From beating Fang Huai until he screamed, to beating Fang Huai until he was dying, Hua Mi didn't take much time in total and didn't put any effort at all.

  Then, she carried Fang Huai, who was like a dead dog, and threw it directly at the feet of the oncoming garrison, "Don't let this person enter Xiangcheng in the future. He is a rotten gambler. Entering Xiangcheng will only increase your number of enemies. Work burden."

  Hua Mi said, looking up at the two wretched gamblers who were with Fang Huai,

  "It's the same with people like this, they will cause trouble if they are let in. We will do a good job of checking the gambling phenomenon in Xiangcheng in the future. There is nothing to do when they are full, and there is nothing to pursue in life except gambling."

  "Screen through all the people around Fang Huai, and throw out all those who can be thrown out."

The two guards immediately stood up straight and responded in unison.


  Sister Hua had spoken, and they naturally followed suit.

  The people around were still pointing, but their voices were a little softer, trying not to attract Hua Mi's attention.

  They were afraid of being targeted by Hua Mi.

  These people are indeed full. Anyway, they can fill their stomachs without doing anything now.

  Two meals a day, not only won't they starve to death, but also can feed them fat and healthy even when they don't do anything.

  Just as they accused Hua Mi of being unfilial and disobedient to her benefactor in low voices, Hua Mi left the scene and strode towards the caravan supermarket.

  After Hua Mi left, they shifted from blaming Hua Mi to blaming the garrison,

  "The garrison didn't know what was going on, but they actually listened to a woman."

  "I heard that the woman was the sweetheart of the commander. "

  "So what? It's not because of the Commander-in-Chief that she can show off her power. If she have the ability, the garrison will really listen to her and cut us two free meals a day." What he said was said in front of the garrison

  Those garrison guards were like boring gourds, keeping their mouths closed and not speaking.

  They silently followed Sister Hua's instructions and brought Fang Huai and two other wretched gamblers to Xiangcheng, and entered the identity information of the three people into the Xiangcheng surveillance system.

  As long as these three people enter Xiangcheng's surveillance system, the siren of "Entry Denied" will sound.

  As for the people at the Xiangcheng Rescue Center, they were really bored. Until it was time to line up for meals, they were still talking about Hua Mi, "I have never seen such an arrogant woman. What on earth does she do?"

  " Huh?"

  "Isn't it just because she is prettier? What's the point? Before the earthquake, aesthetic medicine was very advanced. Who knows if her face was caused by plastic surgery?"

"Don't even tell me, I really think her face is like that. It's too flirtatious, sly, like a vixen."

  After talking, everyone went to the place where they usually waited for the food distribution, and said, "I hope today's catering fruit will not be oranges anymore, I had enough , it would be great if it could be a cherries."

  "Hey, why are there no people serving food today? Are the garrison people eating shit?"

  Everyone was chatting about Hua Mi's gossip while waiting in line to get food.

  But the free meals that usually should have been distributed long ago were nowhere to be seen today.

  Probably late.

  At the same time, Hua Mi has contacted Huo Jing and his relative, the contractor.

  The contractor went to the RV supermarket in person.

  The scale of this RV supermarket is no longer as simple as one RV and two buses some time ago.

  Instead, it expanded several times.

  This has to be mentioned again, the current medical rescue system in Xiangcheng.

  Nowadays, the rescue in Xiangcheng is divided into two parts. Ordinary survivors are sent to the emergency area of ​​the rescue center.

  The garrison, police, wrecker team, engineering team, and transportation team were all sent to the RV hospital next to the RV supermarket.

  The scale of the RV hospital is far less than that of the emergency area. A few mobile carriages modified from buses constitute the RV hospital in Xiangcheng City.

  But it is precisely these few carriages that currently have a mortality rate of 0 in Xiangcheng City.

  All injured patients sent to the RV hospital will receive the most considerate medical care, and they are treated like VIPs by all survivors in Xiangcheng.

  Those who have the connections to enter the RV Supermarket must of course think about entering with a sharp head.

  The contractor of the engineering team was waiting for Hua Mi outside the caravan hospital. When he saw Hua Mi's first words, the contractor asked, "Miss Hua, do you really want those lamps? This, this quantity There are too many, we have never completed such a large project."

  Seeing that there are more and more survivors in Xiangcheng, more and more information exchanges follow.

  The lamps that the contractor was talking about were in the Lamp City in Xiangcheng.

  Although the earthquake crushed many lamps, most of them were well preserved.

  Some time ago, some lighting fixture owners who were familiar with the contractor approached him, hoping that he could find a way to exchange these lighting fixtures for money.

  The contractor didn't agree to them at that time, but now it's good that Miss Hua has to buy the light tubes again.

  Hua Mi responded, "Ask them to count how many light tubes and lamps they have in their hands. I want all of them. I'll collect all the supplies."

  The turnover in her [Doomsday Supermarket] can be withdrawn and used, which gave Hua Mi enough confidence.

  After buying , she was going to use it, so she made a deal with the contractor and asked him to start recruiting people, so that the streets and alleys of Xiangcheng, even if it was an ordinary house, were all paved.

  The workload of this project was quite large at first glance, so the contractor was a bit nervous and asked: "So, Miss Hua, what kind of treatment will be given to the migrant workers who do the work?"

  "Three meals and two snacks a day, 10,000 yuan a month."

  Hua Mi responded without hesitation. The salary was similar to that before the earthquake. Working on the construction site cost more than 10,000 yuan a month.

  And this kind of treatment, now, shocked the contractor, "Such a good treatment, Miss Hua, do we have so many supplies?"

  Why did he hear people say everywhere on his way that Hua Mi, didn't provide a single meal of the free food that was supposed to be provided today?

  Many people are guessing that maybe the supplies in Xiangcheng are about to run out, so everyone is in panic, rumors are spreading all over the place, and they don't know who to believe.

  For Hua Mi, it is right for people to be panicked. At this time, they have to be prepared for danger. When is the time, there is still time to pay attention to those parents and gossip.

  Hurry up and fight for survival.

  "Don't worry about supplies. You should hurry up and recruit people to do the work. Light up Xiangcheng. I guess it will take many years until the sun comes out." Hua Mi looked up and looked at the gray sky.

It should be the day, but because the clouds are too thick, it looks like it will never be bright.