No one knows how Chen Lu settled the matter in the end.

  But the impact of this incident was so great and bad, and Chen Lu's resume was so clean, everyone knew there was something wrong.

  Yang Honglin relayed the old policeman's words to Gong Yi.

  Gong Yi said "hmm", hung up Yang Honglin's phone, and called Hua Mi again, " Are you running away again? I told you to stay well, why can't you be idle?"

  After listening to Yang Honglin . In other words, Gong Yi is not worried about anything else, but worried about a certain monkey running around all day and being targeted by the Chen family.

  Hua Mi was walking towards the watchtower in Xiangcheng, she had a smile on her face,

  "If I stay idle, wouldn't you have more things to do on your side?"

  She joked all the way to the watchtower, then said to Gong Yi on the phone,

  "I have an idea, let's cooperate, give me a piece of land under the watchtower in Xiangcheng, and I can build whatever I want."

Build a teleportation point under the tower.

  Just like playing games, if there are survivors who fight monsters and people outside in the future, if they are tired and don't want to walk, they can tear up their tickets and go back to the city.

  And Huami can sell tickets.

  Didn't Hua Mi have newly acquired 9 square meters of black land? She can cut out 1 square meter and build this teleportation point outside the city.

  Then build some protection around it, and she can do a few more safety protection projects.

  Hua Mi has already thought about these things, the reason why she wants to cooperate with Gong Yi is because Hua Mi wants Gong Yi to send troops to protect this teleportation point.

  Of course, Hua Mi must not be able to explain such a grand and mysterious thing to Gong Yi now.

  Because she couldn't explain it herself.

  Hua Mi asked Gong Yi, "Where are you now? I'm here to find you," she couldn't explain ,so she planned to let Gong Yi feel the magic of teleportation, so that she could use Gong Yi's name to tell everyone , she has a teleportation point that can tear tickets and teleport back to the city.

  Gong Yi looked at the corpses all over the floor, "I'm still on my way to the armory in City A."

  In fact, there is no need to go, Chen Hu is holding the garrison firearms in his hands, which already shows that those weapons were stolen. In fact, it has something to do with the Chen family.

  This incident is most likely done by the Chen family.

  Gong Yi doesn't plan to go further into City A. He has fewer people with him now, and provoking the Chen family is a waste for himself.

  After weighing the pros and cons, Gong Yi planned to contact the remaining garrison in City A first.

  He can't give up the garrison of City A. If any garrison of City A is willing to go with him, he will bring them back to Xiangcheng.

  So Gong Yi reported a location to Hua Mi, then stopped at the same spot, and asked the accompanying transmitter to use the garrison channel to send a report to the garrison of City A.

  He told all the garrisons in City A that he was waiting for them in Xiangcheng, and if they lost their commander, he would be their commander.

  He will lead them to continue building the Great Wall of Human Flesh and consolidate the last line of defense for mankind.

  When this telegram was sent out, Gong Yi knew that it was likely to be seen by the Chen family.

  However, his reason for not going to City A, he believe this reason, also applies to the Chen family, and the Chen family will not be stupid and take people directly to Xiangcheng.

  Almost at the same time when Gong Yi's telegram was sent, Chen Hu received the content of Gong Yi's telegram.

  The dark villa was like a castle, lightning flashed across the roof, and Chen Hu's fat body stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass.

  Behind him stood the garrison captain.

  Since the commander of the garrison of city A "lived" in the Chen family villa, all news about the garrison will be sent to the Chen family villa.

  Chen Hu has a fleshy face, and the eyes on his crowded face are as small as mung beans.

  He turned his head and looked at the captain of the garrison team in City A, his face was piled up like a flower, "I heard that this man named Gong Yi is ambitious. He can drive Yu Guanglin from Xiangcheng out of the city and let you go to Xiangcheng City, certainly not well-intentioned."

  Liu Shengyuan, who came to send a message to the garrison commander of City A, stood up straight and did not speak.

  In fact, he didn't even think about it, why should the telegram in his hand be handed over to Chen Hu instead of their city A garrison commander?

  Is it true that as Gong Yi said in the telegram, their city A garrison has lost its commander?

  "You go back first and tell the garrison brothers to let them stay in City A well. We have no shortage of supplies for garrisoning in City A. My Chen family will support the garrison of City A even if we do our best." Chen Hu said very earnestly, as previously reported, is a very kind person.

  In fact, from the very beginning of the earthquake, the Chen family also donated money and materials to Xiangcheng, doing charitable deeds for a while.

  It was even reported that Chen Hu personally organized a convoy of wealthy people to go to Xiangcheng to provide disaster relief.

  At that time, all the news about the charitable deeds of Chen Hu and those wealthy people was overwhelming, which made the people in City A very complicated.

  To say that Chen Hu is a kind person and a conscientious entrepreneur is a statement given by outsiders. In fact, only the locals in City A know that the Chen family is a local snake-like existence in City A.

  Everyone in City A knows that the Chen family is not easy to mess with, but if you mess with the Chen family, you will either get a sum of money or die.

  To give the simplest example, let's say Chen Hu and Chen Lu.

  Chen Lu has harmed many girls in City A, to the point of panic. It is said that he is driving on the street, as long as he sees a good-looking girl on the side of the road, no matter who it is, how old she is, whether she is married or not, they will get in the car first.

  Of course, there are also innocent girls' families who refuse to accept this anger, and the end is that they will either get a huge amount of hush money, or the whole family will disappear.

  The kind that disappears without a trace.

  And these years, the Chen family has paved bridges and roads for City A, actively cooperated with the management's various management measures, and everything has been done seamlessly.

 So how do the people of City A evaluate the Chen family? Something can't afford to provoke and hide.

  After the earthquake spread to City A, everyone gradually realized that something was wrong. After the earthquake seemed to be endless, the supplies of the entire City A suddenly tightened.

  No one knew what was going on, and Liu Shengyuan only found out later that when the management of City A was almost buried, the material warehouse of City A suddenly appeared in the hands of the Chen family.

  Including their city A garrison commander, who also issued an order at the Chen family's home, all the city A garrisons are not allowed to enter the city to participate in the rescue, and they will do their best to protect the material warehouse of city A.

  There is no material circulating in the market, and food and drink seem to disappear overnight. The Chen family holds the material warehouse in City A. The former benevolent people did not give out a single grain of rice.

  In this case, the starvation that appeared in City A seems to be especially logical.