gong Yi,

 [Hua Mi: I met a happy event, I will sell you some tickets when you come back. ]

  [Gong Yi:? ]

  Gong Yi is on the boundary of City A, counting the corpses on the ground.

  He led a small team of Xiangcheng to garrison, and ambushed Chen Lu and his party. Chen Lu's party had no survivors, and they were all shot dead.

  "Commander, we have checked, and there is no one alive."

  A garrison held a pistol in both hands and handed it to Gong Yi, "These were found from them, and they were all guns that leaked out of the garrison's arsenal in City A. "

  So Chen Lu and his group are indeed related to the theft of the armory in City A.

  Gong Yi looked at the gun in his hand and cursed secretly, "Damn it, check the identities of this group of people."

  Soon, Chen Lu's ID card was turned over.

  A garrison hurriedly contacted the police in City B to check Chen Lu's household registration and criminal records.

  At present, only Yang Honglin has police in Xiangcheng and B City, and Yang Honglin happened to be in contact with the garrison.

  Yang Honglin also had a universal signal connector given by Huami, and he immediately gave Gong Yi feedback,

  "Surname Chen? Chen Lu? He is Chen Hu's third younger brother. Their Chen family is a local snake in City A. They have no criminal record before. Chen Lu's resume is very clean. Such a clean resume is either he is born a law-abiding citizen or it's just that the resume has been washed."

  Yang Honglin was leading his old police team, sweating and eating a small self-heating hot pot (dark mustard flavor).

  When the old policeman in their police force heard the name "Chen Lu", he laughed "chuck",

 "Chen Lu will never be a law-abiding and good citizen, last year at the XX bar in City B, the case of the QJ waitress, Isn't Chen Lu in it? Everyone knows that he was more or less involved, but no one has any evidence."

  After speaking, a group of old policemen who were eating self-heating hot pot (dark mustard flavor) nodded their heads with sweat .

  Because this happened in City B, many policemen remembered it!